Active Member
2pac is my favorite rapper of all time. and he is still alive. living on an unknown island
totally punking you all. rolling around in all your hard earned duckets. laughing. lolol2pac is my favorite rapper of all time. and he is still alive. living on an unknown island
once again, it's a choice. .................
thanks for reminding me,.........nicely done, no more excuses also how about all the italians and specially the jews that lived in the ghettos, they all are out.
hey fdd now that I got ya here, on average how much worth of bud do u consume when you are ingesting whether it be cannabutter cookies or whatever
i never realized how crazy it is to eat thc, its like tripping without the buggin out. well atleast not too much
but man i love that shit been eating thc like 4 days in a row when I was on vacation
i been spliting like 4 grams between 3 people and usually fucks us all up for the night. I got so fucked up i lost a huge jar of weed and we all flipped lookin for it. Turns out i got so fucked up and paranoid that i hid the jar in one of the folding steps in the cieling attic doortook us all day to find it
I put ground up weed into a small pyrex dish and mix with coconut oil then cook in the oven at 295 f for 1 - 2 hours i think even 45 min works
then i let the shit cool and press out all the oil into shotglass. then i take said shot glass and fill up empty gel caps with an eye droper. from there we just take the pills or freeze them
Ignorance at its best ^^BS. you don't NEED to carry a gun to survive.many have made it without going down that path. regardless of where they lived. "oh poor me, i live in the ghetto. i have to kill people to survive." you wish. lolololol
Could not have said it better, I have Tupac's book, "The Rose that Grew from Concrete" and it is an amazing read.Tupac was a brilliant poet and songwriter and his mother's struggles as a black panther and poor single mother in America gave him the potential to be a powerful voice in the young community. Unfortunately his acceptance of the death row lifestyle and his willingness to embody that stereotypical image of the gansta rapper undermined his ability to effectively relay his message. I personally think it is a shame he died a such a young age; many of the most influential people had a dark period in their youth that they eventually emerge from as a better person. There is no telling what he would have accomplished had he lived.
narrow minded is thinking you need to be strapped.Ignorance at its best ^^
Lol wow, that was a dick comment, but we will go with it. Yet the ignorance overcomes.. and yeah, come on up to where im from, head up to the mohawk res.. watch how far down the street you get before you get mugged or shot at.. ive youve got anything of value or anything that looks nice, its gonna get taken if your alone, if your drivin a new car your gonna get your shit fucked up just because they dont care, the mindset around the res is "oh hey, look at this bitch.. got a nice new car, wouldnt it be a shame if something happened to it *bam* *bam*".. because they dont want your shit to be nicer than theirs.. maybe you dont like the way things work around here or anywhere else thats in the same situation, neither do i, but what do you want to do about it. The cold hard truth "kill or be killed". Nobody gives a fuck about what you do and dont approve of.. when it comes down to it, you got something they want and they will do whatever they have to to get it.. cops dont chill at the res.. you drive in and its spray painted over the "welcome" sign in big red letters "THERE IS NO LAW BEYOND THIS POINT".. fuck, Southside snye.. if you arent native, you arent comin back.. i live in one of the largest drug smuggling hubs in the country.. Im not tryin to be a dick, but you gotta realise that you are probably in a completely different situation than a lot of other people.. dont tell us we are ignorant because its gotten to the point of where people have to strap up to feel safe.. dont tell us to "just buy a bus ticket".. if we could afford to move we prolly wouldnt be livin in the slums??.. dont be narrow minded, its darwinism.. survival of the fittest baby..
i'm actually listening to this song. it SUCKS. this is NOT incredible music. sorry. i love everything from classical to country to opera to rock. this is garbage. what's he elton john now? the background beat is generic and boring. it sucks. seriously.
To everyone talking shit about 2pac,you obviously never listen to his music and don't know shit about him,all your arguments are based on the bullshit the medias like to feed us.I f i had to compare any hip hop artist today to 2 pac,none of them come even close to be as good.2 pac was and is the shit!!Everyone can relate to his songs,i don't give a fuck what color your skin is or what country you from,everyone can relate to his music.
