Which setup's better? (pics)


Well-Known Member

Well the venting took quite a bit longer than i expected.. but after two days and several late night trips to the HD, venting is done.. for now..

the little one was transplanted a lot later than the others.

I'm in the process of sealing up the closet now, just taking my temps!

I decided to blow through the light because i couldn't fit the fan inbetween floors. I did however add a 6" inline duct fan on the other side of the light, so it's blowing and pulling through the light.

They got their first taste of 12 hours dark last night, and FINALLY i'm flowering!!

I highly recommend noobs, like myself, get things like this worked out ahead of time! Could have been flowering for weeks..

and now i'm broke as a joke with no gaunja to smoke :cuss:

We Love 1

New Member
It doesn't look like the light can come down much. :(

You want to keep the light ~14 inches away from the plants with a 600w. They will grow faster and have tighter nodes.

Looks good though, You only have 10 weeks or so until You get Your own homegrown to puff on.

Than You won't be broke as a joke and You'll have Ganja to smoke ;-)



Well-Known Member
yeah i'll take some work to move it down, but i did leave some room, and it is doable

i'm gong to add some elbows next time i water and will resolve that issue then, i'm sure there will be many tweeks to this stsyem..


Well-Known Member
Looks like your on your way their Scotts. If it's to much trouble moving the light up and down, you can always lift the plants. Get a couple of cinder blocks and plywood. Makes for a easy shelf.


Well-Known Member
Looks like your on your way their Scotts. If it's to much trouble moving the light up and down, you can always lift the plants. Get a couple of cinder blocks and plywood. Makes for a easy shelf.
thx, thery're 18-24" from light now, temps 74-77 and rH is in low 50s, whew.. this is in the winter though.. dunno what summer will bring.. (closet in basement)

going to work on closing in on the 14" gap, thx to all those who gave support, time for the final stretch..