Whats Ron Pauls Jobs Plan

What is he going to do to stop Corporations from moving overseas?
Whats Ron Pauls job plan?

1.) Bring troops home
2.) Put half the money that would've been spent on war towards the debt
3.) Put the other half towards the rebuilding/improvement of infrastructure.
4.) Troops coming home means more spending which ultimately equals more jobs.
5.) Repeal the multitude of laws that tax and encroach on companies such as they keep capital overseas
6.) Repeal most of the free trade agreements and replace with mild tariffs.
7.) Restore sound and gold backed money which improves buyer confidence.
8.) Get rid off the Federal Departments and use the money saved half towards the deficit and half towards energy independence.

IF our country shifted focus on rebuilding infrastructure and our energy efficiency and independence we would have more than enough jobs to fill which would be BUILDING up our country.
what obama found out was that the people were not ready to be forced into giving up their freedoms, that they weren't yet jaded enough to see an intrusive, overbearing central government as the only alternative to a world of general indifference. that paul's agenda is not one of force is what sticks in the craw of both parties and statists throughout the country. force is government's only tool and limiting that force is what individual liberty is all about. when pared down to its most basic elements, it is a struggle between the individual and those who believe the individual is of minimal importance to the welfare of society.
I stlll have my freedoms....hell of alot more then I had prior to 1964 ....what freedom did Obama take from you ???
It is precisely his ideas as to why he is so popular. His idea of individualism is something that our society needs, like a sick patient needs medicine.
It all depends on what your idea of "we all could get along" is. Will there never be violence or war? No, but it does allow for the individual to train, equip and prepare to defend himself, his family and his property.
So, if it is a given that man shall never live in peace, instead of supporting a globalist view where the many are lorded over by the few, why not letting people enjoy the freedom that is naturally ours?
I would say Ron is only popular to a certain group...he still falls behind Perry and Romney...and is just as popular as Bachmann and her group of nutzzz
General Electric Co. (GE)’s health-care unit, the world’s biggest maker of medical-imaging machines, is moving the headquarters of its 115-year-old X-ray business to Beijing to tap growth in China

GE’s increasing focus on the Chinese market will heighten competition for local suppliers, such as Shenzhen-based Mindray Medical International Ltd. (MR), according to Johnson Sun, a health-care analyst at Guotai Junan Securities HK Ltd. in Hong Kong.

How does more and more federal regulation and government oversight on the economy create an environment in which jobs can flourish? The more you regulate and control the more you drive jobs overseas where meeting the requirements of government regulations is much less costly. Thats How, simple shit Too.
I stlll have my freedoms....hell of alot more then I had prior to 1964 ....what freedom did Obama take from you ???

An FBI agent can write his own search warrant to enter your home, obama said he would not continue the patriot act which allows this, and he signed for it to continue, he lied, End of Story.
1.) Bring troops home <----Good and bad
2.) Put half the money that would've been spent on war towards the debt <----is war more expensive than peacetime military and by how much
3.) Put the other half towards the rebuilding/improvement of infrastructure. <----Good Sounds like what Obama is trying to do
4.) Troops coming home means more spending which ultimately equals more jobs. <-----Troops coming home means nothing as they are either still troops or unemployed looking for work
5.) Repeal the multitude of laws that tax and encroach on companies such as they keep capital overseas<--------Capital goes overseas for Markets and profits. taxes get passed on to consumers. And I like clean air and water laws
6.) Repeal most of the free trade agreements and replace with mild tariffs. <----tariffs alwasy beget tariffs. We put tarrifs on goods so will other countrys No gain there
7.) Restore sound and gold backed money which improves buyer confidence. <-------So if we back the dollar with gold wouldnt the cost of gold get inflated? There is no infinite supply of gold
8.) Get rid off the Federal Departments and use the money saved half towards the deficit and half towards energy independence. <------Which Federal departments? Like I said I like my clen air and water

IF our country shifted focus on rebuilding infrastructure and our energy efficiency and independence we would have more than enough jobs to fill which would be BUILDING up our country.

