State of The Union 2023

Dude asked if we was watching the same event. I saw an Oscar deserving performance by Biden who’s only flaw was when he became emotional and preceded to slur his words in typical Biden fashion.
I saw a theatrical production perfectly designed to pull the eyes into the exact focal points.
I saw cast members playing perfect little roles as supporting actors in the Biden show.
The entire performance was YouTube-ish in a way that Biden, the influencer is trying to convince you into buying into the reality of all is well.
Did I lose you again? Hopefully not because it is limiting when trying to communicate with “people” who thought process is operating at less than 16 frames a second.
However, I did notice that several comments that followed my post showed signs that thinking was reawaken in a few.
In hindsight, maybe I should have let my 18 month old communicate in rudimentary fashion, so that those who display hindered or non existent thinking capabilities can follow the communication of the post.
Yet, im here digressing as I try to communicate simple thought with ehat I consider to be intelligent beings.
Once again I digressed as i misinterpret the cunning animal that was blesses with ingenuity and the advanced ability to use tools.
It’s exhausting trying to communicate with being that clearly displays the major flaw of nkt being able to think for itself. A being that rely heavily on tangibles as it’s only means of communication.
Meaning that most humans rely solely on his eyes and what it can grasp in its hands, while the rest of his brain capabilities go to waste. Unfortunately, there are people who exploit and who are ready to take full advantage of the the fact that humans can only use 10% of their brains capabilities.
The 2023 state of the union was a blatant display of this type of human exploitation which capitalized on the fact that most humans are not only incapable of advanced thought, but also the fact that they rely heavily on their eyes.
Just like Biden, if I wanted votes, I too would have put on a show that targeted the rudimentary thought process because they make up most of the voters in this country.
The tech used was a simple form of subliminal persuasion that 90% of humans fall for every time.
The technique of exploitation instinctual reaction of the human being is used in every aspect of our daily lives. It’s not only by influencers, media, the news, advertisements, but also in politics.
This is not the first time that a politician has done this to win office. We see it so often that it has become a norm in everyday human life. Why because it works. Humans have grown so accustomed to communicate in this manner, that it goes unnoticed by the masses.
Like I said, it is a basic flaw in the human design that propels him to do as the one before him does. Monkey see monkey do. Get that same money high and drunk… then inflict his dumb ass with a mind manipulating disease… Covid, subliminal messaging then become as easy as saying the sky is falling. Weather balloons….. like I said in my first post, it is a sickening act of desperation that clearly shows how low these type of people will go to control your not only you backs and wallets, bu t also to control your life which in term means that they control the life of your kids.
People you are being tried on every level because of the fact that most humans aren’t able to think for themselves. You should be thankful for people like me, who are there to remind you to think for yourself.
You would think that marijuana smokers could see through juvenile antics such as these, but I guess that would depend on what you are smoking. Or maybe it’s also why cannabis is still illegal on a federal level.
Anyway people, we are now being referred to as the “Awake generation”. However is still obvious that most of you are still asleep.
i realize you have a lot to say...but i just ignore walls of text like that.
try breaking things down a little further and focusing on a single subject per post...
if that is a single subject post...then i guess i'll never hear what you have to say.
The appeal of the basic visions are attractive, but that was status quo for a world that no longer exists. In that world, there was plenty of distance between people, but population densities have gone up geometrically, like housing prices; our idylls of frontier family woodsmen and side-yard inventors can’t stand up to the increasing pressure of more people packed into spaces that feel smaller every day. Even here, our urban densities are nothing like Tokyo, Beijing, Mexico City, Rio: I’ll bet we could learn useful stuff about living closer together from those nations that have densities much greater than ours & cultural ways of doing so with less friction than we seem to generate.

Makes me think about immigrantphobia: rising population densities mean that exposure to a higher incidence of ‘different-looking’ people is inevitable, even in small communities; even if the ratio of groups remains constant, thehigher incidence can create the false impression that there are in fact MORE OF THEM - the whole “we’re being invaded” trope - when in fact there’s just more of *everybody*.

