Whats your opinion on immigration??


Well-Known Member
Well I have two things to say. 1) Obamas no good.
2) I dont think any natual cannabinoids cause cancer but Ill do some reading just to be open about it


Well-Known Member
This was the shit until u started bashing Obama. Learn about politics. Obama dont run shit, if he did, we would be in Utopia.​

Utopia in itself proves causes dystopia. Seriously, there have been studies.

Utopia is impossible and its one of the beauties of life. Obama should not be running this country and nor should any other person alone. Anarchy is all that really would work in theory, but humans are too selfish to let this work as well. It'll never work. Never.​


Well-Known Member
This was the shit until u started bashing Obama. Learn about politics. Obama dont run shit, if he did, we would be in Utopia.​

Utopia in itself proves causes dystopia. Seriously, there have been studies.

Utopia is impossible and its one of the beauties of life. Obama should not be running this country and nor should any other person alone. Anarchy is all that really would work in theory, but humans are too selfish to let this work as well. It'll never work. Never.​
A socialist state is what will work no matter what, and thats what Obama wants, but the lobbyists whos bottomless bank accounts prevent this from happening.


Well-Known Member
Socialism will never work. Hands down.
Im pretty sure everyone will be happy not having to pay for medical insurance anymore. Thats the biggest impact it wud have on the US. Other than that most shit will be the same. Just the wealth wont be hoarded by a few hundred people.


Well-Known Member
First off, I have no problem with legal immigration, although even that is getting out of control. The Mexicans come here for the freebies and have a dozen kids to get a phatter check. The father works for cash and pays no tax, the mother stays pregnant because each kid is worth $1,500 tax deduction at the end of the year, multiply that by 10 kids for millions of them. Then there is the fact that you can't even get into an emergency room anymore because the entire Mexican family is there with a case of the sniffles (they have closed many hospitals here in California). Now they are demanding their rights on farm jobsites and construction sites. I have worked in every phase of residential construction there is and after they came here and stole our jobs I couldn't even find one, and that was during the housing boom. I could go on and on but I won't. Only one more thing.....Obama has planned all along to give them amnesty and he waited till his bid for re-election is up, now he's looking for the illegals to vote for him by making them citizens of this once great nation that they don't even want to be a part of, they want to turn our country into Mexico. So take a look at Mexico and you are looking into the future of the U.S.A.
lol, you must suck at your trade.

my dad is a carpenter in phoenix and gets more work than he can handle.

i bet your carpentry skills extend to demo and framing walls. even an amateur like me could do trim moulding better than you if you can't find any work during the housing boom.

go cry in your cornflakes.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure everyone will be happy not having to pay for medical insurance anymore. Thats the biggest impact it wud have on the US. Other than that most shit will be the same. Just the wealth wont be hoarded by a few hundred people.
That is true. But some selfish politician will see this as his 'foot in the door' to take reign you must understand. Not that itll come to that. But in my opinion it'll just cause problems and I dont mind paying fr health insurance all that much

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
i think they should be given citizenship and shouldnt be allowed to use welfare because i think the reason alot of them use welfare is because its hard to get a job when there illegal.

and racism goes both ways im white and grew up in socal and went to a school where i was the only white person in my class and i was always called honkey/cracker etc it doesnt really bother me to this day.
but im glad i grew up there because now i have love for all races.

the cold heart truth is us *white men* stole the indians land and sometimes i hate being white for the fact that my ancestors probably owned slaves and etc.
then again im a mut german/dutch/indian and some other shit i dont even know lol
I don't know if it has been mentioned yet but there were irish slaves as well... Don't feel too bad about it America has not been racist as far as slaves go...

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
By all means, smoke cannabis. Just don't be ashamed to call it a drug since that's what it is.
Cannabis is not a drug... It is a plant that contains drugs...

So Kaendar is kinda 1/4 right by ignorance...

Alcohol is a drug... tobacco contains nicotine which is a drug, coffee contains caffeine yet an other drug...

Why do people in this day and age of information get so confused on the topic of marijuana being a drug... it isn't, it contains drugs...


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is not a drug... It is a plant that contains drugs...

So Kaendar is kinda 1/4 right by ignorance...

Alcohol is a drug... tobacco contains nicotine which is a drug, coffee contains caffeine yet an other drug...

