Whats this Deficiency?

After reading through forums all day. Ive came across many people growing in a peat based soilless. ( not amended with organic additives) that had similar problems as i do. it was a common reply that when they raised their PH higher (around 6.5.. even up to 6.7) problems went away.

I think the notion of "soiless grow" should be PHd like hydro is BS. atleast growing in peat based., non amended soiless

Added some epsom salt right now. defintately seeing that MG defieciency now that is probably effecting uptake of other nutrients. tested runoff after feeding epsom /cal mag water one last time . PPMs average 400-500 and ph 6.3-6.7.

they key all these years could of just been higher PH and epsom when needed. atleast we will see.

thanks for help guys

Peat has a Ph of 3.5 - 4 I believe, so any peat based medium needs to be amended to buffer up the PH. They never add enough, that would cut into profits and hinder you from buying their lime products. ;o)

Lime is best used. Some use oyster shells, but I don't have experience with them.

I believe when you raise up the water Ph you buffer up the peat a bit more and unlock the uptake of more nutrients. But PH fluctuations from very acidic medium and a more alkaline water source aren't ideal either.