What's wrong with my pistils !!


My pistils look like burnt...u can see the burn on the tip of the hairs ! i don't seem to know what caused it !! any thoughts or answers will be appreciated .... image.jpg


no they don't !!maybe the picture quality is not that clear ... i'll try to get a better cam for a good close up ...

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
That's not really a long time if that strain is a Sat Dom. If they're turning brown it's in all probability just normal ageing.


Active Member
Maybe there is a problem, pic looks like they are not maturing well...should have puffier buds. Better Pic ??

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Sativa dominant as opposed to Indica dominant. Sativas can take upwards of 14-16 weeks to finish. Indicas typically finish in around 58 to 60 days or so.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Peyote, now that you mention it, is it me or is there a distinct lack of fans? I think some dumbass told this guy to trim all the fans, and he did!!! THATS the problem right there!!


Well-Known Member
Peyote, now that you mention it, is it me or is there a distinct lack of fans? I think some dumbass told this guy to trim all the fans, and he did!!! THATS the problem right there!!
I'm seeing very similar growth structure to cannabis, and yes without fan leaves. Clearly lack off fan leaves is causing the odd growth patterns.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I should have seen it!! A guy I knew did that once. He showed me his grow he was really proud of (he didn't know I grew) and he had trimmed all of the fans as well. Hi finished buds looked a lot like that, The biggest one was the size of a half a hot dog, wet.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Hopefully you do. Then it's not a waste. I have no idea where that myth originated, but MAN is it pervasive!!! So many people believe it, no questions asked, and it usually comes from a guy who knew a guy who's brother had a friend who's cousin grew!!!


Well-Known Member
Hopefully you do. Then it's not a waste. I have no idea where that myth originated, but MAN is it pervasive!!! So many people believe it, no questions asked, and it usually comes from a guy who knew a guy who's brother had a friend who's cousin grew!!!
Lol I know a guy who knows a guy that says plants don't really like their leaves at all. So you should just take them all off.
Maybe the logic goes something like that.


The Funny thing is i only trim a couple of fan leaves every month ... and the pic is showing only a part of the branch ( the plant is freaking tall !! ) ( non topped btw )
the plant looks healthy and every couple days i notice its getting taller and more stretchy , but budding wise .. not so gd
plus i am using 2 air fans