Where you at rep wise?


Well-Known Member
Mast = Captains Mast
Mast Rep = Chief of the Boat (Senior Enlisted assigned to the unit)
My last 3 CO's didn't like me much as I punched holes in some of their legal proceedings.
Twas fun to thwart the system & help my guys.
Hehe....Groundpounder here, did the same, lost rank twice, but always won. Nobody fucked with my boys

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Mast = Captains Mast
Mast Rep = Chief of the Boat (Senior Enlisted assigned to the unit)
My last 3 CO's didn't like me much as I punched holes in some of their legal proceedings.
Twas fun to thwart the system & help my guys.
That's what I was thinking. Now i remember you was a master chief. We had capt mast in the navy too. Luckily I never had to go, never got caught.


Well-Known Member
Everyone you rep gets 10. No rationing, just limit on how much you can give in a day and how often you can give it to the same person before spreading some rep around.
Cant rep from the app.
Ill try to catch ya later for the info.
I feel smarter because of your diligence.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Everyone you rep gets 10. No rationing, just limit on how much you can give in a day and how often you can give it to the same person before spreading some rep around.
I conducted a little test for Charface (and myself).

This is me: Latest Reputation Received (83038 point(s) total) ~ Latest Reputation Given (Reputation Power: 844).

As of right now you have a rep level of 4751.
*And now the magic happens* ~Poof~ I just repped you.
Now in theory you should have a total of 5595.

Sure enough - 5595 total. :cool:


bud bootlegger
I conducted a little test for Charface (and myself).

This is me: Latest Reputation Received (83038 point(s) total) ~ Latest Reputation Given (Reputation Power: 844).

As of right now you have a rep level of 4751.
*And now the magic happens* ~Poof~ I just repped you.
Now in theory you should have a total of 5595.

Sure enough - 5595 total. :cool:
when you rep, the person gets about 11% of your total gwn, or somewhere close enough for hand grenades...