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Highlight the relevant please. The part that pertains directly to murder charges for an abortion performed in an abortion state.
Read the article and also see the diagram on argument . There are existing and a host of proposed abortion laws that look very likely to pass republican legislatures.

Are the "unborn" a big issue for you, should women be punished for sex? I'm trying to grasp your larger point here, you appear to be justifying the SCOTUS decision and Alito's opinion has been eviscerated by many legal experts.

So you feel that the judicial branch should do the job of the legislature, due to "the failures of the congress"? Next, you'll want the president to do the job of congress due to their failures to act. Oh wait, they've been doing that for decades already by having wars in other counties without congressional approval. Maybe we should just get rid of congress alltogether and we can appoint your preferred liberal dictator. All good?
What has congress done lately? They are completely grid locked and McConnel wants it that way, there is no bipartisanship. What I feel is irrelevant, it's the reality of the situation that counts, the courts or president must step in when the congress fails to react to social change in a timely manner. That's just a fact of life and I didn't make it that way, shit I'm not even an American!
Pregnanies will be tracked
That’s just the start. Soon they will track all nannies. Then governesses, private tutors, personal trainers … executive assistants. An entire collateral popular surveillance network from tiny beginnings. Be afraid.

You said what should a woman do when charged with murder for going out of state to have abortion.

I am saying no such laws exist. Now it's show and tell time for you so you post pic unrelated.

It's not very compelling, sorry. Furthermore if you cannot show such a law, your comment is misinformation or at best hypothetical.
Did I not post an article from a reliable source outlining all the existing and proposed abortion laws in America that directly addressed your concerns? The central point of your argument is to be found on the diagram. When a state defines abortion and even miscarriages as murder, the next logical step it to extradite the murder, if in another state. Further more if you can't go out of state to sexually abuse a child, why should you be allowed to go out of state to murder one?

Wars have unintended consequences, including making contraception illegal and men going out of state too for secret operations. What are you going to do about it, if your vote no longer counts and these assholes entrench themselves in power? Make civil war on America and it might look like you are winning for awhile, but when you lose, it will be for good, wars have unintended consequences, just ask the Russians.
What has congress done lately? They are completely grid locked and McConnel wants it that way, there is no bipartisanship. What I feel is irrelevant, it's the reality of the situation that counts, the courts or president must step in when the congress fails to react to social change in a timely manner. That's just a fact of life and I didn't make it that way, shit I'm not even an American!
I'm not claiming that congress has been effective in doing their job, however that doesn't mean that a different branch may rightously circumvent the system. It means that we need to change the system.
I think that's the most disingenuious statement I've heard from you all year.
You haven't been paying attention to Trump, even if you voted for him! :lol:

I keep most of my focus around constitutional issues and America maintaining a liberal democracy. America is a real study in human frailty and character flaws, it's amazing how people can turn themselves into complete fools and suckers while fucking themselves so consistently. The republicans went tough their death cult phase with covid, vaccines and masks and are now are into treason, election cheating and domestic terrorism. They are still sucking Putin's ass too, at least the Trump wing is.

America is the greatest show on earth, keeping your democracy and basic human rights are an issue for us Canadians, so is keeping your guns on your side of the border. Those are my main issues and I don't concern myself with too much else here, America's business is America's business, except when it impacts Canada and millions of women abortion refugees will do that if you elect republicans in November. Trump stabbing Canada and NATO in the back with treason kinda caught my attention too.
I'm not claiming that congress has been effective in doing their job, however that doesn't mean that a different branch may rightously circumvent the system. It means that we need to change the system.
Good luck with that when you can't even protect voting rights and have a filibuster in the senate. I want to see America solve it's problems, be successful and move forward, when America does better we do better, it's that simple. Besides we are friends (relatives too) and we want the best for our friends, it's called good will and it is lacking in congress.
Read the article and also see the diagram on argument . There are existing and a host of proposed abortion laws that look very likely to pass republican legislatures.

Are the "unborn" a big issue for you, should women be punished for sex? I'm trying to grasp your larger point here, you appear to be justifying the SCOTUS decision and Alito's opinion has been eviscerated by many legal experts.

View attachment 5162819

I read the article, I'm questioning if you did. I didn't need the article though, but thank you.

Show in the article where a woman can be convicted of murder in one state while having an abortion in another state.

You cannot.

That's why you're top dancing now, sewing seeds of division.
I read the article, I'm questioning if you did. I didn't need the article though, but thank you.

Show in the article where a woman can be convicted of murder in one state while having an abortion in another state.

