dont know how you water your plant but if you just water it a little bit with nutes and often you will most likely over the course of time muck up your pH and have toxic soil by your 4th week of flowering...
But if you feed and water it with your water/nute solution, till it pours well out of the bottom... then wait till dry and the soil is light again then simply rinse and repeat... in other words when you do your feeding just feed it like you would normally with not too strong concentration of nutes and not too little concentration...
you should just end up using a higher volume of your mix or water... say when you normally feed your plant you feed it with 1 gallon of water/nute mix...
now instead of only 1 gallon give it 2 gallons with the same % of nutes and same ppm...
Yeah most of it will end up being wasted and you will go through your nutes slightly faster when it ends up running off... this way you are giving the plant the same good concentration as a % of nutrient mix... plus you are also clearing out the fertiliser salts that are left behind which the plant doesnt use anyways which has built up since last feeding ya dig
so try to if you want to water and feed it until it saturates the soil and run off is quite apparent every time you... and you shouldnt get a buildup or even lock out your nutrients to your plants ever again...