99% sure just means you arent sure at all and dont want to admit it. Its ok to admit you dont no bmeat..This is what i was talking about in the other thread man...Saying something to someone and having no real clue or idea about it. Quit setting yourself up man...Thats what gets everyone all fired up...roots are growing until the mid-end of flower..he had a strong root foundation..the mold will come back though. 99% sure of it.
You really are the product of lowly creative cretins are you, son of one who performs intercourse with his mother? No more defending your dumb fucking ass. Anybody listening to this handful of jizz gets what they deserve. Go to town, beansly!!!! Ban this dipshit or stay busy deleting profanity.what an idiot. i wished death on your plants..and looks like theyre going to die.
h2o2 or peroxide works by oxygenating whatever life it encounters. it releases into h2o and o.
mixing up the fungus will do nothing to kill it, only help to spread it more.
when it forms on top of the soil agian, message me to let me know. not if, but when.
even if you kill the fungus, itll come back if the cause (environment) isnt changed. you didnt even kill it..
harley is a smart fellow, but he tried to tell me plants dont operate off of sugar (chemical) energy. even vets make mistakes
Oh wait. bmeat (stands for "I beat my meat) will surely come along to pronounce the pending death of these plants. That twit smokes parsley. Oh by the way have your plants been eating more sugar? A la meatbeater.Hey guys, here is the proof it works for me. Plants looking great.
Water no longer collects at top of the container when watering. Absolutely zero negative effects since we tilled and aerated the containers.
You don't have to do it, but damn it, if i don't try new things every once in a while, how am I going to expand my personal knowledge.
Thanks to the members that weighed in on this thread and gave their two cents. Peace.
Oh yeah. Yapping little Chihuahuas are heard but not appreciated. Vamos a chingada, pendejo.understood at least you heard me