You cannot.

That's why you're top dancing now, sewing seeds of division.
Well I did not say that, I said she could be extradited back to a red state where she either had an abortion or a miscarriage. Read my posts. I also said that if she went to another state with the intention of having an abortion, it would most likely be made illegal or considered as such on the principle that if it is indeed murder in the red state then it would be the same as sexually abusing a child in another state or country. If you cannot abuse children abroad, what makes you think you can murder them too?

The flood gates have been opened by the SCOTUS and you are yet to see most of the crazy laws that are now in the works.
Did I not post an article from a reliable source outlining all the existing and proposed abortion laws in America that directly addressed your concerns? The central point of your argument is to be found on the diagram. When a state defines abortion and even miscarriages as murder, the next logical step it to extradite the murder, if in another state. Further more if you can't go out of state to sexually abuse a child, why should you be allowed to go out of state to murder one?

Wars have unintended consequences, including making contraception illegal and men going out of state too for secret operations. What are you going to do about it, if your vote no longer counts and these assholes entrench themselves in power? Make civil war on America and it might look like you are winning for awhile, but when you lose, it will be for good, wars have unintended consequences, just ask the Russians.

Should be easy to find the word murder anywhere in the article then, so go ahead.

1)Find in page

Let's see your results.
Should be easy to find the word murder anywhere in the article then, so go ahead.

1)Find in page

Let's see your results.
asking others to do one’s own homework is a reliable troll tell.

This one asks all manner of invasive questions while committing to no principle.

I suggest that we not feed this troll until the backlog of questions this one has dismissed with flippant nonanswers has been fully and honestly discharged.
Well I did not say that, I said she could be extradited back to a red state where she either had an abortion or a miscarriage. Read my posts. I also said that if she went to another state with the intention of having an abortion, it would most likely be made illegal or considered as such on the principle that if it is indeed murder in the red state then it would be the same as sexually abusing a child in another state or country. If you cannot abuse children abroad, what makes you think you can murder them too?

The flood gates have been opened by the SCOTUS and you are yet to see most of the crazy laws that are now in the works.

That's not how any of this works. Here's what you said pages ago.

What do you think would happen with a woman facing murder over an abortion or miscarriage in a red state who is in a blue state?

Nothing. We have a right to travel freely and unmolested. You can go smoke weed in some states, fuck a prostitute in others and face no consequences when you return. You are trying to muddy the waters with murder, and that's exactly the reason I am betting you can't highlight an example.

Now, find in your article of current and proposed legislation where this is or may be the case. Please include the extradition.
asking others to do one’s own homework is a reliable troll tell.

This one asks all manner of invasive questions while committing to no principle.

I suggest that we not feed this troll until the backlog of questions this one has dismissed with flippant nonanswers has been fully and honestly discharged.

If a cop can't cite what law I'm breaking then he's a full of crap. It will have to be cited on the spot or in court either way. See its on the person of authority flexing the authority to cite the authority.

I've already done what I'm asking for. And there's nothing to show.
That's extra credit.

Cop says what if I arrest you for picking turnips on Wednesday, I say show me in law that you can do that. Then you arrest me for not doing the cops homework.
If a cop can't cite what law I'm breaking then he's a full of crap. See its on the person of authority flexing the authority to cite the authority.

I've already done what I'm asking for. And there's nothing to show.
That's extra credit.

Cop says what if I arrest you for picking turnips on Wednesday, I say show me in law that you can do that. Then you arrest me for not doing the cops homework.
Bad metaphor.

You’re not a cop. You’re trying to bring an argument, which is the daily bread of the academic world.
In that world, anywhere on the globe, you reference all your premises in the peer-reviewed periodical literature. Each discipline has its handful of trusted publications.

It is your duty to bring references to known-good links.
Failure to fully reference is a peremptory total concession of the argument.
Similarly, using nonacademic links. I am always surprised when posters imagine a video has any reference value.

There are rules.

You’re pretty badly on the hind foot in terms of cleanliness of work. You’re not showing the appropriate loss of attitude.
If a cop can't cite what law I'm breaking then he's a full of crap. It will have to be cited on the spot or in court either way. See its on the person of authority flexing the authority to cite the authority.

I've already done what I'm asking for. And there's nothing to show.
That's extra credit.

Cop says what if I arrest you for picking turnips on Wednesday, I say show me in law that you can do that. Then you arrest me for not doing the cops homework.
if you pretend real hard you can pretend that they aren't already openly drafting those laws