Where do you think weed fits into Christianity?


Well-Known Member
Well Datz ok he can bust thru my wall but he better have some cherry or fruit-punch koolaid I don't like strawberry koolaid.


Well-Known Member
The bible mentions plenty of times to keep your mind and body clean. Common sense tells you that smoking cannabis will keep neither clean.

Peter 5:8
Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour

I'm wondering if drunkness is only dealing with alcohol. I can't find much on cannabis alone (though it seems that the bible would be against it), so I can't really say cannabis isn't allowed in christianity. But it surely isn't keeping your mind focused lol.
OK the entire book of Peter is a letter from Peter to his people during a time when they were all being persecuted. He was telling them to stay strong in their faith even when all that was happening.


Well-Known Member
No, like you said, much of the bible requires common sense. God made us in his image right? Well if cannabis was clean and natural, why didn't he make us permanently high? We aren't supposed to mess with gods temple right? Well cannabis falls into the mind warping section of stuff god made.

He said pork is unclean?
I suppose for the same reason he didn't make us permanently taste apples...we choose our pleasures when we want them...pleasure is a mind altering hormone. Does that mean that I should give up the extreme awesomeness that is frozen grapes because my mind is altered from the flood of pleasure? No. I think God likes it when I eat frozen grapes. I think it makes him happy like it makes me happy.


Well-Known Member
OK the entire book of Peter is a letter from Peter to his people during a time when they were all being persecuted. He was telling them to stay strong in their faith even when all that was happening.
Still, don't you think that god would mention cannabis as a good thing, like love, if it was a good thing? Cannabis causes harmful effects that I'm sure god wouldn't want in us. Sure he didn't mention it as an unclean plant, but he didn't mention poison ivy either.


Well-Known Member
I suppose for the same reason he didn't make us permanently taste apples...we choose our pleasures when we want them...pleasure is a mind altering hormone. Does that mean that I should give up the extreme awesomeness that is frozen grapes because my mind is altered from the flood of pleasure? No. I think God likes it when I eat frozen grapes. I think it makes him happy like it makes me happy.
If much of your life revolves around frozen grapes (when you're high, your whole life feels different), then yes, it would probably be bad. If grapes caused harmful effects on gods temple, then yes, he'd probably not like that.


Well-Known Member
This is a question/topic for any Christian stoner's that may be on this board.

I know theirs a lot of people on the net who use the religion aspect, and say it talks about it in the bible. About it being the healing of nations. If weed is the healing of all nations I believe that will bring about the new world order. As when all nations are living in peace and harmony it will be a one world government.

Whenever I first started smoking weed I was about 18. I thought what if weed was the tree Adam and Eve ate a fruit from? Maybe god destroyed the fruit but left only the plant? I believe whatever fruit they ate doesn't exist anymore. As their was only one tree in the Garden of Eden, and no humans besides Adam, and Eve were ever in there. The Garden of Eden was destroyed in the bible though, so maybe the plant altogether doesn't exist anymore.

That was what I first thought about it, but now as stated above with all the stoner talk about it healing all nations I believe it will bring about a one world governement. Then when the one world government exist's that is truly the end times.

Anyways that's just what conclusion I've come to. If you don't believe in the religion aspect (god) then you don't really believe it will be the healing of all nations as a lot of stoners I guess do, or they just use that as an argument. What do you think about it as a Christian stoner?
Im not a christian but ill put in my 2 cents .It shouldnt be so much about a healing of nations but a healing of self recognition,to bring about or unveil the true quality of being outside of the illusion of a mask IMO,getting stoned so one may sequester or realize a steady state of no ego and relax the mindful state for a while,once this has been achieved and sobriety comes back,the mind wants to visit this state again to be at peace,we really do want serenity,its just a matter of what one must do to diffuse "the world" within and whether or not it is destructive to themselves in the process,by this I mean that one should not be recklessly seeking intoxication,,thats never good,but rather find it in forms of moderation ya know?.I may have posted it before in another thread,but Bob Marley said it best,"smoking the herb reveals me to me".This quote made a ton of sense.


