When do you get a soul??


New Member
seriously im just in awe right now that this guy throwing up swastikas claims to grow and/or smoke weed and talk about spirituality? wow the hypocrisy shows no bounds with some people i guess.


Well-Known Member
The only reason that people believe there is a life beyond the physical is because over the history of man, god has made himself known to us many times. If we never had a reason to then im sure we would all be atheists. Im a person of reason and rationality. I understand not wanting to believe in something when you feel there is no proof of it existing, I struggled through that alot in life. But everytime im doubting it I see a bunch of stuff that shows me otherwise. I mean the most recent stuff is that everything that was predicted in the bible is coming true. For the longest time I was one of those dumbasses that thought the world was gonna end December 21st of this year. That shit gave me severe anxiety and I almost lost faith because in the bible it describes the end times and this didnt match that. But over time I see bible predictions coming true. Everything said in the Book of Revelations is going down right now literally word for word. Its no coincidence. So now I know the world isnt gonna end this year..
If this were 1986, or any other random year, you would have very similar global events to point to in which to claim the bible is coming true. Unless you can tell me you understand confirmation bias, then you really haven't investigated anything other than your own opinion.

For me personally, theres too much evidence that proves that something beyond us exists. And when people try to argue it with science all I see is more evidence.
I don't have much problem with what you consider personally, as it is your prerogative. But quite frankly, you have shown that you are very under-educated about these subjects. By that, I mean, you do not even seem to understand some of the terms you use or the concepts they apply to. Science, as a process, is of the same opinion as skeptical atheism. Which is to say, there could be a god but there is no reason to think so, baring future evidence. What I am saying is, it seems to me by the words you present here, that you perceive science as backing up religion because you do not understand what science is.

Science is a process, nothing more. Science and religion have similarities, they both attempt to offer answers and understanding of our world and our place in it, but they are not similar in their process. Most of the steps involved in religious reasoning is directly opposed to the principals science holds, and most of the answers science gives us are at odds with the answers religion gives us. To claim otherwise requires a sheltered, uninterested sort of view.

Science is a systematic and careful way of observing nature while using consistent logic to evaluate the results. Where is the fault in that?


Well-Known Member
Nice Ol Bud, DirtyGloveLuv, grow up, you guys are both about to get this thread closed. Neither of you have won anything, you've both trolled each other past composure, I'm not impressed.

Take your pissing contest to PM


Well-Known Member
If this were 1986, or any other random year, you would have very similar global events to point to in which to claim the bible is coming true. Unless you can tell me you understand confirmation bias, then you really haven't investigated anything other than your own opinion.

I don't have much problem with what you consider personally, as it is your prerogative. But quite frankly, you have shown that you are very under-educated about these subjects. By that, I mean, you do not even seem to understand some of the terms you use or the concepts they apply to. Science, as a process, is of the same opinion as skeptical atheism. Which is to say, there could be a god but there is no reason to think so, baring future evidence. What I am saying is, it seems to me by the words you present here, that you perceive science as backing up religion because you do not understand what science is.

Science is a process, nothing more. Science and religion have similarities, they both attempt to offer answers and understanding of our world and our place in it, but they are not similar in their process. Most of the steps involved in religious reasoning is directly opposed to the principals science holds, and most of the answers science gives us are at odds with the answers religion gives us. To claim otherwise requires a sheltered, uninterested sort of view.

Science is a systematic and careful way of observing nature while using consistent logic to evaluate the results. Where is the fault in that?
Hmm.. the one major thing for me is the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. Thats fingerprints and DNA at the scene of the crime. It cant get more black and white. The bible predicted that they will rebuild the temple again and guess whats happening..

And I dont think you are fully understanding what I mean when I say religion and science support eachother. Im not saying they are similar in process, im saying they answer eachothers questions. Science proves what is often thrown away as crazy testimony. Miracles.. tumors disappearing and the paralyzed walking.. before science proved it possible, you could really only say it happened or its a lie. Now we have proof that its possible.


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. the one major thing for me is the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. Thats fingerprints and DNA at the scene of the crime. It cant get more black and white. The bible predicted that they will rebuild the temple again and guess whats happening..

