Whats quickest way to make hash ..?

whats the easiest and quickest way to make hash outta spare weed..?

  • Butane blasting method

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Kief tumbler

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Bubble Bags

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Morrocan bag and stick method

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • other ..see below

    Votes: 7 43.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
link me an article, swear on my grandpas tit i searched google lol

https://www.google.ca/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=7y0eVaTtIoeN8Qea0oHABA&gws_rd=ssl#q=bho lung issues

nothing but bullshit threads on forums...tried yahoo too..

dude, smoking flowers is bad for you as well, but people like it and choose to use it, are they addicts as well?

because smoking oil leeched outta a pile of plant resin is super healthy too right?

jesus christ man give it a break we get it.....

should i hoop 500 grams of pure thc up my arsehole everyday to be up to your standard? lmao

ive sid my piece id ignore you for being such a wiener but despite you being a wiener about bho our still a smart dude full of good info that contributes much to this site...and i appreciate that , as a logical, open minded person...lol

People get brain aneurysms and lesions from BHO. You comparing Rosin to something made with a hydrocarbon is, to put it nicely, silly.
People get brain aneurysms and lesions from BHO. You comparing Rosin to something made with a hydrocarbon is profoundly ignorant.
im merely asking the question: is smoking oil, extracted from a big pile of resin healthy? fuck no
neither is smoking bud

smoking anything is harmful to your lungs which makes this arguement hilarious, obv butane comes with a little risk but as hyroot said, people gonna do what they do

im just trying to put things in perspective, but go ahead and twist my words

you dont even realise im tyring to bring peace in here but all i get is a bunch of more bho hate....

and once again where is the proof of this other than rumors? seriously bud link me some info first...cas i heard rosin gives you aids....straight uppppp
So is whatever you mentioned detrimental to your immune system?
That was what threw me.

I didnt ask for a list of what is present in smaller quantities than the average person in a 1st world country already has in them. You get more benzene in ya everytime you fill your car up with gas..
This here argument though is just dumb. Acrolein has the same permissible exposure limit as benzene and can be found every time you smoke one of those sifted or rosin melted trichomes.
I see no science or fact defending anything you mentioned
Comparing chem pesticides and chem nutes? That doesnt even make sense just because its a chemical doesnt mean its bad either. Besides the fact that our plant makes pesticides commonly used. But thats not the point, you clearly dont have a good understanding of how the plant works
Oh ok.. so your one of those people that flushes their weed? Its all making sense
you better hoop that rosin up your arse if you wana stay healthy

im out of this thread for good, see ya round boys hope you get the pine cones outta your ass, and replace it with some rosin cas yall need to get high
im merely asking the question: is smoking oil, extracted from a big pile of resin healthy? fuck no
neither is smoking bud

smoking anything is harmful to your lungs which makes this arguement hilarious, obv butane comes with a little risk but as hyroot said, people gonna do what they do

im just trying to put things in perspective, but go ahead and twist my words

you dont even realise im tyring to bring peace in here but all i get is a bunch of more bho hate....

and once again where is the proof of this other than rumors? seriously bud link me some info first...cas i heard rosin gives you aids....straight uppppp
Lol word. Ya so smoking weed is actually good for you in many ways. The apoptosis effect of the endocannabinoids actually create preventative homeostasis that helps power you immune system and keep you from getting disease.
Lol word. Ya so smoking weed is actually good for you in many ways. The apoptosis effect of the endocannabinoids actually create preventative homeostasis that helps power you immune system and keep you from getting disease.
so please please tell me how that effect is because of the plant matter alone in weed and not anything located within the wax membrane of a glandular trich head.....

do u see what im getting at here...

everything medicinal (including endocannabinoids as well as terpenes) is found within the wax membrane....not the plant matter itself....which is why un dissolved concetrates are truly the best representation of the medicine...no argument there...

so your point is moot, nice try tho you get a C+ for effort...still waiting on the hundreds of articles and studies done on bho lung issues...cas they aint showin up here:

https://www.google.ca/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=7y0eVaTtIoeN8Qea0oHABA&gws_rd=ssl#q=bho lung issues

or here

https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A0LEVrytGh5VmJAAt3InnIlQ;_ylc=X1MDMTM1MTE5NTY4NwRfcgMyBGZyAwRncHJpZAM2ckZaZFBQaVFINmlqc1d0anIwYnRBBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwMzBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDBHFzdHJsAzE1BHF1ZXJ5A2JobyBsdW5nIGlzc3VlcwR0X3N0bXADMTQyODA0MzUwNA--?p=bho lung issues&fr2=sb-top-search&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002

forum bickering and rumors dont count as scientific evidence

smoking flowers releases carcinogens everyone knows that shit.

