Where Do You Go When You Die?

The laws of chance, but you already knew that.
When something is not an absolute yes or no, and is an unknown or unproven thing, it falls into the range of possibility.

Also, using "science" can sometimes be about confirmation bias.
What if what we call consciousness is just another state of being among several possibilities? How would we prove it isn't?

Note - I'm not disagreeing with you or agreeing with you, I don't know the answer, just enjoying reading this discussion and all the commentary.
Just because something is possible doesn't mean there's a reason to believe it's true.

What reason is there to believe consciousness is just another state of being among several possibilities?

I don't find it terribly useful to base ones belief structure on what "could be", but instead what is either demonstrable or likely true based on evidence.
Yep, I've read about it.

It means light has some interesting properties, and there's a lot we have to learn.
Agreed! I see the measurement process that identifies which slit a photon traveled through, as consciousness, determining the state of nature. When not measured you get a wave and when measured (awareness, consciousness) you get a particle. So this type of experiment gives me hope for consciousness playing a large role in our universe, possibly beyond our time on earth.

Quantum entanglement is another area that blows my mind and makes me believe we really don't understand our universe as well as we think and may not be capable of understanding it.
You are the result of fungal spores being carried by the matter from exploding stars to the gravitational orbit of our star, the Sun. The Sun and Earth and Tides of Water from the Moon cultivated those fungal spores. They were the Eukaryotes. They evolved into mushrooms. Then into plants and animals. And then into us. If you can’t see God in the explosion and destruction of stars creating our entire Universe, to include us, I don’t know what to tell you.

Interesting point.

I'm still not ready to live in harmony with powdery mildew though.

Just because something is possible doesn't mean there's a reason to believe it's true.

What reason is there to believe consciousness is just another state of being among several possibilities?

I don't find it terribly useful to base ones belief structure on what "could be", but instead what is either demonstrable or likely true based on evidence.

Those are valid points.
this is no shit, i've been called ghost repellent. i've gone with friends to places that are supposed to be haunted, and never felt fuck all. and neither did they, while they were with me. several of them swear that when they were there without me, all kinds of creepy shit happens....
maybe i have a bad aura....maybe i transmit on a frequency they don't like...i'd actually like to see one, for myself, in a setting where there's no doubt in my mind that i saw it, because that would reassure me that there's something after death....don't like the idea of that being the end
Where do we go when we die?
Simple I reckon.

We get eaten by microbes, and dissolved into nutrients for new life to have a turn.

There aint no heaven. There aint no hell.
The garden of eden is here.
So enjoy it.

Bit cliche. But wouldnt it be grand to have an oak tree planted on top of our corpse?
Sounds great to me anyway.