There ya go
How does more and more federal regulation and government oversight on the economy create an environment in which jobs can flourish? The more you regulate and control the more you drive jobs overseas where meeting the requirements of government regulations is much less costly. Thats How, simple shit Too.

Not enforcing regulations is what led to the Economic Collapse we witnessed during Bush
You are an unwitting pawn of corporations
I would say Ron is only popular to a certain group...he still falls behind Perry and Romney...and is just as popular as Bachmann and her group of nutzzz

I would say you spend all your time lumping people into groups and dismissing ideas with labels, how about tell us why your gonna vote for obama? or maybe you show go bah at his alter like good little sheople
Not enforcing regulations is what led to the Economic Collapse we witnessed during Bush
You are an unwitting pawn of corporations

No imbalancing an overzealous federal network of regulations for the benefit of a few specific cronies created the economic colapse, the "bail-out" caused the crash to be much more severe than it would otherwise have been, I point to the crash of 1921which was quickly resolved, however the crash leading into the great depression was worsened by federal intervention
No imbalancing an overzealous federal network of regulations for the benefit of a few specific cronies created the economic colapse, the "bail-out" caused the crash to be much more severe than it would otherwise have been, I point to the crash of 1921which was quickly resolved, however the crash leading into the great depression was worsened by federal intervention

What Federal Intervention?
Please elaborate
An FBI agent can write his own search warrant to enter your home, obama said he would not continue the patriot act which allows this, and he signed for it to continue, he lied, End of Story.

You need to read up more on how J Edgar Hoover ran the FBI...Hell Nixon used the FBI to dig up shit on his political enemies....Poor Martin Lurther King had the FBI doing shit to him that now people want to say is so wrong...so in short this has been going on way before Obama, but funny how everyone wants to now complain and bitch and moan...I for one have been against this type of shit way before the patriot act..my question is what took you so long ???
1.) Bring troops home <----Good and bad (obviously)
2.) Put half the money that would've been spent on war towards the debt <----is war more expensive than peacetime military and by how much (very much so, the constant deployment requires extensive amounts of transportation, broken down into Fuel, maintenance, food for soldiers)
3.) Put the other half towards the rebuilding/improvement of infrastructure. <----Good Sounds like what Obama is trying to do (Obama is trying to build infrastructure with more loans which are unecessary)
4.) Troops coming home means more spending which ultimately equals more jobs. <-----Troops coming home means nothing as they are either still troops or unemployed looking for work (The population of troops currently overseas have a modest amount of personal wealth built up which upon returning home will boost our economy as these soldiers may now afford a house for their family, return to college, start a business, etc...)
5.) Repeal the multitude of laws that tax and encroach on companies such as they keep capital overseas<--------Capital goes overseas for Markets and profits. taxes get passed on to consumers. And I like clean air and water laws (states can monitor their own manufacture and agriculture with a smaller more efficient beauractatic entity making the cost of production cheaper, while also allowing for the local voice to be heard in discussions like where to put the next biomass plant, cause the EPA thinks burning wood for electricity is a green alternative energy, Adage tried to put one of these plants in my hometown, paid off some officials, we ran them out the whole time they wehere telling us their wood powered steam plant was harnessing a renewable resource which made it environmentally sound)
6.) Repeal most of the free trade agreements and replace with mild tariffs. <----tariffs alwasy beget tariffs. We put tarrifs on goods so will other countrys No gain there(right now the price of sugar in the super market is spiked by tariffs to financially force the use of corn syrup in manufactured foods, that is why coke cola switched to using cornsyrup and most cookies dont have normal healthier sugar)
7.) Restore sound and gold backed money which improves buyer confidence. <-------So if we back the dollar with gold wouldnt the cost of gold get inflated? There is no infinite supply of gold(there is no infinite supply of wealth the more we create money out of thin air the less our money is worth, The buying power of the average american family has actually gone down over the last forty years significantly, technology has increase but mostly in the efficiency that all our little trinkets can be made, your paycheck is significantly less than your grandfather's)
8.) Get rid off the Federal Departments and use the money saved half towards the deficit and half towards energy independence. <------Which Federal departments? Like I said I like my clen air and water