The Righties in the city that I live in don't even want more white people here- they make it hard for you to settle in Colorado.
I’ll make it more real to you. Those trillions that they spend like quarters, are affordable because it comes from the backs of of all Americans.
People don’t even realize how valuable their Vote is. It’s valuable because it will put someone in office that will control the wallets and purses of the country. Someone who is free to do as they wish for the industries of their choosing.
Will neglecting the biggest industry which is the American people. You would think American would stop setting for those pennies that they give out to you to buy your vote
We are the people. We have the power, all
We have to do is stick together and tell them what we will, and what we want have. That’s how valuable your vote is. That’s because it’s going to put billions in someone’s pockets. While leaving you in debt with your backs hurting. It’s gotten so bad that now our wives are also paying the price and they are now the ones out there working these hard as jobs.
They claim there are more jobs… you damn right there are. Minimum wage jobs are everywhere in the service industry. That’s because the health risks are so great that most people are now choosing to do without.
That 2dollar raise only made the cost of everything increases so that they can retain their same profit margin. It is was way to evoke fear and instability in the American, thus forcing them to work harder for less pay. Keep acting like you don’t see how many people are downgrading. Talk to your friends and family instead of talking about them because they aren’t doing as good as they once were.
The value of your vote is priceless, so why not make them either pay for them, or earn them in the same sense that they are putting the American people to work. It’s past time to speak up and do what should have been done 100 years ago.
those trillions they spend are required to keep the country up and running, and very little of it is the type of waste that republicans purport it to be.
your vote is only valuable if you can keep republicans from stealing it from you, which they do on a daily basis...every republican in office due to gerrymandering is a thief, stealing the representation their constituents actually deserve.
doesn't make any sense
doesn't make any sense
doesn't make any sense...
actually, now that i bothered to read the whole miniwall of text, the whole damn thing doesn't really make any sense, sorry i wasted the time and effort to decipher your hieroglyphics...
I’ll make it more real to you. Those trillions that they spend like quarters, are affordable because it comes from the backs of of some Americans.
People don’t even realize how valuable their Vote is. It’s valuable because it will put someone in office that will control the wallets and purses of the country. Someone who is free to do as they wish for the industries of their choosing.
Will neglecting the biggest industry which is the American people. You would think American would stop setting for those pennies that they give out to you to buy your vote
We are the people. We have the power, all
We have to do is stick together and tell them what we will, and what we want have. That’s how valuable your vote is. That’s because it’s going to put billions in someone’s pockets. While leaving you in debt with your backs hurting. It’s gotten so bad that now our wives are also paying the price and they are now the ones out there working these hard as jobs.
They claim there are more jobs… you damn right there are. Minimum wage jobs are everywhere in the service industry. That’s because the health risks are so great that most people are now choosing to do without.
That 2dollar raise only made the cost of everything increases so that they can retain their same profit margin. It is was way to evoke fear and instability in the American, thus forcing them to work harder for less pay. Keep acting like you don’t see how many people are downgrading. Talk to your friends and family instead of talking about them because they aren’t doing as good as they once were.
The value of your vote is priceless, so why not make them either pay for them, or earn them in the same sense that they are putting the American people to work. It’s past time to speak up and do what should have been done 100 years ago.

FIFY I addressed first line only.

The CBO ran a tape and summed up that if Billionaires paid their fair share budgets would be balanced with plenty of cash for the country- we're only requesting the Global Corporate Community pledge of 15%..that's not too much to ask, is it?

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those trillions they spend are required to keep the country up and running, and very little of it is the type of waste that republicans purport it to be.
your vote is only valuable if you can keep republicans from stealing it from you, which they do on a daily basis...every republican in office due to gerrymandering is a thief, stealing the representation their constituents actually deserve.
doesn't make any sense
doesn't make any sense
doesn't make any sense...
actually, now that i bothered to read the whole miniwall of text, the whole damn thing doesn't really make any sense, sorry i wasted the time and effort to decipher your hieroglyphics...

I didn't bother..the first line was enough to address- usually is a big consideration on WOW..know how the rest will flow..quick scan..I need to read art food.'I'll spit it out if it's shitty and won't waste the carbs for the day or time on a bad post.
I’m not even getting that signal from the high-dB noise.

There's theory that intelligence is tied to sensitivity to sound.

Are intelligent people more sensitive to sound?
A new study by scientists at Northwestern University in Illinois, has found that an inability to filter out irrelevant sounds in people is indicative of greater creative prowess. Inspired geniuses in their field that were famously intolerant of noise include Johann Goethe, Charles Darwin, Anton Chekov and Franz Kafka.
There's theory that intelligence is tied to sensitivity to sound.

