When to Pollinate


Well-Known Member
Okay i read up alot about breeding. but one thing i couldnt come across is when is the earliest i can pollenate a female and in how long should i expect viable seed??

I have a stress induced female hermie making pollen right now. the other true females are around 2weeks flower. ive been seeing white pistils for about 4days. the clusters of white pistils are small but i dont expect them to get very big due to low light conditions.

when should i pollenate these true females? i was thinking next weekend??


Well-Known Member
It takes about 4 weeks for seeds to form and ripen so you wnat to do it about a month before they're done.
it's a good idea to "age" your harvested seeds for a month in the fridge to increase your germination rate.


Well-Known Member
It takes about 4 weeks for seeds to form and ripen so you wnat to do it about a month before they're done.
it's a good idea to "age" your harvested seeds for a month in the fridge to increase your germination rate.
in my experiance its closer to 3 weeks.... sometimes has lil has 2 weeks.. if you wait to long seeds will drop.. the best thing to do is harvest the ones that are ready first...


Well-Known Member
for me if they drop they're as good as lost
if you take the top 1cm of soil out carefully and space it out in a container youd be able to find a decent amount of seed...wouldnt you?

would covering the top of your pot with like paper or something be bad? if you left some holes like along the side so some air can get in? so i can catch the majority of seeds that drop, im planning to do it like 2-3weeks after pollinating.