Whats Ron Pauls Jobs Plan

ron paul cannot stop the DEA...

the DEA has the power by law to enforce drug regulations. congress gave up the power to legislate on the legality of drugs to the executive branch of the government, the DEA and FDA.

i went through a loooong debate about this a long time ago...

you can't just legislate marijuana into legality. first it doesn't have any support in either house of congress, second of all the power to do that was taken away from the legislative branch of government and passed to the Executive.

as a matter of law you need to repeal the drug prohibition law first. which would disband the DEA and strip the FDA of a whole lot of regulatory power...

if you think ron paul can just legalize weed, the guys that wrote the law purposefully made it almost an impossibility for the law to be repealed or for it's regulations to be superseded by legislative action.....

Ron Paul can pressure the senate to either dissolve or limit the powers of the DEA so that it cannot waste our time and money on an endless drug war which has been entirely unsuccesful
what judicial proceedings? terrorism is not a crime with which you are charged, it is a label placed on you for allegedly comiting a crime with and alleged intent, that means the goverment can access your bank account and credit cards to monitor your finances in order to decide whether you are a terrorist or not. what makes you think that growing marijuna, a crime in the eyes of federal government and one that may indicate ties to organized crime and therefore terrorism, guess that might be a little to much actual thought for you to work out on your own, especially since you seem so comfortable with being told how to think about things


11 activists charged with domestic terrorism^^^

it's not just a label, it's a crime!

growing weed, however, is not terrorism. it is manufacture of a controlled substance.

find me one case of an american being charged with domestic terrorism for growing weed, and i will apologize and send you an ounce. simple as that.

what do you do for a living by the way? unemployment? professional mailbox checker?
i am tired of this hyperbolic bs
that how we go about doing something can be as important as what we do should be self-evident. it isn't theory, it's a path and the one you propose leads to increasingly less freedom. y'all keep on coming up with reasons to bypass the rights of the individual through force, but these schemes have always ended in disaster. i can understand the rationale behind these efforts. there is nearly unimaginable suffering in this world and there is hardly a soul who doesn't want to see its end, but solving our problems at the point of a gun has historically led to tyranny and an entirely new set of problems. i know, i know, you see no gun, but what do you think enforces the mandates of the state? it is the threat of violence and incarceration that gives the state its power and this is the means by which you would change the world.

maybe you see no point in freedom if it means that some will be allowed to suffer. i see that point and you are welcome to sacrifice all you wish to end the pain, but you are not allowed to make that decision for the rest of us. you could march out every bureaucrat, surrounded by the armies of the world, and confiscate every last bit of wealth from everyone on the planet. you could then divide it all between every last man woman and child and the very next day someone else would starve. within a week, a month, a year there would still be war and poverty, pain and suffering. soon we'd be back to exactly what we see today, we'd only have wasted a bit more time and created the sort of precedent that would allow for a future of endless tyrannies and further struggles of peoples searching for the freedoms they have lost.

a nation does not become great merely by working together, but by choosing to work together. it may become powerful through force and it may become wealthy through force, but it is the choice that makes it great. you can accuse me of exaggerating the perils of relinquishing our hard won freedoms all you like, but history is on my side. the past is filled with societies forced to labor for a single purpose and some have even achieved great things, but each time they have ended in a population enslaved to the whims of the few. they have stagnated and died because their leaders lacked the vision to see their own flaws and the people were not allowed the freedom to alter their path toward destruction. i know all this means nothing to you. the average statist dupe has never endured real tyranny, so he embraces its precursors as a means to comfort. sure, the comfort is nice and a few lives may even be saved as a show of good faith, but the novelty fades as the chains multiply.
once again judicial proceedings dont decide how the patriot act is enacted, judicial proceedings are reserved for the actual prosecution for a crime, and being a "lone wolf terrorist" is not a specific crime meaning that it is only a label used to describe a certain type of person which is loosely defined as any civilian who may pose a threat to the institution.

