Where you at rep wise?


Well-Known Member
its ironic that the people who complain most about the rep problem are the people who never go into tnt and are only in like newbie and gmg, but they refuse to give out rep ...LOL
I think this is mostly true as well. There are people who dedicate most of their time here to helping newbies and do have a ton of knowledge, some tend to be a little too "principled" at times. If they don't see advice that they deem equal to that they give they tend not to Rep IMO. Those that teach and share knowledge in those sections without ego getting in the way, I make a point to rep when I can.

Also, anyone who qualifies their level of knowledge/experience on the topic when giving advice, so the OP has some idea whether they should take it as "gospel" will tend to get rep from me. Too many give advice without all the facts and with little experience to back it up.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
I think this is mostly true as well. There are people who dedicate most of their time here to helping newbies and do have a ton of knowledge, some tend to be a little too "principled" at times. If they don't see advice that they deem equal to that they give they tend not to Rep IMO. Those that teach and share knowledge in those sections without ego getting in the way, I make a point to rep when I can.

Also, anyone who qualifies their level of knowledge/experience on the topic when giving advice, so the OP has some idea whether they should take it as "gospel" will tend to get rep from me. Too many give advice without all the facts and with little experience to back it up.
I agree, there is a lot of parroting on here. People hear this or that and then repeat it. I try to only speak from experience, or else I disclose, "I heard this". Most of the time I don't have time to keep up with tnt, I mostly hang in the outdoor section, but it's slow this time of year. There are some funny people on here, very entertaining.

The rep system is weird, it let me rep a few people today, then said I gave out to much. Rep should have no limit, untie our hands.


Well-Known Member
....WoW...Is this where all the "reps important to me" peep hang out..? I see people here with 50 posts with rep "beyond repute"
How's that work...?
Those 50 posts decipher the dead sea scrolls..?

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
He me iki ia/Me pu oe

or like my other Hawaiian buddy used to say....just spreadin the love :)

miss you doc
He was a cool dude. One of the first people I interacted with on riu, in the Hawaii thread. He helped me out a lot. I recently heard he had a disagreement with another mod, them left. That sucks.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Ok, big Mahalo to everyone, especially april, express, and Joe, you guys bumped me up to 93, only 7 more till I hit 100. Come on guys, I promise I'll use it responsibly, haha. Anyone ever leave totally random comments in the rep box?
Any chance you've made that 100 yet ? :wink:

And I miss Doc too - we were buds.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Yeah ~ maybe, but you'd like me at your side should you needed a Mast Rep. :cool:
Mast rep? I don't know what that is, I was aviation side. I don't know much about ships. I just know how to talk shit to you guys. I did a deployment in south America with a coastie LE det, they were really cool guys. They could dish it out just as good.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Mast rep? I don't know what that is, I was aviation side. I don't know much about ships. I just know how to talk shit to you guys. I did a deployment in south America with a coastie LE det, they were really cool guys. They could dish it out just as good.
Mast = Captains Mast
Mast Rep = Chief of the Boat (Senior Enlisted assigned to the unit)
My last 3 CO's didn't like me much as I punched holes in some of their legal proceedings.
Twas fun to thwart the system & help my guys.