When is Covid19 Like Abortion?


Well-Known Member
then the dude that got onto a army reserve base with a ar15 paintball gun. surprised he's still alive.
keep 'em alive is the first credo so they can stand trial- the American way.

that's why the guy in Boulder only got shot in the leg..often times they're looking for suicide by cop and cops won't do it unless absolutely necessary.


Well-Known Member
I have a paintball gun that looks very realistic. And have had it noticed by a officer at a gas station on our way to go play. He literally froze in his tracks n put his hand on his gun before asking what it was. So ya... he got very very lucky they didn’t kill him.
they walk with their hand on their gun..that's standard (and if you've noticed head cocked slightly) to listen to communications whichever shoulder they have it clipped to.


Well-Known Member
So COBID19 is like abortion when you're an islamic schizophrenic sex addict? I'm confused... I'm mostly amazed the guy they took out of the store in his boxers was only 21years old. Looked like a 50yo fat white guy to me. Also, Boulder is generally a very liberal area. Denver is blurple, positioned right between Boulder and Co Springs.


Well-Known Member
I have a paintball gun that looks very realistic. And have had it noticed by a officer at a gas station on our way to go play. He literally froze in his tracks n put his hand on his gun before asking what it was. So ya... he got very very lucky they didn’t kill him.
Why do assholes always talk about yourselves so much. It's not as if you do anything interesting. Is it because nobody around you can stand to hear you drone with your dumbass stories?


Well-Known Member
Why do assholes always talk about yourselves so much. It's not as if you do anything interesting. Is it because nobody around you can stand to hear you drone with your dumbass stories?
Oops didn’t realize this was your personal antisocial site. My bad I’ll try not to comment in the future. Rotflmao. ( asshole calling me a asshole) Hi neighbor


Well-Known Member
Oops didn’t realize this was your personal antisocial site. My bad I’ll try not to comment in the future. Rotflmao. ( asshole calling me a asshole) Hi neighbor
It's a question rather than criticism. From an anthopoligical scientific point of view. I'm curious why you blather on about things nobody cares about to people you don't know. It's not as if your stupid antic with the paintball gun has anything to do with what went down in Colorado. So, why are you here?


Well-Known Member
So COBID19 is like abortion when you're an islamic schizophrenic sex addict? I'm confused... I'm mostly amazed the guy they took out of the store in his boxers was only 21years old. Looked like a 50yo fat white guy to me. Also, Boulder is generally a very liberal area. Denver is blurple, positioned right between Boulder and Co Springs.
The GOP party line is that Democrats are being all racist over this and you guys are the good ones. Try to stick to the script.


Well-Known Member
Wow you have anger issues. And you have no respect for people in general right. You have boundary issues huh.... you can’t mind your own business n stay within the space you have. No problem man... feel free to display all your social flaws here. That way maybe the people around you can have a break from your punk ass.


Well-Known Member
When I say the diner, I mean the only diner in town. All my neighbors are Trumpsters, and I'm pretty anti-social towards all humans, not just right wing whack jobs, plus I'm cheap as hell, so I don't eat breakfast out very often. We had gone to Tally and got back before the lunch crowd was in, so we stopped in.
I forgot that you live in occupied territory. My bad.

I'm guessing their fare is pretty dang good too.


Well-Known Member
Wow you have anger issues. And you have no respect for people in general right. You have boundary issues huh.... you can’t mind your own business n stay within the space you have. No problem man... feel free to display all your social flaws here. That way maybe the people around you can have a break from your punk ass.
What are you so angry about? I'm just wondering what reason you could possibly have for being here. It's not as if you have anything interesting or informative to share.


Well-Known Member
"I don't support Trump but"

I wouldn't admit it either.
Aw man, you got me! Anyway, my point is that this is clearly a mental health issue and has nothing to do with covid vacvines being the next abortion/religious politics issue... Also, how can a guy known to have schizophrenia that is already on an FBI watch list have access to an AR? Let's stay on topic here.