Where is uncle ben?

If it's really you, tell me all about adpc, who were the active participants there, what was the name that you went by when you participated there, what were your feelings on the yield-o-rama, what was the nym you went by on the BC Growers website, tell me what you know about the nym Jock?

There's just so many questions to determine if you're real, or a sock puppet, or just a wanna be troll.

Potroast, I know your MIA but I only trust you to verify if this old nym on RIU is real because I'm getting a strong whiff of "catfish" and I'll have many follow-up questions if this poster answers my questions correctly... answers to questions that won't be available here on RIU from my previous posts.

In his best Al Pacino voice, "As soon as I think I'm out, they draw me back in!"
we arent twitter we arent going to go snooping into peoples ip addresses for your fun sake to blue check mark them for you
Seems like nothing ever changes around here regarding the nature of the discussions. Can not believe the off topic, noise levels here.

As a mod, I feel for you Sunni. Don't know why you bother. Have a safe and fun TG.

Its changed a little not lots the site was better with you and all the old growers like yourself here however i remember reading your posts so long ago they were very informative cheers man
Should I actually know what you are posting about? WTF does your post have to do with the nym Uncle Ben?
Go to the above post and read it for me please...then...i want you to come back here with that same attitude.
How ya'll? Everyone ready for TG? Am really busy helping my new girlfriend who's putting on the dog with a formal dining setting, friends, etc. Not my style, but we will surely will have fun and eat well. Am making 2 key lime pies with some of my home grown key limes, smoking turkey. I probably harvested 1,000 off one (greenhouse grown) tree this year. Oranges are next, about 5 varieties I grafted on it. Like homegrown weed, nothing compares to homegrown fruit. If ya'll remember my Griffin's Spin Out thread you can relate to this - I have a jungle in a large greenhouse and use bottomless RootBuilder pots. Just got in a jar of MicroKote to treat the cannabis pots.

So far I've got these indicas that have popped so far - 1 Sensi Hindu Kush out of 2 sowed, 1 original Cannacopia Lapiz Mtn. indica (Afghani Landrace x Deep Chunk) out of 2 sowed, 1 (Tom Hill) Deep Chunk out of 3 sowed and all 3 Master Kush 90 X Afghaan 90 sowed. Soaked 24 hours and sowed directly into soil on Nov. 12. No wet paper towels for me. Never have, never will do this forum drill.

Am shopping for LED lights. Giving up on the HID's. Final choices are between and HLG 600R just discounted at Amazon for $521, Optic 6 Gen4, Photontek X, Grower's Choice ROI-E420. Shopping in the 450W to 650W range for 16 s.f. No tent.

Limes.jpg Comments welcome.

How ya'll? Everyone ready for TG? Am really busy helping my new girlfriend who's putting on the dog with a formal dining setting, friends, etc. Not my style, but we will surely will have fun and eat well. Am making 2 key lime pies with some of my home grown key limes, smoking turkey. I probably harvested 1,000 off one (greenhouse grown) tree this year. Oranges are next, about 5 varieties I grafted on it. Like homegrown weed, nothing compares to homegrown fruit. If ya'll remember my Griffin's Spin Out thread you can relate to this - I have a jungle in a large greenhouse and use bottomless RootBuilder pots. Just got in a jar of MicroKote to treat the cannabis pots.

So far I've got these indicas that have popped so far - 1 Sensi Hindu Kush out of 2 sowed, 1 original Cannacopia Lapiz Mtn. indica (Afghani Landrace x Deep Chunk) out of 2 sowed, 1 (Tom Hill) Deep Chunk out of 3 sowed and all 3 Master Kush 90 X Afghaan 90 sowed. Soaked 24 hours and sowed directly into soil on Nov. 12. No wet paper towels for me. Never have, never will do this forum drill.

Am shopping for LED lights. Giving up on the HID's. Final choices are between and HLG 600R just discounted at Amazon for $521, Optic 6 Gen4, Photontek X, Grower's Choice ROI-E420. Shopping in the 450W to 650W range for 16 s.f. No tent.

Comments welcome.

