whats the best way to

germ seeds? i am pretty much the worst at it. i throw a few in a shot glass and wait till they sink then throw them between two wet paper towls. from there nothing happenes. or if by slight chance something does happen and a root pops i throw it in rockwool and they do nothing.


bud bootlegger
how long are you leaving them in a shot glass full of water? sounds like you maybe leaving them in there for too long and possibly drowning the seeds and killing them outright..
if you want to soak your beans, that's fine, but only leave them in a shot glass for around 12 hours or so, than do the rest of what you have been doing as that all sounds fine to me..


Well-Known Member
i just use the paper towel method, in a bag on top of something warm..like a cable box.


Well-Known Member
just do it the natural way. i use a seedling starter mix and just put the seed in about 1/2 inch and wet soil. most of my seeds break ground within 3-4 days and ive had almost 100% germ rate have only 1 or 2 not germ this way but i believe the seeds weren't viable to start with.
put your 0papertowels with the germed seeds in a ziplock and put that on top of your tv box or stove, seeds like to be warm when they are germinating