Ignorance at its best ^^
Lol wow, that was a dick comment, but we will go with it. Yet the ignorance overcomes.. and yeah, come on up to where im from, head up to the mohawk res.. watch how far down the street you get before you get mugged or shot at.. ive youve got anything of value or anything that looks nice, its gonna get taken if your alone, if your drivin a new car your gonna get your shit fucked up just because they dont care, the mindset around the res is "oh hey, look at this bitch.. got a nice new car, wouldnt it be a shame if something happened to it *bam* *bam*".. because they dont want your shit to be nicer than theirs.. maybe you dont like the way things work around here or anywhere else thats in the same situation, neither do i, but what do you want to do about it. The cold hard truth "kill or be killed". Nobody gives a fuck about what you do and dont approve of.. when it comes down to it, you got something they want and they will do whatever they have to to get it.. cops dont chill at the res.. you drive in and its spray painted over the "welcome" sign in big red letters "THERE IS NO LAW BEYOND THIS POINT".. fuck, Southside snye.. if you arent native, you arent comin back.. i live in one of the largest drug smuggling hubs in the country.. Im not tryin to be a dick, but you gotta realise that you are probably in a completely different situation than a lot of other people.. dont tell us we are ignorant because its gotten to the point of where people have to strap up to feel safe.. dont tell us to "just buy a bus ticket".. if we could afford to move we prolly wouldnt be livin in the slums??.. dont be narrow minded, its darwinism.. survival of the fittest baby..
sounds to me like your lost in the game, a bus ticket aint shit you cant afford a bus ticket, a motel room and to get a job somwhere you and your family can atleast be safe?Ignorance at its best ^^
Lol wow, that was a dick comment, but we will go with it. Yet the ignorance overcomes.. and yeah, come on up to where im from, head up to the mohawk res.. watch how far down the street you get before you get mugged or shot at.. ive youve got anything of value or anything that looks nice, its gonna get taken if your alone, if your drivin a new car your gonna get your shit fucked up just because they dont care, the mindset around the res is "oh hey, look at this bitch.. got a nice new car, wouldnt it be a shame if something happened to it *bam* *bam*".. because they dont want your shit to be nicer than theirs.. maybe you dont like the way things work around here or anywhere else thats in the same situation, neither do i, but what do you want to do about it. The cold hard truth "kill or be killed". Nobody gives a fuck about what you do and dont approve of.. when it comes down to it, you got something they want and they will do whatever they have to to get it.. cops dont chill at the res.. you drive in and its spray painted over the "welcome" sign in big red letters "THERE IS NO LAW BEYOND THIS POINT".. fuck, Southside snye.. if you arent native, you arent comin back.. i live in one of the largest drug smuggling hubs in the country.. Im not tryin to be a dick, but you gotta realise that you are probably in a completely different situation than a lot of other people.. dont tell us we are ignorant because its gotten to the point of where people have to strap up to feel safe.. dont tell us to "just buy a bus ticket".. if we could afford to move we prolly wouldnt be livin in the slums??.. dont be narrow minded, its darwinism.. survival of the fittest baby..
sounds to me like your lost in the game, a bus ticket aint shit you cant afford a bus ticket, a motel room and to get a job somwhere you and your family can atleast be safe?
I would rather live in a car with my family than subject them to crap ass neiborhood like yours. But then if this place is so messed up, u seem to be doin ok typin away on your computer? what gives?
I understand what your saying its fun to be thugish and be a big boy. but big boys get shot up thats why all thier little brothers are wearing baggy clothes
and dont get me wrong i personally prefer baggy clothes, but I dont live in the slums of Atlanta anymore, and guess what? its much nicer not havin to chase down little bitch thugs to get my car back cuz they robbed me. Its much better when your next door niebor doesnt show up at your doorstep with bloody shoes from stompin on his brother out for trying to stop his mom from smoking the crack that hes sellin to her
much better than having your partner shot in the neck cuz some dumbass kid doesnt know how to hold a gun correctly
much better than seeing countless pussy ass bitches slappin thier gurls around cuz they think its cool
no thanks partner ill stay here with friends I can trust dope i can puff and gurls I can crush without gettin pre-nups
but for real why would u live somwhere like that unless u were big time servin the crack heads?
wheres the incentive?
most people end up leaveing except the drug addicted and thier suppliers
thats like me saying hay im moving to afghan and then complaining that I have no choice but to become a strapped killer. that fact is you do have a choice, why are u living in a shithole where you gotta worry about gettin ass raped and shot at?
from the way you said ityou mighta missed the whole fact that it was a reservation.. we can afford to live on the reservation because natives dont have to pay taxes and get pretty big breaks as long as they are on the res, if we move off the reservation land, we dont get any breaks what so ever.. its the governments way of keeping us secluded from the rest of the country.. sorry if you dont approve of the way shit works around here, but thats the life. People are goin nuts about the recession.. man come up to northern NY, youll get the picture.. we never came outta the last one
from the way you said it
you've two choices.
Tax breaks
Gun shots
Life over money, man.
/quit tupac's more interested in the real does the deal with the gov/res work?Lol, yall dont know how the deal with the government and the reservation works.. its all good, im gonna end this before shit goes on any further, this isnt about me, its about tupac.. back to the thread