What's More Important to You, the Truth or Being Comfortable With a Lie?


Well-Known Member
This is a question I've been asking religious people recently. I'm sure you guys will pick up the not so subtle undertones, but I'm wondering, what is more important to you, knowing what is the truth, even if it might be terrible, or believing something is the truth, just because it might make you feel good?



Well-Known Member
whatever floats your boat.

So by that I'm guessing you mean "whatever makes you feel good". If that's the case, I'd like to bring up an analogy - drugs.

Drugs make people feel good, really really good, but is the temporary comfort they might be feeling in the short term more important or more fulfilling than remaining sober for the long term?

Is the comfort believers feel worth the price nonbelievers pay? Is it fair for society to force this burden upon nonbelievers?


Well-Known Member
I am not so much of a religious person, so I would have to go with the truth...
I'd rather live a life of truthful sorrow, then to live a life fueled by empty promises...



Well-Known Member
Is the comfort believers feel worth the price nonbelievers pay? Is it fair for society to force this burden upon nonbelievers?
what is this price that non-believers pay? do you feel left out of the big world because you can't join their little clique? are they infringing on your rights by believing in fairy tales? humanity divides itself into many little groups, each with their own beliefs and practices. religion, politics, morality and world outlook all divide us and create opposing societies. not everyone is going to believe the same thing. accepted fact, proposed theory and belief systems are all different for different cultures. we may war over our differences from time to time, but such violence is in our nature and alleviating one cause isn't going to end the frictions or desires that are at the root of our conflicts. there will always be an excuse for one group to prey upon another.

there is no extra burden on non-believers because we are all non-believers. there will always be someone with a different set of beliefs to oppose us, someone who believes that they are somehow superior because they have an answer that others fail to see. the idea that humanity might come together if the divisions of religion were abandoned is ludicrous. there will only be another excuse for conflict to take its place. it is a part of our nature, a part of the nature of all things. without conflict there is only complacency and stagnation.


Active Member
The thing is, no one positively knows the truth. But most people just accept what they grow up with, others search for truth no matter where it takes them.


Well-Known Member
i made a thread about opinions never changing. i would rather have truth. but pad, would your opinion change if someone came up to you and started talkin about stuff in your past that no one else would know about?


Well-Known Member
i made a thread about opinions never changing. i would rather have truth. but pad, would your opinion change if someone came up to you and started talkin about stuff in your past that no one else would know about?
I know I wouldn't...he/she is more than likely some past stalker...


Well-Known Member
Dude, this was one of the most depressing pessimistic posts I've ever seen you make. How old are you if you don't mind me asking? That might answer a lot.

what is this price that non-believers pay?
We're forced to live under a system that was shaped by ancient traditions. The thing that bothers me the most is how much actual influence religion has over the population. To tell you the truth, it doesn't bother me much that certain state constitutions actually say atheists can't hold public office, or that the money in my pocket right now says "In God We Trust" on it. It's the things people vote for, the way they vote, and the way they think on a day to day basis. You start talking about root causes later in this post, start there.

Nonbelievers pay a price for believers to believe in a fairy tale because they're too afraid to face death head on every day. For any of us to actually ask for the same thing would be the ultimate selfish act. "I want to feel comfortable with my existence so you have to feel uncomfortable with yours".

do you feel left out of the big world because you can't join their little clique?
No. I think you've misunderstood my position. I'm not interested in "joining their clique". I am interested in what is true, and how people formulate their thoughts and opinions based on what is true, and what is best for the population. Things like poverty, hunger, illiteracy... this shit is unacceptable to me. As unacceptable as 43% of the American population believing the world is less than 6,000 years old and people stood side by side with dinosaurs. Believing this stuff isn't beneficial for anyone, no matter how much they think it is. Data and scientific facts back that up.

are they infringing on your rights by believing in fairy tales?
Yes. A persons faith is a major influence on the way they cast their vote.

humanity divides itself into many little groups, each with their own beliefs and practices.
Doesn't justify it.

religion, politics, morality and world outlook all divide us and create opposing societies. not everyone is going to believe the same thing. accepted fact, proposed theory and belief systems are all different for different cultures. we may war over our differences from time to time, but such violence is in our nature and alleviating one cause isn't going to end the frictions or desires that are at the root of our conflicts. there will always be an excuse for one group to prey upon another.
What do you believe is the "root cause" of these differences?

the idea that humanity might come together if the divisions of religion were abandoned is ludicrous. there will only be another excuse for conflict to take its place. it is a part of our nature, a part of the nature of all things.
It's a step. A step is progress. Progress is the goal.

"it is a part of our nature, a part of the nature of all things" - I don't care. It doesn't matter. Why does this matter to you? We are above this at this point, we can escape "our nature" if we want to. Why must we be constricted to "our nature" if we deem something to be immoral or wrong, why must we stick with it, simply because it's "our nature"?

I used to look at life in this exact same way. Little things on occasion remind me some rules were meant to be bent and others broken.

There are no constrictions to life.

without conflict there is only complacency and stagnation.
That's bullshit.

i made a thread about opinions never changing. i would rather have truth. but pad, would your opinion change if someone came up to you and started talkin about stuff in your past that no one else would know about?
I'm not sure what you mean, sorry man. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Of course, as should be with everyone, we should all find a collectively-known "truth" to be more important.

But in a somewhat awkward approach i think people that are comfortable with lies. Blissful ignorance. To be more important. Not that it is more sacred and should be protected or anything but exactly the opposite. It's more important because it has more of a negative effect than positive. And therefore needs more preventable attention..

Truth's and Lies are also a matter of perspective aswell..


Active Member
What a great question! I quest for truth! Always the truth in everything. I say truth over emotion. That is why I have trouble with religion.


Well-Known Member
i was drunk, i dont remember exactly what it was. it had something to do with talking heads in the sky though. it wasn't a serious thought just something for sng's
Most people who claim to seek the truth really only want confirmation of those things which they already believe. Truth would require that they abandon their "comfort zones" and do something concrete - to make real changes in their lives.


Well-Known Member
Is there even such a difference between the "truth" and a "lie"??? If you believe, then that belief is your reality.


Well-Known Member
Most people who claim to seek the truth really only want confirmation of those things which they already believe. Truth would require that they abandon their "comfort zones" and do something concrete - to make real changes in their lives.
Is there even such a difference between the "truth" and a "lie"??? If you believe, then that belief is your reality.
i like these 2.

i would rather know the truth, even if it meant we were harvested and used to generate power as we were unwittingly forced to live in a virtual reality that is as F'ED UP as reality reality!!!!

but the truth can be what you make it.


bla bla bla
thats the biggest load of BULL iv read on the internet in awhile (truth)
i take it your happy with your lies

"the idea that humanity might come together if the divisions of religion were abandoned is ludicrous. there will only be another excuse for conflict to take its place."
(WHAT THE FUCK i think your on crack not weed)

Im a CATHOLIC irishman
i dont go to church
i dont read the bible
i dont pray.....

put me in a room with a t-shirt on that says CATHOLIC
then put another guy in the room with a t-shirt that says PRODESTANT

Whats going to happen? FIGHT why? RELIGION



Well-Known Member
Guys, how can what is true be subjective?

I don't understand this. A persons belief about what is true makes no difference at all. Truth is not subjective, it is objective, and not up for interpretation.

I might believe tomorrow is actually Friday, but that doesn't make it Friday, not even to me. This is not what truth is. Now we are dealing with my interpretation of what truth is, not the actual truth.

Similarly, I might believe my religion is the truth, but that doesn't mean it is.


because no one can make a clear choice without it

sorry for the rant that post just pissed me off.