Wheeping plant

Hello just joined I had a question you might help me with: I have a couple outdoor plants in pots and one is starting to get really bent over. All the side branches are turned horizontally or pointed even lower and the tip is at about a 45 degree bend.
They have been watered plenty, so could it be it's buds are too heavy? Maybe not strong enough stalks from some deficiency?

plantpic.jpg Sorry I forgot the pic.
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Well-Known Member
She’s fine, just a lil top heavy. You can straighten her head and use a long stake and tie her up. You could also straighten her and tie it to the fence behind


Well-Known Member
Looks heavy lol.. fix a rod to the fence so it reaches over the cola and tie it up. Looks like potassium def tho on the leaves.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
yep just heavy buds and week stems. did you grow it indoors and flower outside? if you did, next time get a good fan blowing the plants around, thats what mimics wind and makes the branches strong
yep just heavy buds and week stems. did you grow it indoors and flower outside? if you did, next time get a good fan blowing the plants around, thats what mimics wind and makes the branches strong
Nah been outside since sowing the seeds.

Looks heavy lol.. fix a rod to the fence so it reaches over the cola and tie it up. Looks like potassium def tho on the leaves.
About that potassium you reckon it's too late to feed some potassium sulfate pellets or are they too close to harvest?
While I was stringing it up before I noticed a couple buds had dried off. Basically some animal has chewed away at the stalk severing the flowers.
Any idea what could have done this?

they look like they could take a feeding
Again, you sure? I seem to remember from when I used to do indoor growing with liquid fertilizers the general rule was to stop feeding the last month before harvest. Also I did not mention but I gave them a week ago some granulated feed maybe it's just a bit slow to dissolve.


Well-Known Member
While I was stringing it up before I noticed a couple buds had dried off. Basically some animal has chewed away at the stalk severing the flowers.
Any idea what could have done this?

Again, you sure? I seem to remember from when I used to do indoor growing with liquid fertilizers the general rule was to stop feeding the last month before harvest. Also I did not mention but I gave them a week ago some granulated feed maybe it's just a bit slow to dissolve.
You gotta update your info.

Your plant is doing the gangsta lean. Give support.


Well-Known Member
What info? Last month flowering is now accepted to feed them? All the stuff about smoke being harsh and tasting of chemical has been debunked?
You will come across way many fewer folks here who flush than those who don't flush.

The thought of flushing is predicated on you removing nutrients from the buds which are the only thing we actually smoke.

But that is not possible. Even if we remove all the nutrients from the roots the leaves still have them stored. When we stop feeding the plant switches to cannibalism of the leaves for nutrients.

Flushing simply puts the plant on crutches at the end of its life.

If you water to runoff each time you water there should be no salt build up from nutrients. Canceling the need to flush at all.

Lower the nutes but canceling them out is actually stunting your plant right at the end.