What's your technique for bigger more potent bud?


Well-Known Member
I want a bigger and stronger yield. ...I don't wanna top so I tried bending the plant down just now and I'll see how it turns out but what's your technique?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
What about. Toppin ,fimming ,bending ...fuck it kissing it while singing bob marley to it!


Active Member
Seriously though im not a total n00b like my post count might indicate. Although ive been out of it for awhile.. My biggest thing getting back into it is having your room 100% dailed in. That makes a big diffence


Well-Known Member
Lots of light, an NO STRESS during flower, an youll get good buds.

Veg longer, an use as big a pot as you can.
Big roots = Big fruits.

MH light make more potent, denser bud, but yield less than a HPS. I use both in my cab to mix it up.

Topping FIM an LST for more colas may increase yeild, but youll get smaller buds. If your doing them you might as well do a SCROG...


Active Member
I think it's about care during veg and then also nutes during flower. I like to top and supercrop, then during flower use some good fish ferts...smelly.


Active Member
big buds more yield... more plants and veg for a loooong time. you get some big ones then!!! i once 10 years or so ago planted 50 at xmas here in mi. and i had em growing till mid may befor i put them outside and they grew the full summer and flowered outside to be like 14 ft tall!!! one cola bud i think was over 2ft and like 6"thick...


Well-Known Member
Holy hell that's big! Well I want to plant outside but I'm moving in 2 or 3 months so If I plant outside it won't even be flowering when I leave :/. Unless there's a way to make it grow outside on the same schedule as indoor.( 24 light then to 12/12)


Well-Known Member
it don't matter ....my sister got mad cuz she thought I took her phone so she went and ripped out and flushed the indica down the toilet...then she realized she left it in my room and alll she had to say was oops when I spent well over 30$ on shit ):


Well-Known Member
Let me tell you my secret. I use to open my flowering room door and storm in there pissed off. Smack them bitches around like they just cheated on me. Punch them in the eye so they swell up. Dont beat them bitches up to much because they might grow some balls and try to retaliate.


Well-Known Member
Lmao I bet they got you sick on purpose when u smoked it and got ur friends high and not you


Well-Known Member
it don't matter ....my sister got mad cuz she thought I took her phone so she went and ripped out and flushed the indica down the toilet...then she realized she left it in my room and alll she had to say was oops when I spent well over 30$ on shit ):
Well you made the Number one Mistake. Tell No one!!
Pruning and lots of support for your branches(tomato cages, netting, stakes). Take as much stress of the weight off the branches as possible.


Active Member
I turn my plants 1/2 turn each time I water, trim off all the lowest scrub so the plant will focus on the upper nugs. Pull off fan leaves that block light to budding branches. That's bout it for me. I don't have a lot of room to do lst but have done it. It works well to increase the amount of branches that have large nugs i might try to start doing it more often now that I have a brand new set up. In fact I plan to do 1/2 my room with lst and the others just left to grow straight up on this next batch with the usual lower trimming and excess fan leaf removal. just for fun.