Are intelligent people more sensitive to sound?
A new study by scientists at Northwestern University in Illinois, has found that an inability to filter out irrelevant sounds in people is indicative of greater creative prowess. Inspired geniuses in their field that were famously intolerant of noise include Johann Goethe, Charles Darwin, Anton Chekov and Franz Kafka.
Pardon? I have lost most of my hearing in right ear so I typically just ignore anyone on the right side of me. It probably reflects on my lack of intelligence to forgo ear protection while shooting when younger. :(.
There's theory that intelligence is tied to sensitivity to sound.

Are intelligent people more sensitive to sound?
A new study by scientists at Northwestern University in Illinois, has found that an inability to filter out irrelevant sounds in people is indicative of greater creative prowess. Inspired geniuses in their field that were famously intolerant of noise include Johann Goethe, Charles Darwin, Anton Chekov and Franz Kafka.
Adjacent: spent a month in Mexico years back. After returning home, I could no longer tolerate ticking. Had to replace all the clocks.

I can tell you *I* find it impossible to do any meaningful amount of quality work in an environment full of (overlapping/indistinct/chaotic and/or startling) sounds, interruptions, visual distractions, interruptions, & too many ‘moving parts’ in general. Times like that, I hunker down & wait for things to shift again. 5 years now, but it’s starting to break up
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Adjacent: spent a month in Mexico years back. After returning home, I could no longer able to tolerate ticking. Had to replace all the clocks.

I can tell you *I* find it impossible to do any meaningful amount of quality work in an environment full of (overlapping/indistinct/chaotic and/or startling) sounds, interruptions, visual distractions, interruptions, & too many ‘moving parts’ in general. Times like that, I hunker down & wait for things to shift again. 5 years now, but it’s starting to break up
a nervous tick!
Adjacent: spent a month in Mexico years back. After returning home, I could no longer able to tolerate ticking. Had to replace all the clocks.

I can tell you *I* find it impossible to do any meaningful amount of quality work in an environment full of (overlapping/indistinct/chaotic and/or startling) sounds, interruptions, visual distractions, interruptions, & too many ‘moving parts’ in general. Times like that, I hunker down & wait for things to shift again. 5 years now, but it’s starting to break up

I agree.

I have a really bad startle reflex and have to take a narcotic for it, also assists for anti-seizure property. I can hear everything. I'm a light sleeper because if it. That rattle in your brand new car infuriates me; I have to locate the noise and the only way is if the car is in motion- it's a process. New refrigerators ice maker is noisy- it doesn't have an ice maker, just noisy like it does. My phone and text sounds are turned off, too much of a reminder of calls/text for quota numbers..sometimes as much as 3x/day 'to see if your number changed'. I've sat in my home, on my couch, with no sound on to bathe myself in the absence of sound for hours. Kind of a reset.
I agree.

I have a really bad startle reflex and have to take a narcotic for it, also assists for anti-seizure property. I can hear everything. I'm a light sleeper because if it. That rattle in your brand new car infuriates me; I have to locate the noise and the only way is if the car is in motion- it's a process. New refrigerators ice maker is noisy- it doesn't have an ice maker, just noisy like it does. My phone and text sounds are turned off, too much of a reminder of calls/text for quota numbers..sometimes as much as 3x/day 'to see if your number changed'. I've sat in my home, on my couch, with no sound on to bathe myself in the absence of sound for hours. Kind of a reset.
You would like the desert, if aircraft sounds are ok.
I agree.

I have a really bad startle reflex and have to take a narcotic for it, also assists for anti-seizure property. I can hear everything. I'm a light sleeper because if it. That rattle in your brand new car infuriates me; I have to locate the noise and the only way is if the car is in motion- it's a process. New refrigerators ice maker is noisy- it doesn't have an ice maker, just noisy like it does. My phone and text sounds are turned off, too much of a reminder of calls/text for quota numbers..sometimes as much as 3x/day 'to see if your number changed'. I've sat in my home, on my couch, with no sound on to bathe myself in the absence of sound for hours. Kind of a reset.
I once spent 3 days in a hotel room. Just ate, slept, bathed.

It was GLORIOUS. Reset is EXACTLY it; last chance I had for one, it took A MONTH before I was able to get myself rerigged, but OMG worth it (…*not* the month in Mexico)
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