when to flower in spring


Active Member
hey all. right now i have over 20 plants(5 flowering) plus a new batch of ssh seeds germing. i live in central ca, and i was wondering what would be a good date to put my girls outside to flower. i have a good amount of space to flower indoor, but i was thinking of getting a large early summer harvest this year. much appreciated
when ever you want to
that doesnt help much but i appreciate you giving more crap to sort through. i mean like the days get 12 hours long again om mar 21. if i put my females outside on mar 1, is that enuf 12 and 12 darkness to flower and harvest on say 8 weeks after mar 1 (may1ish) i wouldn blame you fer knot knowing the answer to this question, but if yer not going to be helpful, than dont even bother replying dude.
you can put them out side when ever in march just put black trash bags over them for 24 hours of darness to sort males and females...
you mean just give em a 24 hour dark period b4 putting outside in march, and then just feed and water till harvest??all seeds er feminized but will watch fer hermies.....
the days are getting longer now so they wont flower or atleast they wont flower into mature buds and they will probly go back into vegetative stage ..flowering wont start happening till end of july/august thats when they will begin to flower outdoors
you mean just give em a 24 hour dark period b4 putting outside in march, and then just feed and water till harvest??all seeds er feminized but will watch fer hermies.....

yeah thats it july and august is the normal plants life but you chnage this by doin what i said....
yeah thats it july and august is the normal plants life but you chnage this by doin what i said....
fer sure. man. alot of ppl dont grasp the idea. anytime it gets more than 12 dark, it wil start to flower. this is the spring fer summer trick, and the smart farmer had his big harvest then, after a carefully planned winter indoors. not in october when the pigs and theives and everyother dummy expects an outdoor harvest. that harvest will also come at a time when supply of herb is low. that is really is a big help man thanks
im not the OP. but may as well continue. well over a cold few weeks, things are going great. Now that the temps are in check, i got a growth spurt and am afraid its going into reveg. We will see. I would still think its wayy to early to reveg ( thinking may ). Hopeully I get another month of maturity
What he said...They may show sex and form tiny immature buds, but by the end of April, it will go back to veg. You're in for the long haul, unless you finish them under lights or have some way of making it dark for your babies.

hey redroach404, you can put ladies outside and its time for ladies sleep and put back in the dark room , ( i have a big cabinet for dark period only ) thats way you keep maintain the 12/12 cycle. what im doing right now, dont let ladies outside naturally it will be reveg, when its approach to that long hours soon. well I hope that you will have a good harvest :D +rep for ya.

happy growing and peace

Summer soltice or the longest daylight hours is June 22nd. your plants will not flower naturally with out any help untill a month after that. "August" like said if you go out to early they will start to flower and then revegg. If you hit it right, the idea is to go outside and continue to vegg. What your trying to do will not work unless you force flower them and cover every day at the same time or grow some Autos. the middle of may(can be iffy) to the end of July are growth months.
I do. But from the op it sounds like just because he pulls his plants out from under indoor light and puts them outside in the spring he will get a finish flower. Not ! They will continue to vegg if not covered at 12 hours. I have stuff outside flowering too but they were put out last month and will finish before the days get over 12 hrs. The begining of February was your last chance to finish a 8 week strain before it gets to iffy.

From the OP :

hey all. right now i have over 20 plants(5 flowering) plus a new batch of ssh seeds germing. i live in central ca, and i was wondering what would be a good date to put my girls outside to flower. i have a good amount of space to flower indoor, but i was thinking of getting a large early summer harvest this year. much appreciated​
If you figure the longest day of the year is June 21-22nd, and that at least in Cali flowering starts anywhere from late July to the middle of August. So reverse that, going backwards from June. Generally speaking, they should start to reveg late April/early May. So if you plan on doing this, time it so the flowering will be done by then.

Problem is, unless you get them vegged a few months under indoor lighting at 18 hours, you'll throw them outside and they won't have time to develop and you'll have a small, shitty harvest. And the weather in March/April could be cloudy and cold, not conducive to growing. IMO you are better off going all indoors, or just not worry about a spring harvest and put them out in early May and let them do what nature intended
I've been running the heater in the hoophouse the last couple of nights knowing that after that last little front we would frost. Sure enough yesterday and today the roofs were solid white. I'll be pulling two winter harvest this year. one is allready done and smoked up. I have 5 more to finish. No more throwing em out of the vegg tent if they get to crowded from here on out.
Light deprivation is the only solution to getting your harvest before the harvest as your seeking or asking to do, figure your optimum spot for sun exposure, figure hours of sun exposure,get supplemental lighting for the weaker hours of natural light(you need 12 hours light just like 12 of dark, and not 8 or less of good natural light they'll get), get a heater in case, and prepare to pull a tarp or whatever will be used to completely black out the plants, and it must be blacked out,pinholes will cause you nightmares.
I have partner who may do this on my farm using chicken wire laid down 1st ,then pallets put down next so plants can breathe, bales of straw or rice, stacked 4 or so high with a pattern to allow air movement in and around plants , we will use 10 or 15 gal smart pots , and a blackout tarp will be pulled religiously everyday for the duration of flower, incorporating small old woodstoves stoked properly to heat if needed , simple and hopefully productive, well for me at least, my partner has already run several like that and done just fine with 10g smartpots , 1 month veg and pulled 1/2 pounders!!!
I cant wait till I get my greenhouse put up this coming fall, it will make winter just that much more fun!!!