Which mineral/nutrient to make frosty crystally buds?

when i added a little calcium nitrate crystals during early/mid flower i get frost people talk about for months

i put 6 to 8gram of it per 10ltrs on top of the mega crop or what ever im using
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I use supplements throughout the grow.
Early on- myco and soil hume-
Then in flower I use black strap molasses a few times-
The soil hume replaced Florilicious plus-
Start with good genetics, might have to pop a dozen seeds to get a good frost developer, then clone it and provide it everything it needs (environment, lighting, nutrients, water) and it will shine. You can't make an unfrosty plant frosty using any amount of additives.
A really frosty monster you will see early on especially with good genetics. They’ll be frostier than most others in the tent. Gorilla Glue Auto I grew, was crystally purple shining fire,
seen some dodgy crap over the years- people soak buds in coke cola , spray with fly spray, spray with perfume all crap, better starting with good beans from a good supplier - personally I say its 95 % genetics and 5% luck - nutrients do stuff all- all the snake oils/water waste of time and money,