Martin Luther King Jr would be considered a possible terrorist and in fact was considered an actual terrorist, the difference is back then they had to assasinate MLK JR, these days they just have to arrest you.
Martin Lurther King was thought a terrorist by the FBI and J Edgard Hoover and they did have him arrested constantly
seriously though you guys have to be what? 15 years old? no one in this world is that much of a loser that all they do all day long is run smear blogging campaigns, its just not reasonable, but then some people dedicate their lives to world of warcraft, so i guess if you want to waste your life thats up to you, but it doesnt make you look cool or whatever it is you are trying to be...

here is a little tip

Be whos yous is and not whos yous not for them whos is whos theys is is the happiest lot---thats off some saturday morning cartoon i saw when i was a wee lad, sorry if you dont recognize it, it was a long time before barney and teletubys
Martin Lurther King was thought a terrorist by the FBI and J Edgard Hoover and they did have him arrested constantly

and then they had him killed because they didnt have broadly sweeping powers like the ones provided by the patriot act.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USA_PATRIOT_Act#cite_note-Section507-120 One of the most controversial aspects of the USA PATRIOT Act is in title V, and relates to National Security Letters (NSLs). An NSL is a form of administrative subpoena used by the FBI, and reportedly by other U.S. government agencies including the CIA and the Department of Defense (DoD). It is a demand letter issued to a particular entity or organization to turn over various records and data pertaining to individuals. They require no probable cause or judicial oversight and also contain a gag order, preventing the recipient of the letter from disclosing that the letter was ever issued. Title V allowed the use of NSLs to be made by a Special Agent in charge of a Bureau field office, where previously only the Director or the Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI were able to certify such requests.[122] This provision of the Act was challenged by the ACLU on behalf of an unknown party against the U.S. government on the grounds that NSLs violate the First and Fourth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution because there is no way to legally oppose an NSL subpoena in court, and that it was unconstitutional to not allow a client to inform their Attorney as to the order because of the gag provision of the letters. The court's judgement found in favour of the ACLU's case, and they declared the law unconstitutional.[123] Later, the USA PATRIOT Act was reauthorized and amendments were made to specify a process of judicial review of NSLs and to allow the recipient of an NSL to disclose receipt of the letter to an attorney or others necessary to comply with or challenge the order.[124] However, in 2007 the U.S. District Court struck down even the reauthorized NSLs because the gag power was unconstitutional as courts could still not engage in meaningful judicial review of these gags.
chances are you don't make enough... so your healthcare would be free

chances are i dont want welfair style medical service because I want to see the doctor I want and trust to provide the medical treatment tat he and i decide that I need and will receive,
for all the life experience you claim to have, you dont show much worldliness, yeah your 15 with nothing better to do
again I must have hit on something truthful.... do tell what you do for a living..you don't have to reveal where and who with but in general..I think you said something awhile back about this
again I must have hit on something truthful.... do tell what you do for a living..you don't have to reveal where and who with but in general..I think you said something awhile back about this

Im a displaced Special Inspector, worked on federal highways, hospitals, runway 16L in Sea-Tac, Waste-Water-conveyeance and reclamation center, just to give you an idea of the breadth of my work, and now I am pursuing a second bachelor's degree towards teaching at the middle to high school level. Unless I can get a 4.0 this semester in which case I may pursue either Physical Therapy or Medical School.

Im 30 years old single male and yes bored as hell cause I live in a college town full of either 18-20 year olds or 40+ year olds so I troll the internet when im not bogged down with work or studies.
In other words I am striving to have the greatest positive affect on my environment, and my community, cause yeah I volunteer too
Oh and peace out bitches cause I gots to take a shower and then run 5k cause if I dont pound some pavement my back spasms will return and then Ill be to grumpy to play nice
Im a displaced Special Inspector, worked on federal highways, hospitals, runway 16L in Sea-Tac, Waste-Water-conveyeance and reclamation center, just to give you an idea of the breadth of my work, and now I am pursuing a second bachelor's degree towards teaching at the middle to high school level. Unless I can get a 4.0 this semester in which case I may pursue either Physical Therapy or Medical School.

Im 30 years old single male and yes bored as hell cause I live in a college town full of either 18-20 year olds or 40+ year olds so I troll the internet when im not bogged down with work or studies.
yup now I remember got laid off or something and was being called back for less money..so now you are in school...which means...your health care will be free;-)
Not enforcing regulations is what led to the Economic Collapse we witnessed during Bush
You are an unwitting pawn of corporations
Lets nip this fallacy in the bud right now. The reason we had this economic collapse is government manipulation plain and simple.
What kind of moron thinks its a good idea to make a mortgage loan to someone who has a small down payment and a bad history of paying? We don't need regulations to tell banks to stop making horseshit loans. In no way whatsoever does the free market make these loans.
it says obama signed for the patriot to act to continue for four more years, this is after he said he would not do that.

Give me the exact quote where he said he would kill it. As I remember it he said he would look into it. You forget he let other parts of the Patriot act expire