When and what to feed?


Active Member
Hi everybody

Would like some info on when to start feeding my seedlings and by what means.

They were planted about 11 days ago and now have 2 sets of leaves.

All I have feed so far is distilled water and wondered when to up the pot size and wether to feed a tea or add amendments to the soil.



Well-Known Member
feed when they start to take off. around 6 nodes, maybe. support growth, don't try to force it. some nice guano/EWC teas will do ya right. top dress with bone meal a couple of weeks before flower. make sure you add calcium/magnesium due to distilled water. the lime in your soil (we hope) will provide the Ca, epsom salts in water will add Mg


Active Member
feed when they start to take off. around 6 nodes, maybe. support growth, don't try to force it. some nice guano/EWC teas will do ya right. top dress with bone meal a couple of weeks before flower. make sure you add calcium/magnesium due to distilled water. the lime in your soil (we hope) will provide the Ca, epsom salts in water will add Mg
Scroglodyte I'm gonna be cooking some soil in the next few weeks please take a look at my ingredients tell me what you think.
I don't have any measurements at present



Well-Known Member
a good, neutral growers mix with lotsa perlite and a bag of rabbit shit, well rotted. there's a good base, imo. i add some mineral supps, some kelp or alfalfa meal, and some home-grown earthworm castings.


Active Member
a good, neutral growers mix with lotsa perlite and a bag of rabbit shit, well rotted. there's a good base, imo. i add some mineral supps, some kelp or alfalfa meal, and some home-grown earthworm castings.
Sorry about that I forgot to add the ingredients.

  • My base soil is miracle grow organic choice 100% peat free organic soil light in organic nutrients.
    My soil conditioner is 100% organic blend farmyard manure
    Organic worm castings
    Organic coco

    Blood fish & bone meal NPK 5-5-6
    Bonemeal NPK 3.5-8.3-0
    epsum salt
    calcified seaweed

    I have some organic liquid seaweed but I think I'll save that for my teas​



Well-Known Member
looks really good. i'm a big fan of humic and fulvic acids, but you're fine without them. save some EWC for your teas also. you're set. happy gardening.


Active Member
looks really good. i'm a big fan of humic and fulvic acids, but you're fine without them. save some EWC for your teas also. you're set. happy gardening.
Thanks for the info scroglodyte I'm in th uk and I'm not sure where I can source fulvic acids or for that matter what contains it.

Your a man with experience......... How do I work out the ratio of amendments to the ratio of soil without over doing it and finding out later it's too hot.



Well-Known Member
if you stick with kelp for the first month you usually cant go wrong. marine vegetation is great for established clones. foliar feeding doesn't hurt

Thanks for the info scroglodyte I'm in th uk and I'm not sure where I can source fulvic acids or for that matter what contains it.

Your a man with experience......... How do I work out the ratio of amendments to the ratio of soil without over doing it and finding out later it's too hot.

when in doubt cut 50/50 with coco coir