Well-Known Member
Too much of anything is harmful. Much of my life doesn't revolve around cannabis either, though. When i'm eating grapes, my mind is in a different state, but it's a very temporary state. When i'm high, my mind is in a different state, but it's a very temporary state. Denying yourself pleasure for the sake of denying it is ridiculous and unnecessary.


Well-Known Member
Too much of anything is harmful. Much of my life doesn't revolve around cannabis either, though. When i'm eating grapes, my mind is in a different state, but it's a very temporary state. When i'm high, my mind is in a different state, but it's a very temporary state. Denying yourself pleasure for the sake of denying it is ridiculous and unnecessary.
Grapes don't have an effect anything near as strong as cannabis..

I'm not denying myself pleasure, but I believe christians are supposed to. Cannabis is not clean on the mind and body.. Cannabis can actually be harmful.

At the same time though, fast food can be harmful, is that a sin? Doubtful. So like you said, it's just common sense. Common sense tells ME that cannabis is the opposite of keeping your body and mind clean.


Well-Known Member
That's because people have confused Christianity with guilt. Guilty pleasures ;) If you like it it must be a sin. I am smoking again.


Well-Known Member
That's because people have confused Christianity with guilt. Guilty pleasures ;) If you like it it must be a sin. I am smoking again.
"breaking the law breaking the law".. So meth and cocaine are probably fine with the bible too right? Oh and those lovely bath salts.. :)


Well-Known Member
And I have absolutely no idea what bath salts are unless they are those sharp little smell good thingys that go in your tub.


Ursus marijanus
Grapes don't have an effect anything near as strong as cannabis..

I'm not denying myself pleasure, but I believe christians are supposed to. Cannabis is not clean on the mind and body.. Cannabis can actually be harmful.

At the same time though, fast food can be harmful, is that a sin? Doubtful. So like you said, it's just common sense. Common sense tells ME that cannabis is the opposite of keeping your body and mind clean.
Grapes make for some kick-ass bubble hash. cn



Ursus marijanus
What does natural have to do with anything?

cocaine and heroin are natural..

So you think god doesn't mind us tripping out on poppy?
Cocaine is natural. Heroin is semisynthetic. Meth is synthetic.

That said, two of the finest drugs ever are semisynthetic (LSD) and full-synthetic (ketamine). cn


Well-Known Member
Cocaine is natural. Heroin is semisynthetic. Meth is synthetic.

That said, two of the finest drugs ever are semisynthetic (LSD) and full-synthetic (ketamine). cn
Yeah, that's why I left meth out of my second set of examples. I consider heroin natural.. I guess I shouldn't since it goes through a process and isn't in it's original form. But isn't heroin just concentrated opium? IDK.


Ursus marijanus
Yeah, that's why I left meth out of my second set of examples. I consider heroin natural.. I guess I shouldn't since it goes through a process and isn't in it's original form. But isn't heroin just concentrated opium? IDK.
Morphine is a refined opium fraction. It is the prototypical narcotic analgesic. Its effects are, I am told, markedly different from smoked opium.

Heroin is made by a process starting with morphine. it's the diff between beer and Everclear. cn


Well-Known Member
And if you want to bring natural drugs into the equation of god accepting them just because he made them, what about shrooms? Shrooms are widely knwon to cause brain damage. Yes, sadly, it's true. Would god want us to be fucked in the head? That MUST be considered destroying gods temple right?


Well-Known Member
Morphine is a refined opium fraction. It is the prototypical narcotic analgesic. Its effects are, I am told, markedly different from smoked opium.

Heroin is made by a process starting with morphine. it's the diff between beer and Everclear. cn
Ahhhh, I see. Thanks for the knowledge wise bear.