Whats quickest way to make hash ..?

whats the easiest and quickest way to make hash outta spare weed..?

  • Butane blasting method

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Kief tumbler

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Bubble Bags

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Morrocan bag and stick method

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • other ..see below

    Votes: 7 43.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think volstok went to grass city permanently lol.
But seriously am i the only one ready to throwup if i hear rosin tech one more time? These mutual masterbateors need a rosin tech thread. This is the fastest way to make hash thread. From a browsing standpoint it looks like you guys are just jacking each other off right now. Weve already come to grips that making rosin with a hair straightener is slower than steam off of shit, and not one of the rosin strokers has showed their tshirt press grinding out a lb of this crap. Go make your own thread so people will suck you guys off instead instead of you guys having to do each other. One thing im sure of is that the rosin must be potent cause the dudes smoking it are all posting the info on it on the wrong thread ;)
Hmmm you think...i bet none of them are afiliated with them.
for real though....does RIU moderate this shit and keep people who are marketing their mouse traps separate, or at least do they make them ID themselves. My pre major was advertizing in college So i understand without it...RIU could not exist, BUT, i too...sensed persuasiveness and not necisarily kindness. Rosinheck was clearly an impossibility in this scenerio. BUT, A lot of those people are super smart and value their input. I dont need to be led a certain direction.
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these rosin haters are bho heads that spent a lot of money on equipment. Even though bho has been on a major decline in $$ this past year. Rosin tech just royally fucked them. Soon they will be selling their equipment for scrap..

what these haters dont understand is with any concentrate its about the terpenes. Bho doesn't have or the terps and cannabinoids have been scrambled by their petroleum based gas. Depending on method. Dewaxing and winterizing both remove terpenes.

now with rosin you can produce a high quality non solvent concentrate, budder, shatter, or whipped depend on technique. But with loads of terps and rosin testing around 80% THC

with concentrates you want the cleanest most effective and flavorful product. Bho falls very short of that and that's why these people are hating so tough on rosin. Also it only takes $60-$300 to be able to male proper rosin. its 6 times that for just a vac oven...

if you want to see large amounts. Go to the rosin tech group on facebook. I've been doing small amounts of rosin. Its just been for personal use. I'm running pretty low on everything. I'm a month away from my next harvest. I got behind. I'm not making anything for anyone else til after Easter.

anyone that says rosin isn't pure. They're idiots and / or haters. Its hell of alot cleaner than bho.
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these rosin haters are bho heads that spent a lot of money on equipment. Even though bho has been on a major decline in $$ this past year. Rosin tech just royally fucked them. Soon they will be selling their equipment for scrap..

what these haters dont understand is with any concentrate its about the terpenes. Bho doesn't have or the terps and cannabinoids have been scrambled by their petroleum based gas. Depending on method. Dewaxing and winterizing both remove terpenes.

now with rosin you can produce a high quality non solvent concentrate, budder, shatter, or whipped depend on technique. But with loads of terps and rosin testing around 80% THC

with concentrates you want the cleanest most effective and flavorful product. Bho falls very short of that and that's why these people are hating so tough on rosin. Also it only takes $60-$300 to be able to male proper rosin. its 6 times that for just a vac oven...

if you want to see large amounts. Go to the rosin tech group on facebook. I've been doing small amounts of rosin. Its just been for personal use. I'm running pretty low on everything. I'm a month away from my next harvest. I got behind. I'm not making anything for anyone else til after Easter.

anyone that says rosin isn't pure. They're idiots and / or haters. Its hell of alot cleaner than bho.
Who would smoke BHO instead of Rosin if given a choice?
hyroot your puttin rosin pretty high up on the pedestal.

i think we should all agree that they are all each to their own.

people are gonna have preferences no matter what, so maybe rosins all the rage atm and thats great, its something new and fun why not right?

different people enjoy bho or dry sift/bubble rosin, flowers for different reasons, or they like it all, or whatever

its all good and its what brings us together, so can we stop with the rosin vs bho puke?