And I dont think you are fully understanding what I mean when I say religion and science support eachother. Im not saying they are similar in process, im saying they answer eachothers questions. Science proves what is often thrown away as crazy testimony. Miracles.. tumors disappearing and the paralyzed walking.. before science proved it possible, you could really only say it happened or its a lie. Now we have proof that its possible.
The idea of prophecy is completely irrational. A group of people write something down, then hundreds or thousands of years later, those following the religion make said 'prophecy' happen? How is that in the least bit divine? What's to stop me from writing something down today, then hundreds of years later, a group of people read it and make it happen? Would they fulfill my prophecy, too?

God of the gaps. Science can't answer it - GOD!


Well-Known Member
Go read the site rules, if somebody says something offensive to you about anything, talk to the moderator of the subforum about it. Don't continue to post personal attacks, all that will do is waste your time posting it and my time deleting it.

And show a little class next time. Both of you.


Ursus marijanus
View attachment 2220706 for somone who doesnt understand the difference between the numerical number 2 and the word two, you sure do have alot of men chasing after you Canna hehe you must be doing somthing right.
I have no trouble with 2 as a stand-in for "two". But that is not how you were using it. It is an inelegant shorthand for "to", and in my personal subjective opinion: like nails on a blackboard. So the measure of your consideration is for you to know this, and yet to proceed in your customary way. Jmo.

Nice nut. But why do you have me as the top? cn


Ursus marijanus
As you can see, atheists are only looking for a specific kind of evidence. They automatically rule out everything that isnt tangible in a scientific point of view. I offered many people lots of different and very obvious evidence, but no, they blew it off as heresay and manipulated testimonies. The problem with alot of atheists is that they dont understand spirituality, religion, and life beyond the physical, so rather than deal with that problem they automatically say it doesnt exist.
You did not. You offered testimony, which does not qualify as evidence.

I do not require that counterevidence be necessarily scientific. But I do expect that it be sensible, in the meaning that it can be sensed and perhaps recorded. The subjective factor needs to be contained. other wise, all you have is ... testimony.
I, for one, am not so arrogant as to say none of it exists. I will say however that I'd rather not have a sense of intellectual hygiene be portrayed as arrogance. I'll gladly embrace its existence, but the evidence for it would have to be of a sort that withstands challenge. Testimony doesn't do that; it's too subjective - worse, it becomes embroiled in questions of personal trust and honor. Remember: rejecting your testimony is NOT a smear on your person. cn


Well-Known Member
The idea of prophecy is completely irrational. A group of people write something down, then hundreds or thousands of years later, those following the religion make said 'prophecy' happen? How is that in the least bit divine? What's to stop me from writing something down today, then hundreds of years later, a group of people read it and make it happen? Would they fulfill my prophecy, too?

God of the gaps. Science can't answer it - GOD!
What you just described is not prophecy.. but if thats what you think it is then im sure you wouldnt believe it.


Well-Known Member
You did not. You offered testimony, which does not qualify as evidence.

I do not require that counterevidence be necessarily scientific. But I do expect that it be sensible, in the meaning that it can be sensed and perhaps recorded. The subjective factor needs to be contained. other wise, all you have is ... testimony.
I, for one, am not so arrogant as to say none of it exists. I will say however that I'd rather not have a sense of intellectual hygiene be portrayed as arrogance. I'll gladly embrace its existence, but the evidence for it would have to be of a sort that withstands challenge. Testimony doesn't do that; it's too subjective - worse, it becomes embroiled in questions of personal trust and honor. Remember: rejecting your testimony is NOT a smear on your person. cn
I know cn, I wasnt talking about you. Your really respectful. What do you make of the thousands of widely available videos of supernatural occurrences? Surely that good enough and obviously recorded evidence? Some good video made by people with degrees in investigating that sort of thing.. scientists.


Well-Known Member
What is a soul precisely? Higher thought, your conscience? Inner thoughts?
That's what the first 16-18 pages were trying to get at...

As far as I can tell, it's an ambiguous term used to describe higher levels of consciousness, though I posted two examples of why that doesn't make sense, both were never responded to, so that's pretty much where we're at..

Souls are whatever religious people want them to be. Something is needed to carry on consciousness when we die, and since science tells us that everything material about what and who we are gets recycled back into nature after we die, it must be something immaterial... And thus, the soul was born.