What's the frostiest strain you've grown? Pics welcome.

... no you have no ground. Where you got this idea from is beyond me.

Besides different parents were selected and its a fuckin plant c

ok..... when you incorporate something and you have a patent on it and someone bites ur idea what happends in this country? and still to this day you cant get a patent on a cannabis strain though it is very possible cuzz they can test the dna of canabiss...
Where to start....
1.) Federally illegal in this country
2.) You don't hold the patent. the US government currently does.
3.) Really you are thinking more along the lines of a trademark, but see above
4.) Not a US company, therefore you'd have to sue where they are located
5.) Can't sue in the US as they technically don't do business here
6.) You have no standing.

I could go on, but those were the low hanging fruit.

Edited to add incorporating is an entirely different concept than your understanding
Where to start....
1.) Federally illegal in this country
2.) You don't hold the patent. the US government currently does.
3.) Really you are thinking more along the lines of a trademark, but see above
4.) Not a US company, therefore you'd have to sue where they are located
5.) Can't sue in the US as they technically don't do business here
6.) You have no standing.

I could go on, but those were the low hanging fruit.

im only excepting your number one reason.. the only reason I don't have a trademark on this strain is cuzz its federally ileagle... if this was something different like a softdrink id sue our the fuck outta them bitches and id win..... ur blowing my high bro...... please shut up
Cool story bro, no one asked you to come here and hope to persuade others that your shits legit. We are here to talk about frosty strains that we have seen, tried, experienced. Your a troll son, if you didn't come on here like a straight up bitch maybe we'd show you some more respect. And no.. I won't suck your dick but you ever get the balls to come up here and my 135lbs are gonna be wailing on you like mike tyson after a meth binge.

Your an internet warrior come back your shit up faggot.
im only excepting your number one reason.. the only reason I don't have a trademark on this strain is cuzz its federally ileagle... if this was something different like a softdrink id sue our the fuck outta them bitches and id win..... ur blowing my high bro...... please shut up

Your a dumbass, you don't have the money to trademark it so you can't. The True OG is TM and is completely legal, get your head out of your ass.
im only excepting your number one reason.. the only reason I don't have a trademark on this strain is cuzz its federally ileagle... if this was something different like a softdrink id sue our the fuck outta them bitches and id win..... ur blowing my high bro...... please shut up

Ya, you only accept (except is to exclude or single out....) number one because it's the only one you understand. Its okay, a high school education can only get you so far.
Your a dumbass, you don't have the money to trademark it so you can't. The True OG is TM and is completely legal, get your head out of your ass.

im not in cali no more???? and since when is the true og {my fav. og ever } trademarked or any strain of cannabis for that matter... im gonna have to look that up
Ya, you only accept (except is to exclude or single out....) number one because it's the only one you understand. Its okay, a high school education can only get you so far.

Oh no another panzy ass faggot, this is an internet forum I don't spell check or grammar check anything. I also type faster than your mom gives head.
... you don't even understand trademarks. Anyone can trademark a name, it doesn't have to necessarily be attached to a product.
... you don't even understand trademarks. Anyone can trademark a name, it doesn't have to necessarily be attached to a product.
u don't understand that most trademarks are attached to a certain product... take coca cola and pepsi.... both have there own names.. there own different sugar contents carbonation ect. the name goes threw the product.... I was the first dude I know calling anything sourkush....
back to the original topic... Buddha Tahoe - Cali Connection (only fem seed I've ever grown and kept)



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... I can tell. Was trying to give you a little credit, alas that was overreaching.
even since coca cola and pespsi are different but if pepsi tried to call its shit coke though it still is not exactly the same coke has the right to sue the fuck outta pepsi agreed?
Dude, I've tried to be somewhat nice with you, and to be honest you don't have a basic grasp of what you are taking about. Also it is apparent that a basic grasp on english seems to be a struggle.

if Pepsi (for whatever stupid reason) wanted to call it Coke tomorrow, yes they could be sued. Yet the two of them have had previous litigation when Pepsi arrived on the scene.

Now I've entertained your ridiculous hypothetical.
Dude, I've tried to be somewhat nice with you, and to be honest you don't have a basic grasp of what you are taking about. Also it is apparent that a basic grasp on english seems to be a struggle.

if Pepsi (for whatever stupid reason) wanted to call it Coke tomorrow, yes they could be sued. Yet the two of them have had previous litigation when Pepsi arrived on the scene.

Now I've entertained your ridiculous hypothetical.

what are we really argueing about or for?... that you like dna and there strains....... I get you I feel you... personally I like cali connect better... and being even more real with you I much prefer growing the clone only real strains all these dipshits are trying to recreate... peace...... p.s. dispite my poor spelling, and punctuation {which I can spell and use proper punct. and grammer} I prefer how you see me typing because its much faster to type and I can type much more words per minuete. FUCK DNA AND FUCK YOU TO....YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WTF IM TRYING TO SAY YET YOU CHANGE SUBJECTS AND INSULT MY INTELIGENCE...... peace ah chit!!!!!!
.. it's "fuck you too" and I started off explaining to you why your claim was nonsense. When you decided not to address my points and act like a street rat, it became apparent a constructive conversation was futile.

Using proper grammar and sentence structure makes it easier to get one's point across. It honestly isn't difficult or time consuming. Shit I'm typing this all on a smart phone.

ETA I've moved on from DNA and found better genetics for my garden. I was simply stating that my experience was overall good in terms of growing
.. it's "fuck you too" and I started off explaining to you why your claim was nonsense. When you decided not to address my points and act like a street rat, it became apparent a constructive conversation was futile.

Using proper grammar and sentence structure makes it easier to get one's point across. It honestly isn't difficult or time consuming. Shit I'm typing this all on a smart phone.

ETA I've moved on from DNA and found better genetics for my garden. I was simply stating that my experience was overall good in terms of growing

I like how you don't even acknowledge my points and act like your right still... fruitcake ass..... fact... I came up with sourkush before dna.... fact.... you can't trademark a cannabis strain.... fact.... for if I could I would have done so and sued dna seed bank.... fact.... you CAN sue for trademark infringement internationally... so wtf are you tryna say jagoff?