cas they are both good for different reasons, to say/argue definitivly that ones better than the other is retarded

on a side note i really am starting to embrace the solventless idea, have been watching alot of bubblemans stuff, for some reason i enjoy the vibe of his videos
for me its about the patient. I deal with patients that have Cancer, epilepsy, MS, Tumor, autism, ALS, nerve damage. Some of them bho would be detrimental to.their immune system. Rosin is a far better alternative. I also make coconut oil infusions, ice wax, pressed hash, and dry sift. No way in hell would I ever give bho to some one that is sick. The left over weed from rosin is great for coconut oils. The bubble left over in the 25, 160, 190 can be made into to full melt rosin too. Upping the return from bubble bags to 30% +. Also because of my patients and my choice. I refuse to use bottled nutes. in my garden. All living soil only. The chems in the flowers are harmful to everyone. Chem nutes are just as bad as Chem pesticides. Flushing only rids a plant of salts. Not chemicals. The human body can't break down most of those chemicals. There's no such thing as a bottled organic nutrient. All the companies lie.
Curious as to what would be detrimental to their immune system.
Not even gonna mention the nute thing

Anyway like greenman was saying all concentrates and even types like shatter or wax have their place, everyone has a different favorite. My concentrates wouldnt win the big dick swinging contests of thc numbers. But i prefer my concentrates to have ~30% terps and ~50-60% thc
Curious as to what would be detrimental to their immune system.
Not even gonna mention the nute thing

Anyway like greenman was saying all concentrates and even types like shatter or wax have their place, everyone has a different favorite. My concentrates wouldnt win the big dick swinging contests of thc numbers. But i prefer my concentrates to have ~30% terps and ~50-60% thc

benzene, propane propellants, hydrocarbon propellants, propane, cyclopropane dimethylmethane, freon, propylhydride, trimethylene, methylpropane, and petroleum are in butane. Even you distill the butane and purge for 5 days and remove 95% of the chemicals. You still have 5% of chemicals that are extremely harmful.. Look at all the people who have already developed lung conditions and brain issues caused by smoking bho.
for me its about the patient. I deal with patients that have Cancer, epilepsy, MS, Tumor, autism, ALS, nerve damage. Some of them bho would be detrimental to.their immune system. Rosin is a far better alternative. I also make coconut oil infusions, ice wax, pressed hash, and dry sift. No way in hell would I ever give bho to some one that is sick. The left over weed from rosin is great for coconut oils. The bubble left over in the 25, 160, 190 can be made into to full melt rosin too. Upping the return from bubble bags to 30% +. Also because of my patients and my choice. I refuse to use bottled nutes. in my garden. All living soil only. The chems in the flowers are harmful to everyone. Chem nutes are just as bad as Chem pesticides. Flushing only rids a plant of salts. Not chemicals. The human body can't break down most of those chemicals. There's no such thing as a bottled organic nutrient. All the companies lie.
thats great i can totally appreciate certain terminally sick needing the cleanest meds, and everything your saying i completely understand and agree with almost everything your saying

but theres also the fact that bho has its place amoungst people who choose to use it, sick or not

and so too does solventless/rosin have its place in peoples hearts sick or not

the majority of people, sick or not have their own preference, and if they stick strictly to it or not is completely up to them

i also believe the majority of normal people understand this, and choose not to shit on other peoples preferences, or start arguements about what is better yielding, tasting better high, cleaner to no end

becauseits all one big happy family, and if everyone only smoked one form of cannabis, wouldn't the world be a bit boring?

so yes rosin is great, i prefer good sift then bho after that but thats just me, and your you and i respect that, everyones needs, tastes are different

so please, give it a rest dude cas your banging that drum way too loud

or are you gonna start arguing with the wall now as well?

can you cite any articles or information on actual people affected in the brain as well as the lung and were not just talking a collpased lung

i did a search on the web and there were absolutly no articles, no info other than random questions debating this same very arguement....genuinely interested

the amount of impurities of the highest standard of bho is less worrysome than having worrying about the contents of your tap water when drinking it(fluouride,mercury,lead,asbestos...)....seriously... you must know how high the bar is set by professionals in the med buissiness in washington state...

