which kind of lights?


Active Member
ok I have been reading a bunch of different opinions on this matter, which light is THE best for veg and, THE best for flowering?


Well-Known Member
that is a topic of hot debate. depends on how you define "the best". if you want best yields regardless of the price/power consumption generally people will say HID's and i agree with them. now most people don't have a bottomless wallet so some people define the best as the most efficient.

I recommend HPS/MH (high pressure sodium/metal halide) lights. If you can afford to have 2 ballasts(they're expensive as fuck) do both simultaneously. If not i would us an MH for veg, and a HPS for flower. there are some ballasts that can switch between the two but most people do an hps ballast with a regular hps bulb and an mh conversion bulb. If you can only afford 1, go with an HPS.