When Does Life Begin ...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It's in my body.It affects my body.Are you gonna take it out and carry it?
Its both of the parents. I don't like this "its my body I do with it what I want" because its not completely your baby. You just didn't will one into existence. Don't cut the dude completely out of it because due to our reproduction physics the woman carries it.


Well-Known Member
Did you ever consider having a sex change so you could have your very own womb? Then you can do whatever you want with it. How's that for a fix to the situation?
I don't understand what you are talking about.

You must not understand what I was talking about.

The baby is not solely the mothers. Her vagina is, her womb is, but not the baby.


New Member
So go get a sex change and then you'll have a womb and you can carry all those unwanted babies.

You could go around to clinics and put up signs "want to abort that baby, instead put it into my man-womb and I'll take the responsibility off your shoulders."

No need for child support or emotional support, it's easy to raise kids alone, just ask all those single mothers out there.


Well-Known Member
Its both of the parents. I don't like this "its my body I do with it what I want" because its not completely your baby. You just didn't will one into existence. Don't cut the dude completely out of it because due to our reproduction physics the woman carries it.
I can't say I agree with that bro. And what's "reproduction physics"? Is that like a new class at MIT or something? I think you need to look at how many single mothers are out there compared to single dads. Its seems to me that the law of "physics" says that they baby's primary caregiver is the mother. It is unfortunate but true.

Big P

Well-Known Member
u make it sound like men dont take care of thier children

the fact remains most, meaning the majority of men take care of thier children

do you know how many women try to control men through children?

ofcoarse not, its not even on your radar screen is it

you dont give a shit about our rights, atleast we give a fuck about both genders rights

you are a sexist person this is clear as day

you also sound jaded which I surmise is why your views lie where they lie

still doesnt make it true even if it makes you feel better in your own minds shell and your own unique & unrelated life expiriances

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Many men don't.Women are usually primary caregivers.My ex tries to use my daughter to control me...by threatening me with welfare officials, school and police, if I don't agree with him.Obviously, this never works, as they see I care for my child...but I still have to go throuigh the bullshit just because he wants to hurt me in any way he can.He claims hardship and pays 50 bucks a month child support.His fat ass sure can climb into a pickup truck and go get scrap for cash though.He once told me to abort, simply because I pissed him off.For reasons of her own,my daughter no longer wants to see him.I know more situations like this than situations in which the father is around.
u make it sound like men dont take care of thier children

the fact remains most, meaning the majority of men take care of thier children

do you know how many women try to control men through children?

ofcoarse not, its not even on your radar screen is it

you dont give a shit about our rights, atleast we give a fuck about both genders rights

you are a sexist person this is clear as day

you also sound jaded which I surmise is why your views lie where they lie

still doesnt make it true even if it makes you feel better in your own minds shell and your life unique & unrelated expiriances


Well-Known Member
Zen doesn't want the baby in him growing, but at the same time he doesn't want a woman to not want it in her either.
What is all this "wanting" crap? This is how it is.

What I am trying to get across is that the men should have some sort of say as well. Its unfortunate that some guys run out, seriously it is. But I would not. The baby is not solely the mothers, its as much the fathers.


New Member
There are more men that DON'T care about their children that do care.

Do you know how many dads can't even name their kids birthday without help from the mom?

Who do you think remembers the time, date weight and length of every child. How many dads can quote those things by rote, 5 years later, 10 years later. Hell I can still remember that it was raining the day my daugher was born. ( nearly 21 years ago) How many dads can recall the weather the day their kids were born?

Big P

Well-Known Member
maybe you should find a better place to select your men from as there are plenty of men that would love and raise thier children,

and if the marrige doesnt work, u think the laws are on mens side to get the kids!!!!??

and then after this huge sexist injustice that is rampent in the USA after all this is going on during divorce hearings always favouring the mother

after all that, you then turn around and you have the nerve to say that men leave without the kids 99% of the time???

thats some shit your shoveling therebongsmilie

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Good.Glad you are one of those men who will stand by her.But many men have made promises they didn't keep.It's not for me to say what you should do with the sperm you blast down the drain in the morning, why should you have say in what is done with the egg?
What is all this "wanting" crap? This is how it is.

What I am trying to get across is that the men should have some sort of say as well. Its unfortunate that some guys run out, seriously it is. But I would not. The baby is not solely the mothers, its as much the fathers.


Well-Known Member
There are more men that DON'T care about their children that do care.

Do you know how many dads can't even name their kids birthday without help from the mom?

Who do you think remembers the time, date weight and length of every child. How many dads can quote those things by rote, 5 years later, 10 years later. Hell I can still remember that it was raining the day my daugher was born. ( nearly 21 years ago) How many dads can recall the weather the day their kids were born?
How is this relevant? The baby is a product of semen and eggs. Not just the eggs. The father should have a say in the decision regarding the baby's life.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Many men don't.Women are usually primary caregivers.My ex tries to use my daughter to control me...by threatening me with welfare officials, school and police, if I don't agree with him.Obviously, this never works, as they see I care for my child...but I still have to go throuigh the bullshit just because he wants to hurt me in any way he can.He claims hardship and pays 50 bucks a month child support.His fat ass sure can climb into a pickup truck and go get scrap for cash though.He once told me to abort, simply because I pissed him off.For reasons of her own,my daughter no longer wants to see him.I know more situations like this than situations in which the father is around.

i wasnt talking to you stoney i was addressing moffit


New Member
Since the mother gets to lug it around for 9 months while vomiting and stretching her body all out of shape, it's hers. Sorry you don't like it, but that's the way it is.

You don't think men should be responsible for their own sperm, most men don't want to be responsible for thier kids, yet they still want to dictate what women do. How sad.

What is all this "wanting" crap? This is how it is.

What I am trying to get across is that the men should have some sort of say as well. Its unfortunate that some guys run out, seriously it is. But I would not. The baby is not solely the mothers, its as much the fathers.


Well-Known Member
Good.Glad you are one of those men who will stand by her.But many men have made promises they didn't keep.It's not for me to say what you should do with the sperm you blast down the drain in the morning, why should you have say in what is done with the egg?
I don't have a say one what you do with your eggs, give them to whoever you want. We should have a say when theres a baby, its no longer eggs vs semen.


Well-Known Member
Since the mother gets to lug it around for 9 months while vomiting and stretching her body all out of shape, it's hers. Sorry you don't like it, but that's the way it is.

You don't think men should be responsible for their own sperm, most men don't want to be responsible for thier kids, yet they still want to dictate what women do. How sad.
Its not solely hers.