Which Star Wars Character/Creature would you toke up with?


Well-Known Member
Han Solo, cause it seems like entertaining (though somewhat dangerous) crap takes place around him a lot.


Well-Known Member
I would have to say Obi Wan (original series)

Somehow I think the interchange of conversation with him while stoned would be mind altering!

Young Obi Wan would just go on a hunt for Heroin and chase a suppository down the toilet!



Well-Known Member
Ok aside from the obvious facts that star wars has oddly similar aspects of the movie compared to that of a stoner lifestyle.

You really want mind fuck, read Dune stoned .. about halfway through you realize that the whole fucking universe in that story is stoned....it becomes a total trip when you substitute weed for 'the spice.' That books is so about a war over who can control the weed.



Well-Known Member
Boba Fett. Easily the coolest mother fucker out there. I bet that fucker has some great stoner stories to tell.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't want to hit the Bong with Emperor Palpatine, He'd freak out and think the Rebels were attacking....

Yoda would be cool to smoke up with, "Use The Force Young Padiwan" he would say, then he'd burst out laughing bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Chewbacca or the fat slug guy I forget what his name is though but either one would be awesome.I could just picture chewbacca being high as shit and making that crazy noise.


Well-Known Member
Definitely Chewie and probably Obi Won Kenobi he seems like a pretty chill cat.
Obi Wan would be all right until he pulled that Jedi mind trick bullshit.

"You don't want that last slice of pizza." :lol:

I thought Solo would be my choice because smugglers get their hands on the best shit. Where Solo goes, so goes Chewbaca.

And I'd be paranoid Chewie would rip my arms out of thier sockets if I pissed him off.

I'll pick Leia in the gold bikini.
i would burn some trees with yoda let him drop some knowledge on me. u think he would light joints with his light saber i would also smoke with windu