which molasses to use...


Active Member
im not sure per gallon but its 4.95 for Wholesome sweetners organic molasses its 16 fl. oz. works great and u can get at any grocery store any molasses is an attractant because of the sweet strong smell which is kinda a downfall if your growing outdoors to attract all those unwanted pests =\ but with every pro there is a con, do they give a nutrition table on the high brix? or no because its not meant for consumption? the high Potassium based molasses is the way to go would suck using something u dont know stats on ya know?


Well-Known Member
"Feed Grade" would=consumption I would think. LOL Animals have a sweet tooth too. It's used as an additive to make feed tastier.

High Brix=more sugar. Much, much thicker than Blackstrap, not as refined. Like I said, feed grade is what's usually used for agricultural applications.

The Organic is good stuff, no doubt. But .... $4.95/16oz=$9.90/qt=$39.60/gallon.

Feed Grade=$8/gallon and even cheaper if you get a 5 gallon pail.

$39.60/gallon vs $8/gallon is an easy choice for me.
