Where should Trump have his "State of the Union" Address?

how about your Progressive idol Barnie?
Sanders supported Bill Clinton’s war on Serbia, voted for the 2001 Authorization Unilateral Military Force Against Terrorists (AUMF), which pretty much allowed Bush to wage war wherever he wanted, backed Obama’s Libyan debacle and supports an expanded US role in the Syrian Civil War.

hypocrisy much?
What does this word salad mean?

Yes, Bernie voted for use of force against Serbian terrorists. How is that unacceptable?
Why is the quality of drinking water in the US falling?
I could say the same for Retirement, Education, Air, Health

Someone is winning. It's not the US.
Well it is; the rich are winning. And of course their money is the only thing that counts.

Ain't runaway capitalism grand?
Exxon has a right to supply Russian oil to American interest around the world no matter the cost.
It's in the Constitution. Just ask Chaney.

Wyoming has fewer citizens per US Senator or Representative than any other state. A natural place for those with extremist views.
no, his mother was white. a very lovely, intelligent woman, with a degree in anthropology.
makes absolutely no difference, but if we're trying to be accurate, that's the truth.
i'm not sure what difference it's supposed to make, according to natural farmer.....
or why two people appropriating the culture of a different "race" turns into "so many"....
or why it makes a difference at all?
US society sees a person with Obama's hair, features and skin color as black
Obama says he is black. So he is black.
There is no scientific DNA kind of justification for this.
It shouldn't make any difference but it does.
Why doesn’t Michigan’s new representative fight for that? Oh yah, she is too busy trying to target trump.
Oh, so you are angry that Michigan replaced their shitty old Republican congressman with a Democrat. That's nice.

Opposing Trump who fights to waste 5 billion dollars on a symbolic wall and who has given trillions in tax cuts to his wealthy friends is the best way to fight for Flint.
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your Progressive old man supports the war machine. so he's just as guilty of killing innocent people as what you said about Obama.
The same can be said for just about everyone on Capitol Hill. No one is perfect.

Not even you.
Do you suffer from priapism?

The same can be said for just about everyone on Capitol Hill. No one is perfect.

Not even you.
did you not just say that you were tired of supporting people that don't support your interests?......¿..........now no one is perfect?
that you didn't want to vote for anyone but "the perfect candidate" that supported all your issues and served all your goals?.....did you not tell me several times that picking the least harmful candidate was useless.....but now "no one is perfect"............
just how elastic is your reality? or just how selective is your memory?
The same can be said for just about everyone on Capitol Hill. No one is perfect.

Not even you.
I'll let @Roger A. Shrubber handle this one:
did you not just say that you were tired of supporting people that don't support your interests?......¿..........now no one is perfect?
that you didn't want to vote for anyone but "the perfect candidate" that supported all your issues and served all your goals?.....did you not tell me several times that picking the least harmful candidate was useless.....but now "no one is perfect"............
just how elastic is your reality? or just how selective is your memory?