benzene, propane propellants, hydrocarbon propellants, propane, cyclopropane dimethylmethane, freon, propylhydride, trimethylene, methylpropane, and petroleum are in butane. Even you distill the butane and purge for 5 days and remove 95% of the chemicals. You still have 5% of chemicals that are extremely harmful.. Look at all the people who have already developed lung conditions and brain issues caused by smoking bho.[/QUOTE\]
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theres hundreds upon hundreds of articles and studies. peopel coming forward. You must not have done a google search at all. I'm not arguing with anyone. Other people talk shit. I use experience , science and fact to defend my stance. Up above dude was talking so much shit on rosin. Even though he never tried it. I called him a hater because he males bho. I'm not telling people what to do . I'm just educating. Then they get offended. I also explain to the half assers what they need to do it properly. They get offended. People can smoke bho all they want its still harmful and will cause all kinds of problems down the road. People smoke cigarettes, do meth, coca, heroin, opium, huff on spray paint, and drink excessively. The whole world knows how bad it's is.. The addicts are the only ones that get upset or offended when you explain how bad those drugs are. So bho heads are similar to addicts in that retrospect.
for me its about the patient. I deal with patients that have Cancer, epilepsy, MS, Tumor, autism, ALS, nerve damage. Some of them bho would be detrimental to.their immune system. Rosin is a far better alternative. I also make coconut oil infusions, ice wax, pressed hash, and dry sift. No way in hell would I ever give bho to some one that is sick. The left over weed from rosin is great for coconut oils. The bubble left over in the 25, 160, 190 can be made into to full melt rosin too. Upping the return from bubble bags to 30% +. Also because of my patients and my choice. I refuse to use bottled nutes. in my garden. All living soil only. The chems in the flowers are harmful to everyone. Chem nutes are just as bad as Chem pesticides. Flushing only rids a plant of salts. Not chemicals. The human body can't break down most of those chemicals. There's no such thing as a bottled organic nutrient. All the companies lie.
You are so right about the bottled nutrients. I stopped using bottled nutrients and my plants are so much healthier than they ever were using chemicals. The smell and smoke they have now is so much better, I only water with R/O water and brew teas mid/end flower to increase bud size.
BHO makes people sick. If you have facts to prove otherwise please enlighten us all. Is a diet full of processed food good for you? No you will get sick eventually. How do you think they make cooking oil? All kinds of foods we eat are made with hydrocarbon extractions, and the animals we eat are fed the leftover product after it has been purged. I'm not sure all of these things are healthy, we are forced into this petrol chemical loop, I say avoid the chemicals when you can. People developing lung and brain issues because of BHO is pretty sad. Is the high worth it? Did BHO put crack dealers out of business? lol
theres hundreds upon hundreds of articles and studies. peopel coming forward. You must not have done a google search at all. I'm not arguing with anyone. Other people talk shit. I use experience , science and fact to defend my stance. Up above dude was talking so much shit on rosin. Even though he never tried it. I called him a hater because he males bho. I'm not telling people what to do . I'm just educating. Then they get offended. I also explain to the half assers what they need to do it properly. They get offended. People can smoke bho all they want its still harmful and will cause all kinds of problems down the road. People smoke cigarettes, do meth, coca, heroin, opium, huff on spray paint, and drink excessively. The whole world knows how bad it's is.. The addicts are the only ones that get upset or offended when you explain how bad those drugs are. So bho heads are similar to addicts in that retrospect.
link me an article, swear on my grandpas tit i searched google lol

https://www.google.ca/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=7y0eVaTtIoeN8Qea0oHABA&gws_rd=ssl#q=bho lung issues

nothing but bullshit threads on forums...tried yahoo too..

dude, smoking flowers is bad for you as well, but people like it and choose to use it, are they addicts as well?

because smoking oil leeched outta a pile of plant resin is super healthy and harmless as long as theres no butane right?:roll:

jesus christ man give it a break we get it.....

should i hoop 500 grams of pure thc up my arsehole everyday to be up to your standard? lmao

ive sid my piece id ignore you for being such a wiener but despite you being a wiener about bho you are still a smart dude full of good info that contributes much to this site...and i appreciate that , as a logical, open minded person...lol


have fun pushing this thread to another 20 pages of complete bullshit and arguing...fackin joke this place is sometimes very little positive stuff ever goes on around here anymore
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