Why do people in this day and age of information get so confused on the topic of marijuana being a drug... it isn't, it contains drugs...
Contains drugs? Where? And dont say THC.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
A drug is a substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body... so yes Kaendar THC, CBD etc...


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is not a drug... It is a plant that contains drugs...

So Kaendar is kinda 1/4 right by ignorance...

Alcohol is a drug... tobacco contains nicotine which is a drug, coffee contains caffeine yet an other drug...

Why do people in this day and age of information get so confused on the topic of marijuana being a drug... it isn't, it contains drugs...
It contains chemicals.. It's a drug in itself. At least I'm convinced that it's a drug since it's classified as a drug. I may be wrong though.


Well-Known Member
A drug is a substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body... so yes Kaendar THC, CBD etc...
Once again, that definition was written by who?? And if everybody went by that definition than almost everything around us would be considered a drug.


Well-Known Member
Winter Woman:7577142 said:
so, a family brings a kid into this country, the kid has no choice in it, but kick him/her out anyway?

how exactly do we go about rounding up 12 million people?

i mean, it would be an excellent way to suck billions of dollars out of our economies, but what's the point other than being a dick?
you don't quote that number when you are talking about Obamacare
I suffer from anxiety and will for many reasons never forget my first panic attack I believed a complete breakdown it was as I imagine what folks describe a bad trip > up was down good was bad white was red... I have a point this isn't something I enjoy sharing.
I had just started seeking help, missed a huge MMJ protest for this coveted shrink appt only to be informed I did not have an appt, which led to being treated and accused of a pill popper and told to drive on a highway to county mental health (this doesn't sound horrible it was that because of the protest I knew I was right and turned out I was combined with my naivety a health prof would never tell me to drive in that condition combined w a bunch of shit) the kicker was my ex saying he just didn't feel like picking me up led to me wandering city blocks in Hysterics until I saw a sign County Health I burst through the door and this poor guy when I finished could only say it wasn't mental health and hand me a paper w info in SPANISH! I snapped back immediately I found the situation so funny! Here all these ignorant rich white folks were bitching back when the republicans were talking amnesty how it was whack all these illegals would get free health care if amnesty while this dude totally out of habit reached for the spanish pile to give a very white redhead! I just don't get for one why 2 kids hypothetically born a foot apart but with a man made nation line in between don't deserve equal health care and once upon a time I must not have been such the minority because we don't leave people to die in the streets based on if they are brown.


Well-Known Member
It contains chemicals.. It's a drug in itself. At least I'm convinced that it's a drug since it's classified as a drug. I may be wrong though.
Its classified as a drug by the people that lie about its medical benefits and want it to stay illegal. You really want to side with them?


New Member
I haven't read this thread but I'm a Republican and I think this whole thing is ok but the timing just seems a little suspicious. Why didn't he do this a year ago?
The news headlines say the GOP is upset about this in that it doesn't address the bigger issue, but for fuck sakes, no matter what comes about with reform you would think it would include this action.


New Member
I suffer from anxiety and will for many reasons never forget my first panic attack I believed a complete breakdown it was as I imagine what folks describe a bad trip > up was down good was bad white was red... I have a point this isn't something I enjoy sharing.
I had just started seeking help, missed a huge MMJ protest for this coveted shrink appt only to be informed I did not have an appt, which led to being treated and accused of a pill popper and told to drive on a highway to county mental health (this doesn't sound horrible it was that because of the protest I knew I was right and turned out I was combined with my naivety a health prof would never tell me to drive in that condition combined w a bunch of shit) the kicker was my ex saying he just didn't feel like picking me up led to me wandering city blocks in Hysterics until I saw a sign County Health I burst through the door and this poor guy when I finished could only say it wasn't mental health and hand me a paper w info in SPANISH! I snapped back immediately I found the situation so funny! Here all these ignorant rich white folks were bitching back when the republicans were talking amnesty how it was whack all these illegals would get free health care if amnesty while this dude totally out of habit reached for the spanish pile to give a very white redhead! I just don't get for one why 2 kids hypothetically born a foot apart but with a man made nation line in between don't deserve equal health care and once upon a time I must not have been such the minority because we don't leave people to die in the streets based on if they are brown.
I want some of the shit UR smoking