Where to order seeds????? HELP!!!!


Hello...I am going to be buying marijuana seeds on thursday..i plan to order them online and i have intrest in using this website : www.marijuana-seeds.nl ....I want to kno is there anyone that uses these guys to get there seeds or know if they do good business because just like anybody I do not want to get ripped off....I want an easy stress free transaction and I want to grow the bud of quality that these websites indicate.....thanks for your suggestions


Well-Known Member
Also more expensive than say nirvanashop.com which I haven't had an issue with. They're customer service is top notch too.


Thanks I might go with these guys....I am looking particulary at getting the auto flowering feminized seeds.....I here it's a quick process and good for beginner growers like myself....does anyone know all of what im going to have to do considering that they say these particular seeds don't need much but the proper nutrients and indoor environment....I want to have a successfull first run at it.....I mean who would want to waste the time


Well-Known Member
I haven't tried autos as of yet but plan to in the nearest future. Wifes a little nervous lately with the growing non stop so she asked nicely if I can do a run of a few plants, sell off and smoke what we have then start again. (Not legal here) so I say ok! She's letting me do this, the very least I can do is agree. You know what I mean?


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Never order from a place that doesn't list the breeder's name. If you want a good auto to start out with, grab Nirvana's Northern Lights auto or World of Seeds Afghan Kush Ryder. Both of these are relatively forgiving and will grow quite well. Obviously the yield isn't going to be as big as a photo but you're looking at 60-70 days from seed vs. 90-120. I've grown both while vegging a few photos extra long and have to say the genetics of autos are really coming along nicely, I've gotten a pretty blazed off both, in lesser amounts than say 2 years ago. h5.jpge3.jpge1.jpge2.jpg

Some pics of my last NL auto


Lol oh yea I get ya.....my girl wants nothing to do with my pot experiment lol....but I feel I am wise enough to kno how to keep quiet about my plants besides I'm only doing this because I'm tired of going threw hoops of fire to get and keep good bud....y pay 400 a zip when I can grow more than that for free...done wasting my money and time with the dealers


Well-Known Member
I know how to keep it hush hush too, she just paranoid of the smell. Which isn't all that bad yet. She's in for a treat real soon. And that info cranker gave is good, I'm gonna listen to em as well. Thanks crank! ;)