Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?


Active Member
And offering advice on legalizing cannabis? You will be telling us to leaglise guns next! I can't believe a guy who comes from such an extremely violent society is offering us advice.

wow... You DONT want cannabis legalized? Actually, I have a concealed carrier weapon license. I have many guns, guns are good in the right hands. Look at Switzerland, guns are easy to get and they have the least amount of crime in Europe. The only way to explain this is that bad-guys should know the Good-guys have them too.

In America, the places where guns are the most ILLEGAL, they have the highest crime. In places where guns are easy to get, the lowest crime. ;)

Many thanks to the mod for pm me the link. Ive just ordered a gram and an ounce of mullein leaf. Got the UPS tracking number a minute ago. Yeeees hope it arrives before the weekend. America... In your FACE!!

(apologies if the mod is an American)

Mood.. Lifted!!!!!

Don't kill yourself... Smoke a joint, I'd be more worried about what I`m putting into my body than some shitty law which everyone laughs at.


Well-Known Member
@whichever mod pm'd him a link

...are you serious? promoting this guy's behaviour is absurd. what on earth made you think it was a good idea to help him or did you just not read the posts in this thread?


you should try smoking the whole gram at once so we don't have to be bothered by you any longer.


Active Member
p$i007 whatever man. I got sorted so I don't really give a shite anymore!!

Roll on homeland in 15 minutes! At least the idiots in America didn't shutdown the tv stations today. Idiots!


Active Member
Their just pure... IDIOTS!!

we have our problems too... I think that most of the problems in America is that we have turned a blinded-eye toward the people of our newer generation. I am sorry if my democratic vote or words were not strong enough to reach those you depend upon. I am sorry for the JWH habit, I wished you had a joint, brother. I wish you the best...


Active Member
Their contains the word he. Therefore you use their when referring to people. Skuxx you came on to mock me for my granmer but its you who's wrong. Oh my god you stupid idiot made a fool of himself stoner!! :) :)


Active Member
I don't get it? Are you trying to be sarcastic or do you believe my grammer to be incorrect?
They're correct to suspect grammar mistakes in those who created their form of proper English from there on. :wink: Sorry if America sounds shitty to you, some of us really want a better nation.. Ireland is a beautiful place, don't forget, you COULD live in the Middle East. we all make some mistake in grammar, i make a bunch. Sometimes we write so fast and heartfully, we forget to be 100% perfect. Nobody is 100% perfect but many try, don't try too hard. you might go crazy, a man is nothing but a man, if they didn't try to be more than a man. :)

They are = they're
They possess = their
location = there


Active Member
CCC is correct. :) hehehehehahahahAHHAHAHAHA.... you guys... DUDE.. Irish guy, do you think CCC comes from Florida?.. man... CCC, I hope you the best on your up-hill battle for cannabis legalization in the retiree state.. wow.. I`m hell and gone from FL - IN THE SAME NATION...

FL is even harder on cannabis than Ireland.. Props to you CCC... Write those politicians, change that vote, guns AND cannabis in the right hands, yes-please... JWH should be illegal, bath salts, chemical shit, benzine, FUCK NO!

oh ps like a mothafugga... I watched "Gangs of New York" again today.. what a fucking movie... watch it, Irish Guy.. You will learn a little about Amerika. ;) Those Irish bogs helped make this a great country in many ways.


Active Member
Try Boston and some of their schools.. Many MIT grats smoke cannabis.. It's a great time and place, brother.

ps, they LOVE their Irish in Boston. ;) Come on St. Pattys day!


Well-Known Member
There's an Arab dude who has a store down on the corner...real trustworthy fella...hes got fuckin loads of that shit....the awfulness that it is.


Active Member
I'm ashamed of my heritage at this point..oh well,I'm half italian also..ill be proud of mariani wine...whoop!
lol big it up for being part italian im only 1/4 tho and all i can get is hash round hear in scotland don't get me wrong hash is great but nothing beats a stinky bit o grass. lol is that legal weed stuff not just plain plants coverd in chemical fertilisers. lol one last thing just get some shrooms if you wanna trip out.