TioView attachment 5228629
Third pic is an 6 yr old uncle ben post from overgrow... Try harder
Some of us where just having a joke around...we seem to have far differing views on what a "massive argument" is...

This whole censorship shit is getting a bit old now.
The lack of oversight of content and bans if necessary would make this another shithole on the internet. I think Sunni does a fantastic job. And I have been called down by her.
How ya'll? Everyone ready for TG? Am really busy helping my new girlfriend who's putting on the dog with a formal dining setting, friends, etc. Not my style, but we will surely will have fun and eat well. Am making 2 key lime pies with some of my home grown key limes, smoking turkey. I probably harvested 1,000 off one (greenhouse grown) tree this year. Oranges are next, about 5 varieties I grafted on it. Like homegrown weed, nothing compares to homegrown fruit. If ya'll remember my Griffin's Spin Out thread you can relate to this - I have a jungle in a large greenhouse and use bottomless RootBuilder pots. Just got in a jar of MicroKote to treat the cannabis pots.

So far I've got these indicas that have popped so far - 1 Sensi Hindu Kush out of 2 sowed, 1 original Cannacopia Lapiz Mtn. indica (Afghani Landrace x Deep Chunk) out of 2 sowed, 1 (Tom Hill) Deep Chunk out of 3 sowed and all 3 Master Kush 90 X Afghaan 90 sowed. Soaked 24 hours and sowed directly into soil on Nov. 12. No wet paper towels for me. Never have, never will do this forum drill.

Am shopping for LED lights. Giving up on the HID's. Final choices are between and HLG 600R just discounted at Amazon for $521, Optic 6 Gen4, Photontek X, Grower's Choice ROI-E420. Shopping in the 450W to 650W range for 16 s.f. No tent.

View attachment 5228619 Comments welcome.

TioView attachment 5228627View attachment 5228629View attachment 5228631
Why not order directly from HLG? RIU10 for 10% off. They also have sales all the time. They usually have a couple 20% off deals each year. That's when I buy things I shouldn't, lol.
Hate to tell you this genius, but this sock puppet / troll is not the real Uncle Ben who posted back in the day. If you were actually around back then, you would realize the differing writing styles and attitude.

The real Uncle Ben would have answered all of my questions in a heartbeat.

Yours truly, but not necessarily at your service. I am busy, yet as in the old days always willing to help, IF, you noobs bother to do your homework, learn what makes a plant tick, get off the forum lame paradigms like "leafing" and using cannabis specific nutes, etc.

Now, does that sound like some troll? Yes, it's me.

At age 73, I'm also about 25 years or so older than during the days of OG, Cannabis World, Planet Ganja. Some of you guys were still messin' in your shorts when I was posting my drafts like "How to create 4 main colas" stuff back then. :mrgreen:

Jorge aka George Van Patton sent me his new book free gratis before it had hit the market.

Grow hard,
Uncle Ben

If there any old timers here you will remember this photo LOL.



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guy comes in STAMPS around demanding a no longer mod to verify someones ip address and verify they are them
than doesnt know that rollie is a term used for said admin but is actually a mix up on names on an account
than screams at others he thinks he knows whats going

To refer back to the modding done here, there was actually legitimate racism andslurs being used, if you quoted it your post was deleted, did a few people joke maybe, but the actual meat of the convo was racisms and political thats never been allowed, sorry you think this is stormfront it isnt.

and no i wont add a forum where people can free for all duke it out,
Yep, Uncle Ben is a master gardener. He's the one I learned how to top for 4 colas from.

Last time I looked that thread had over a million views. Original thread was parsed regarding important photos. That 4 cola plant shown above was taken outdoors and one of the first ones I did my technique on. It was a Brothers Grimm Indoor/Outdoor mix I got from Ron, owner of Heaven's Stairway seedbank in Canada. Some of those seeds I still have, talking like 25 or 30 years ago. The photo was taken with a Polaroid and scanned later. Am dating myself but that's how we did things back in the day.

Decades ago when things were really tight, all over the world including the UK, we growers communicated over the (crude and undeveloped) internet using chained servers, where one would delete the IP addys of the others so no trace could be made. Email was done using PGP.

Another polaroid of a fave, 3 days after topping. New output is already pushing.