IF our country shifted focus on rebuilding infrastructure and our energy efficiency and independence we would have more than enough jobs to fill which would be BUILDING up our country.
Any Local Cop can write up his own warrant just by makign shit up

And it has nothing to do with the Patriot act

no a local cop cannot, a local is legally required to request the signature of a judge before he may be granted a search warrant which is written for a specific thing, ie drug trafficking or manufacture, or stolen goods, etc...
1.) Bring troops home <----Good and bad
2.) Put half the money that would've been spent on war towards the debt <----is war more expensive than peacetime military and by how much
IS that a serious question? I couldn't bother tallying up every single missile and bullet fired, or every single gallon of gas and diesel burned, or the cost of sending huge equipment all over the middle east, how much each peice of equipment made specifically for this UNCONSTITUTIONAL war costs. I can assure you it's much cheaper when those missiles,bullets, equipment is sitting in a bay somewhere on our land.

YOU know you can't claim this was is not unconstitutional and you ignore that fact every time you question the idea of coming home; since when is allowing the constitution to be broke justifiable? Since when is allowing us to rule other people justifiable?

3.) Put the other half towards the rebuilding/improvement of infrastructure. <----Good Sounds like what Obama is trying to do
4.) Troops coming home means more spending which ultimately equals more jobs. <-----Troops coming home means nothing as they are either still troops or unemployed looking for work
Obama isn't trying to reduce deficit? He's trying to rebuild by adding onto the debt, a FAR cry from Ron Paul's plan.

Troops coming home means tons of people with skill sets than can be honed towards rebuilding infrastructure, hey being as you like big government you can even have the Federal government still paying these troops only paying them to rebuild bridges, improve electrical grids, develop more efficiency methods to collect natural energy.

Which would you prefer? Our citizens shooting other people in other countries OR our citizens building and creating in OUR country?

Same cost, guess which one actually accomplishes something?

5.) Repeal the multitude of laws that tax and encroach on companies such as they keep capital overseas<--------Capital goes overseas for Markets and profits. taxes get passed on to consumers. And I like clean air and water laws
6.) Repeal most of the free trade agreements and replace with mild tariffs. <----tariffs alwasy beget tariffs. We put tarrifs on goods so will other countrys No gain there
You make no argument by stating capital goes over seas for markets and profits, get more specific.

Yes, our tariffs will result in their tariffs, and guess what? That would make the idea of putting manufacturing jobs back in America a more feasible option for the companies. Companies are only out to make money, if they can't make a substantial amount of money more having jobs overseas versus having them here they are going to put American to work as that would also decrease shipping costs.

7.) Restore sound and gold backed money which improves buyer confidence. <-------So if we back the dollar with gold wouldnt the cost of gold get inflated? There is no infinite supply of gold
If dne all of the sudden, sure. But the transition would take years . And you stated the perfect point, there is no infinite supply of gold. Which means OUR government can't print an infinite supply of money which is exactly what it is doing now and that is a major factor in the problems we are having today.

Are you against the government having to face reality and control it's spending and forcing them to take action to save what little value of the dollar is left.

8.) Get rid off the Federal Departments and use the money saved half towards the deficit and half towards energy independence. <------Which Federal departments? Like I said I like my clen air and water
DoEn, DoEd, DoD, FEMA, EPA, etc etc. Eventually the IRS and the CIA would be in the crosshairs.

We all like our clean air, you act like the EPA does everything and every single company is only trying to pollute our world, if you understood that companies have PR and when people are customers and don't like a company polluting their local environment they take it to local government, I doubt Ron Paul supports free rule when it comes to how environmentally unconscious a company is only that a bureaucratic agency like the EPA is inefficient and mostly causes more problems than good.