your just arguing for arguments sake now...
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ignorance is bliss

prove it makes people sick, you make a claim as such you have to do the proving not the accused....
I don't really have to prove it. If you are not aware enough to know what is going on around you me showing you a picture of someones lungs before and after smoking BHO is useless.
so please please tell me how that effect is because of the plant matter alone in weed and not anything located within the wax membrane of a glandular trich head.....

do u see what im getting at here...

everything medicinal (including endocannabinoids as well as terpenes) is found within the wax membrane....not the plant matter itself....which is why un dissolved concetrates are truly the best representation of the medicine...no argument there...

so your point is moot, nice try tho you get a C+ for effort

smoking flowers releases carcinogens everyone knows that shit...so please realise everyone knows smoking anything is bad

your just arguing for arguments sake now...
Lol ya I like to argue. But really it has been found that the carcinogenic effect of plant material is completely minute and minuscule compared to the amount of apoptosis effect from the benefit to endocannabinoid system.
The fact is I don't hate on BHO. I realize it has it's place. I just think the place is not for smoking. Anything vaporized into your lungs in concentrated levels better be extremely pure.
ooooh snap its in my quote im trademarking that shit

rosin enema anyone?

if i hear rosin one more time tonight im gonna go slap a clydestale horse on the dick till i get my
head kicked in lmao

ima smoke a big fat dirty joint, then hit a one gram dab of bho, and anally seposit some rosin and ill be calmed down
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ooooh snap its in my quote im trademarking that shit

rosin enema anyone?

if i hear rosin one more time tonight im gonna go slap a clydestale horse on the dick till i get my
head kicked in lmao

ima smoke a big fat dirty joint, then hit a one gram dab of bho, and anally seposit some rosin and ill be calmed down
I say anally deposit the bho and smoke the dab of rosin lol
I worded that wrong. Not detrimental to immune systems. But detrimental to people with compromised immune systems. I've posted articles several times over the past year in several threads. People make b.s. Excuses why their not true. End your google search with
edu or news or article or educational study or research study. There's some google 101 for ya.

shits been all over the news too since those grow ops in co were shut down last week and quarantined for using pesticides not labeled and designated for food consumption.
I worded that wrong. Not detrimental to immune systems. But detrimental to people with compromised immune systems. I've posted articles several times over the past year in several threads. People make b.s. Excuses why their not true. End your google search with
edu or news or article or educational study or research study. There's some google 101 for ya.

shits been all over the news too since those grow ops in co were shut down last week and quarantined for using pesticides not labeled and designated for food consumption.
Same links show up, same type of stuff, try it for yourself If you don't believe me search bho lung issues edu, bho lung issues news...nothing
try butane hash oil health effects .edu or ending with news or university study or oxford journals. I found several studies and news articles.

its all about how you word it.

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This isn't an article or a peer reviewed study but check out @cannabisari on IG.

Here's a picture she posted of the difference of her lungs 1 year after quitting smoking BHO and switching to IWE and flowers.


"This is for all my new followers I have obtained over the last year. This just to inform people who are unaware that there are other options for dabbing then bho...there is ice water hash, dry sift and #RosinTech whitch u can do at home in seconds! This post is not to bash anyone so please don't leave any nasty ignorent comments! I just smoke for medical reasons that's why I'm a prop.215 patients and I would never intentionally hurt my lungs..i want to be able to smoke the rest of my life ThisThe top is a CT of my lungs a year ago when my Dr found nodules in my lungs and my eosinopillia levels werre verry high. For 3 months I only smoked flower and ate edibles the nodules started shrinking and my eosinopillia levels regulated. I love dabbing who doesnt The bottom image is a CT of my lungs yesterday morning after a year of smoking flower, ice water hash and eatting edibles. You can see the size of the nodules have shrunk a tremendous amount and are almost nonexistent. I never want to see anyone have to go threw the horribel scarry time I did and would just love to be able to help people make safer choices for there bodies is you have any questions feel free to DM me. There are soooooooooo many pics on snapchat for people who are interested in seeing more. Again this is just informative I could care less if you like bho more I just personally have good reasons not to...eosinopillia is part of ur white blood cell that shows u are allergic to something but it would in know way create nodules anyone with any medical background would know that!"
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