When to cut? First grow. 56 Days since 12/12 switch.


Well-Known Member
Definitely too early based on the harvest shots... Or environmental issues. If it smokes good and gets the job done you can just address that next round though. :)


Well-Known Member
Definitely too early based on the harvest shots... Or environmental issues. If it smokes good and gets the job done you can just address that next round though. :)
Yep, was a messy grow but i got through it, had a lot of problems, first two weeks i didn't even PH the water, was feeding 8ph water lol.
Anyhow it smokes/vapes okay so i'm happy.


Well-Known Member
40% FFOF, 40% Happy Frog, 20% perlite.....depending on the amount of those, add appropriate dolomite lime......no nutes for first 4 weeks, then nutes once a week at 1/4 strength first feeding, 1/2 strength next feeding then full strength.....General Organics Go-Box is pretty simple to use.......more light to tighten up those buds, if on a budget grab you a 250W HPS in a 2x2 tent....

Julius Caesar

Active Member


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have some mold or mildew. Did you jar wet? You harvested about 3-4 weeks too early.
I can't see any mold/mildew on them, they were def dry when i jarred it.
I was 9 and a half weeks into 12/12 when i cut them, with a 45-55 day strain, can't be 3-4 weeks too early :(
It was a bad grow, by the end of the grow every single leaf on both plants was dead/yellow. And i mean EVERY leaf.

40% FFOF, 40% Happy Frog, 20% perlite.....depending on the amount of those, add appropriate dolomite lime......no nutes for first 4 weeks, then nutes once a week at 1/4 strength first feeding, 1/2 strength next feeding then full strength.....General Organics Go-Box is pretty simple to use.......more light to tighten up those buds, if on a budget grab you a 250W HPS in a 2x2 tent....
Thanks man, will see what my grow area is like at my new place when i shift.

Julius Caesar

Active Member
I can't see any mold/mildew on them, they were def dry when i jarred it.
I was 9 and a half weeks into 12/12 when i cut them, with a 45-55 day strain, can't be 3-4 weeks too early :(
Must be the color balance of the photo. Thought they looked a little gray.
Oh yes they can be that early. Pay almost no attention to the breeder's flowering times. They are almost always bullshit. Typically add 3 weeks to what they say. Some breeders are more honest in their claims than others. If the leaves were dead then the bud's growth was retarded.


Well-Known Member
Must be the color balance of the photo. Thought they looked a little gray.
Oh yes they can be that early. Pay almost no attention to the breeder's flowering times. They are almost always bullshit. Typically add 3 weeks to what they say. Some breeders are more honest in their claims than others. If the leaves were dead then the bud's growth was retarded.
Yeah, they were def dead.
I did have a few complications during the grow.. feeding non ph'd water 8ph, not watering right nutes (not enough N).
So yeah, move on and learn from the mistakes, a great experience non the less.


Well-Known Member
So i've been curing for 4-5 days now and still not really smelling like it should, kinda smells sweet/fruity with hardly any cannabis smell.
Not sure if it comes later in the cure or just the strain i have.. skunk#1 should smell pretty strong though.

The RH in one jar sits around 68% after 12 hours in the jar.


Well-Known Member
They don't look ready almost tho. It looks like to me you have a higher leaf to bud ratio keep them growing a hit more so the buds actually swell up and the leaves to kinda fall off

Julius Caesar

Active Member
So i've been curing for 4-5 days now and still not really smelling like it should, kinda smells sweet/fruity with hardly any cannabis smell.
Not sure if it comes later in the cure or just the strain i have.. skunk#1 should smell pretty strong though.

The RH in one jar sits around 68% after 12 hours in the jar.
I know that smell only too well. It is an improvement over the hay. It will start smelling more like it should although it will never have a strong pungent marijuana aroma. Too early of a harvest results in not enough terpenes for taste and odor. However, after you smoke it it will still stink up your house.


Well-Known Member
JC is 100% right here, the cure should help (let it go a couple weeks at least) but if you harvested too early, it may not come.