1.) Bring troops home <----Good and bad (obviously)
2.) Put half the money that would've been spent on war towards the debt <----is war more expensive than peacetime military and by how much (very much so, the constant deployment requires extensive amounts of transportation, broken down into Fuel, maintenance, food for soldiers)
3.) Put the other half towards the rebuilding/improvement of infrastructure. <----Good Sounds like what Obama is trying to do (Obama is trying to build infrastructure with more loans which are unecessary)
4.) Troops coming home means more spending which ultimately equals more jobs. <-----Troops coming home means nothing as they are either still troops or unemployed looking for work (The population of troops currently overseas have a modest amount of personal wealth built up which upon returning home will boost our economy as these soldiers may now afford a house for their family, return to college, start a business, etc...)
5.) Repeal the multitude of laws that tax and encroach on companies such as they keep capital overseas<--------Capital goes overseas for Markets and profits. taxes get passed on to consumers. And I like clean air and water laws (states can monitor their own manufacture and agriculture with a smaller more efficient beauractatic entity making the cost of production cheaper, while also allowing for the local voice to be heard in discussions like where to put the next biomass plant, cause the EPA thinks burning wood for electricity is a green alternative energy, Adage tried to put one of these plants in my hometown, paid off some officials, we ran them out the whole time they wehere telling us their wood powered steam plant was harnessing a renewable resource which made it environmentally sound)
6.) Repeal most of the free trade agreements and replace with mild tariffs. <----tariffs alwasy beget tariffs. We put tarrifs on goods so will other countrys No gain there(right now the price of sugar in the super market is spiked by tariffs to financially force the use of corn syrup in manufactured foods, that is why coke cola switched to using cornsyrup and most cookies dont have normal healthier sugar)
7.) Restore sound and gold backed money which improves buyer confidence. <-------So if we back the dollar with gold wouldnt the cost of gold get inflated? There is no infinite supply of gold(there is no infinite supply of wealth the more we create money out of thin air the less our money is worth, The buying power of the average american family has actually gone down over the last forty years significantly, technology has increase but mostly in the efficiency that all our little trinkets can be made, your paycheck is significantly less than your grandfather's)
8.) Get rid off the Federal Departments and use the money saved half towards the deficit and half towards energy independence. <------Which Federal departments? Like I said I like my clen air and water

IF our country shifted focus on rebuilding infrastructure and our energy efficiency and independence we would have more than enough jobs to fill which would be BUILDING up our country.

Another view point on these ideas and I agree with them. Just hard to read between the red. haha
You need to read up more on how J Edgar Hoover ran the FBI...Hell Nixon used the FBI to dig up shit on his political enemies....Poor Martin Lurther King had the FBI doing shit to him that now people want to say is so wrong...so in short this has been going on way before Obama, but funny how everyone wants to now complain and bitch and moan...I for one have been against this type of shit way before the patriot act..my question is what took you so long ???

In those cases the FBI agents involved where committing crimes to which certain entities within the government turned their heads in order to maintain the status quo, or federal power, it is the patriot act that makes these acts legal, except that these acts infringe upon your constitutional rights, which is why in order to maintain the patriot act every case that has been taken to the supreme court was dropped by the federal government prior to it reaching the supreme court, because it is the supreme court alone who can repeal the patriot act as unconstitutional in one fell swoop
I would say you spend all your time lumping people into groups and dismissing ideas with labels, how about tell us why your gonna vote for obama? or maybe you show go bah at his alter like good little sheople

damn how many times must I do this...I guess as many time as it takes

1. Increase funding for violence against women ( something my wife is involved in )

2. established a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to look out for the interests of everyday Americans

3.Implemented reform law prohibiting banks from engaging in proprietary trading (trading the bank's own money to turn a profit )

4. Cut prescription drug cost for medicare recipients by 50% ( wifes a nurse and see's first hand how people that can afford medicine hurts us all)

5. Provided $12.2 Billion in new funding for Individuals With Disabilities Education Act ( my mother is a special needs Educator..she loves this )

