When should I remove my suplimental lights?

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
I have 4 Blackberry Kush clones that started flowering early during the first week on June. I've read that this strain will flower very easily, some people claim it will act like an auto if it's stressed.

They weren't reveging on their own so I put suplimental lighting on them on 6/20. They're reveging nicely now. I plan to keep the lights on them to make sure they don't flower too soon again.

Question is, if I want them to begin flowering at the correct time (mid August for my area) when should I remove the lights?

My gut says 7/31. I think I remember reading that it takes about two weeks for most plants to begin flower but I know outdoor can be different.

Would those 2 weeks of natural 14-13 hour daylight be enough for flowering to begin "on time"?


BigB 420

Well-Known Member
I guess my other option might be to pull the lights a little earlier and maybe have this girls finishing a little sooner? Maybe beat that late October rain? Would that even work?


Well-Known Member
if you think they will flower if you pull the lights then I would time it to avoid any bad weather.. however you will be losing veg time and yield could be affected depending upon how early you go into flower.. something to consider.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Yeah definitely something to think about. At most I would maybe pull them 1-2 week earlier. Is two weeks about how long it will take for flowering to begin?

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Don't remove lights, change your light schedule.
At best effort, we cannot duplicate the sun's intensity.
Why would you want to make what you have even dimmer?
I'm not sure I follow. If it wasn't clean in my first post I'm outdoors and I'm running the light at dawn and dust to lengthen the day and cause reveg/prevent early flowering. They run from 5:30-7:30am and again from 6:00-10:30pm.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I follow. If it wasn't clean in my first post I'm outdoors and I'm running the light at dawn and dust to lengthen the day and cause reveg/prevent early flowering. They run from 5:30-7:30am and again from 6:00-10:30pm.
My fault, I didn't realize I had clicked outdoor section.
Once I realized that, what I said made no sense, realizing you were extending time, not trying to make it brighter.:roll:
Anyway, I have about 15 hrs of light still, and my Purple Kush and bagseed are flowering fine, but my Sour D. started flowering, but has been revegging for a couple weeks now.
They all started showing pistils (after 60 days veg) on May 31.