What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

Mate... you order your mdma from sites? whaa there must be dire situations in the states haha, UK is place for drugs it seems.. spesh Wales :p

No dire situation in my states... I can get pokeballs by the "boat" fulls here. I just prefer molly... I'll match my molly with anybody elses on this board, and bet my shit will overpower theres!
A simple regent test might give some plausible answers as to what other fillers and impurities are present! What's a good started dose for mdai? How much do you usually consume for a good time?
i started at 200mgs after the initial taste test.the information i gathered suggested that as a normal dosage.havnt pushed it.its rather lame on its own.kinda gets u waiting around to kick in.like a cock tease.
preach that shit ndangered the power is in the purity. to mess with anything not pure is to not experience the full potential of the trip. like Bill Cosby once said "the prood is in the pudding" haha
i started at 200mgs after the initial taste test.the information i gathered suggested that as a normal dosage.havnt pushed it.its rather lame on its own.kinda gets u waiting around to kick in.like a cock tease.

If you have a tolerance to mdma alone, then mdai by itself is rather dull like you said! It's a potentiator of other things and should be used as such. Some people report some very fine effects with mdai... so purity might play a big contributing factor!
nice thread...i miss mdma! i cant do it anymore due to the rugrats but god damn do i miss high school and collage!! i remember blowing up on the pink cupids alot, i loved them cause all the meth made you feel like fucking superman on a kryptonite overdose! i ran 72 circles around my buddys pool one night while scratching my back to the point where it looked like a slanted checkerboard the next morning..but to answer your question, i have a fucked up back so now my medicine cabinet is full of 30mg oxycontin, 80mg oxycontin which i only take if i have to, and usually its up my nose...i also have neurontin, soma and 10mg methadone
Woo weee! Not tryna preach but be careful. Those opiates can kick you in your nuts if you let it get outta control.

nice thread...i miss mdma! i cant do it anymore due to the rugrats but god damn do i miss high school and collage!! i remember blowing up on the pink cupids alot, i loved them cause all the meth made you feel like fucking superman on a kryptonite overdose! i ran 72 circles around my buddys pool one night while scratching my back to the point where it looked like a slanted checkerboard the next morning..but to answer your question, i have a fucked up back so now my medicine cabinet is full of 30mg oxycontin, 80mg oxycontin which i only take if i have to, and usually its up my nose...i also have neurontin, soma and 10mg methadone
yeah bro, thanks for looking out...im carefull, i got kids now so i really only take what need to...3 roxi's a day (30mg oxy) 1200mg of neurontin a day, for the fucked up nerves in my legs, i stop taking my oxy for 3 days every 2 weeks so i dont build a tolerance and thats when i take the methadone so i dont withdrawl and soma's to sleep...20mg of dones a day and 2 somas at night to sleep and i take my 80mg oxy on the weekends when were throwing down

Woo weee! Not tryna preach but be careful. Those opiates can kick you in your nuts if you let it get outta control.
ive been to enough funerals and heard about enough old friends to let it beat me...i know that sounds crazy cause i do take alot, but trust me i could take alot more...and even with what i take im still in some pain throughout the day...lol im sure youve heard that before, all these fucking junkies these days are like "oh man, i take it cause i broke my finger 15 years ago, i need it for the pain!!!" i broke my back around christmas time last year at work 4 herniated disc's, flattening of thecal sac (nerve sack basically) whatever dude its a long story..picture that it hurts more to sit down and take a shit then hover, nevermind being constipated haha, and put a blow torch on your legs...thats my day..but i got a wife and kids so ive learned to take what meds i need and put my mind over matter bro, its all good