whats the STUPIDIEST sh*t ( not craziest ) thing you have done stoned?


Well-Known Member
:joint: trying to see some of the stupidiest shit people have done while they were stoned! for me it was when i was about 17! me and 2 of my friends were walking down a side road and we passed a cow pasture that had one of those electric fences across the top of it! well just bullshitin i dared one of my boyz to grab the top of the fence and of course he did and it gave him a little shock! but thats not the STUPID thing i got dared to piss on it! so im standin their tryin to work my nerv up! i whip it out out cut it lose! but im missin the fence cuz im stoned and scared! im flipin my piss as fast as i can over it hopein nothing will happen! then next thing i know im jumpin like i got stung by a bee down their! it shocked me! the little bit of current traveled up the stream of my urin and taged my ass! when i looked down i had piss all down my pants leg! but i couldnt help not to laugh about it cuz i was stoned! so im walkin down the road back home in pissy pants! man aint that some shit! pissin on a electric fence ( THATS STUPID) :peace:


Well-Known Member
something happend to me that day! hell mybe since i was stoned and worked up about the whole idea of it! it just pissed my pants!lol but still stupid of me


Well-Known Member
I ordered 1-5 at taco bell. And u r lucky. I heard about a kid who almost lost his dick cause it burnt it so bad internally. He pissed on a bison fence, more voltage i guess.


Well-Known Member
threw myself on a pile of cow shit cause i though there was an earthquake?
yeah i know
thats pretty stupid


Well-Known Member
I remember a girl coming out of the chinese food restaurant and my 2 friends looking back like damn she has a fat ass. so i say as loud as i could to the point god could of heard me, "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN". lmao the girl looked back shocked and laughed. probably woulda gotten her number if i wasnt stoned.


Well-Known Member
lmao the most i do stoned is laugh at stupid shit. if this was a stupidest thing you did when drunk thread.. i would have some stories :) :) :)


I made my mate look all over his room for something i stole off him to make him look all over his room. I made him look in bare places twice. We was mashed. And it was his bud i stole aha.

Ultra Haze

Well-Known Member
Iv'e been to mcdonalds stoned read the menu for about 10 minutes studying the mcnuggets, you could get them in sets of 5, 10 or 20 and I asked for 27.

I also remember when my friend set me up for a bottle pipe and he was stoned I had my thumb in the bowl and he just lit it and the funny thing is I just inhaled not realising he was trying to burn my thumb.


Well-Known Member
ha mcdonalds! lets talk resturants then! my high ass went into ryans for the buffet cuz i had the muncies! the server brought me me large sweet tea and some of those huge rolls with that good ass honey butter! befor i go up to the bar to fill my plate i start inhalein those rolls when the server came by i was like ahh can i have some more! 3 min. later inhalein some more! by the 3rd trip the server had to make for me to get rolls! he no longer would ask me if i needed any more drink (refills) the mofo would grin like hell at me and say do you want me to get you some more rolls! man i started laughin in my mind i thought this dude knows im high im sittin here eatin the hell out the rolls but aint goin to the buffet bar! but i laughed looked at him and said KEEP EM COMEIN


Well-Known Member
ok well some stupid things ive done under the influence:

-we used to drink in cemeterys and i always would climb this big 15 foot crucifix and shake the shit out of it trying to break it. never had any luck.
-just last week i spent the night at my gfs house. i got so smashed i pissed myself! hahaha my gf was sleeping next to me too! i woke up with no pants on and my back soaked in what i thought was water til i realized there was no empty bottle near by :(
-this next one is kinda a "funny when you look back" kinda story. i once passed out behind the wheel in front of the police station. thank god nothing happened
-my friend used to live behind a bar and i once puked in his driveway and the next day his mom came out "see this is why i hate living by this bar! you get drunken idiots!!" little did she know it was her sons friend. who is too young to even get in a bar.
-oh how could i forget... i got arrested last week for public intox and minor in possession. my sister her friend and my gf and me were walking from this party to another party. its a college town so we werent too worried at all. we start walking when out of no where these three cops came out and started asking the girls a bunch of questions. not even acknowledging me. i kept asking "what are you doing?!?!" dont say anything guys!!... the cops out of nowhere threw me against a fence and cuffed me. they then proceeded to take me to the station where i had to spend the night in the "drunk tank". it sucked balls. some guy who was in jail for a while was kicking candies to me when i was checking in. i probably shouldnt have eaten those haha. they didnt even have a toilet in my cell. just a hole in the ground. there were 2 other guys in there and i had to take a shit!!! couldnt do it... and the older guy kept farting really loud in his sleep. and the other little bitch kid kept whining to the cops to please let him out cuz he wasnt drunk anymore.

oh man there are more too... good times...


Well-Known Member
you see everybody! this is why marijuana should be legal! look at the stupid shit people do when their druunk! lol no offence creepystevie69!


Active Member
first of all kudos on the name goten.

the only thing i remember is jumping down a flight of stairs on a dare. long story short. i hit my ass on the last step it bounced me forward and i smashed a hole through the wall on the landing with my head. :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
you see everybody! this is why marijuana should be legal! look at the stupid shit people do when their druunk! lol no offence creepystevie69!

none taken at all. i know its stupid shit. i agree with you 1000%. alcohol is a dangerous dangerous dangerous substance. i dont drink nearly as much as i used to. maybe about 1-3 times a week. i like weed better. no hang overs. cant puke off it. unless you eat too much. dont really do anything THAT dumb. and it cant kill ya.


Well-Known Member
wow ima feel real dumb here in a second.....
when i was working at a dominoes many years back me and the chick working the dayshift with me one day just got retardedly stoned in the back and of course decided to make this dank ass pizza. so the thing comes out the oven and we cut it, grab a couple slices each, put it in a box under the warmer, and go in the back to watch some dr phil and chow. bout five minutes minutes and a slice and a half later the good old nose kicks in and the smell was reminiscent of a campfire, at that exact moment the manager of another dominoes in town came in the front of the store to grab some cheese, saw a flaming pizza box and started screaming the girl i was working withs name. i actually saw the girl i was working with that day fairly recently and we still were arguing over whos dumb ass left the pizza box wide open touching the fuckin heater coil. the whole box burned up and turned the wall behind it black, we actually painted the wall, that was some bad shit. the craziest part was that knowledge of the fire never got beyond myself, the girl running the shift with me and the dude who helped put the fire out so neither of us ever got bitched out or lost our jobs because of it.


Well-Known Member
damn he didnt care you made a pot pizza! he just didnt want he prcious box on fire