6. Created more private sector jobs in 2010 than during entire Bush years ( this slips by most )

7. Signed the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, giving the FDA the authority to regulate the manufacturing, marketing, and sale of tobacco for the first time ( to me this is personal due to a lost in my family..smoking cigarettes is just plain stupi with all the shit they add in it)

8. Signed New START Treaty - nuclear arms reduction pact with Russia

9. Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act ( again this affects wifey ...and I love wifey)

10. Provided travel expenses to families of fallen soldiers to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB ( you would think this would have been done already )

I have more reason if you need....and far as the sheeple thing ..I have many faults with Obama ...something I find that Ron Paul groupies can't do with their hero Ron...everyman has faults even Ron Paul
In those cases the FBI agents involved where committing crimes to which certain entities within the government turned their heads in order to maintain the status quo, or federal power, it is the patriot act that makes these acts legal, except that these acts infringe upon your constitutional rights, which is why in order to maintain the patriot act every case that has been taken to the supreme court was dropped by the federal government prior to it reaching the supreme court, because it is the supreme court alone who can repeal the patriot act as unconstitutional in one fell swoop
like I said these things are nothing new to me whether it is the law now or what....again seems like now that it hurts you and your kind its a problem...welcome to the club
There are four main circumstances in which a warrant is not required for police to search your house:
1. Consent. If the person who is in control of the property consents to the search without being coerced or tricked into doing so, a search without a warrant is valid. Note that police do not have to tell you that you have the right to refuse a search, but you do. Also, note that if you have a roommate, he or she can consent to a search of the common areas of your dwelling (kitchen, living room), but not to your private areas (bedroom, for instance). On the other hand, the Supreme Court recently ruled that one spouse cannot consent to the search of a house on behalf of the other.

2. Plain View. If a police officer already has the right to be on your property and sees contraband or evidence of a crime that is clearly visible, that object may be lawfully seized and used as evidence. For example, if the police are in your house on a domestic violence call and see marijuana plants on the windowsill, the plants can be seized as evidence.

3. Search Incident to Arrest. If you are being arrested in your house, police officers may search for weapons or other accomplices to protect their safety (known as a "protective sweep"), or they may otherwise search to prevent the destruction of evidence.

4. Exigent Circumstances. This exception refers to emergency situations where the process of getting a valid search warrant could compromise public safety or could lead to a loss of evidence. This encompasses instances of "hot pursuit" in which a suspect is about to escape. A recent California Supreme Court decision ruled that police may enter a DUI suspect's home without a warrant on the basis of the theory that important evidence, namely the suspect's blood alcohol level, may be lost otherwise.
So what should you do if the police show up at your house "just wanting to look around?" It's not in your best interest to deny them access because there may be extenuating circumstances that you don't know about; you certainly don't want to risk physical injury or being charged with interfering with a police investigation when you didn't have anything to hide in the first place.
However, do make it clear that you are not consenting to the search. Ask the officers for identification and an explanation as to why they are there and what they're looking for. Also, write down details of the search as soon as possible, in case you need them later.
What Federal Intervention?
Please elaborate
Another explanation comes from the Austrian School of economics. Theorists of the "Austrian School" who wrote about the Depression include Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek and American economist Murray Rothbard, who wrote America's Great Depression (1963). In their view and like the monetarists, the Federal Reserve, which was created in 1913, shoulders much of the blame; but in opposition to the monetarists, they argue that the key cause of the Depression was the expansion of the money supply in the 1920s that led to an unsustainable credit-driven boom. In the Austrian view it was this inflation of the money supply that led to an unsustainable boom in both asset prices (stocks and bonds) and capital goods. By the time the Fed belatedly tightened in 1928, it was far too late and, in the Austrian view, a significant economic contraction was inevitable. According to the Austrians, the artificial interference in the economy was a disaster prior to the Depression, and government efforts to prop up the economy after the crash of 1929 only made things worse. According to Rothbard, government intervention delayed the market's adjustment and made the road to complete recovery more difficult.[30]