Which Strains Produce "ROCK-Hard-Nugs"?


Well-Known Member
Skywalker OG produces the hardest nugs I have ever seen they are basically a rock and shaped like a small cone. Yields are average to above average and it is extremely vigorous and fast flowering.


Well-Known Member
Most strains are fully capable of rock hard nuggz,

you just need high umole lighting and quality food
Leave out all pure sativas out of that, honestly this pet guy talks out his ass all the time about shit he has no idea I think he has grown like 3 plants total and they were scraggly looking as hell.


Well-Known Member
Yoda Yoda Yoda

yada yada yada

Anyone can confirm how long I've been growing (and how well) by looking at ALL the threads I have done on RIU over ~ 4 years


Well-Known Member
I've seen petF postings from 09,08,07 over at ICMAG as well. Personally I think the guy knows his stuff dude.....


Well-Known Member
Just remembered a grow from about 10 years ago that had super dense nugs,Sensi Seeds Hindu Kush.I heard they might not be as good as they were then though.


Any help finding me a strain for sog that has large dense yields but doesnt require alot of veg time would be nice...it seems all the srains ive grown are either hard nugs but long vegging or fluffy bud with 1 week veg,, indicas dont stretch wile sativas do,,lookin for the best of both worlds. im trying dynamite right now it says 1 week veg 50 days flower..mine is 1/2 way into flower yet only 1 foot tall,,,i was expecting more..
jack herer great for sog or scog.


Well-Known Member
Just Chopped a WHITE LEMON with a definite EL NIÑO pheno really lemony and super super DENSE! Lotsa resin lotsa smell super bag appeal mmmmmmm might have to grow White Lemon again!
@bluesdad I am looking for a KUSH.... I grew Critical Kush but rats chewed thru me stems!.... and I do luvvvvvvv PowerKush.... but Hindu Kush is sounding Deeeeeeeeeelicious!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just Chopped a WHITE LEMON with a definite EL NIÑO pheno really lemony and super super DENSE! Lotsa resin lotsa smell super bag appeal mmmmmmm might have to grow White Lemon again!
@bluesdad I am looking for a KUSH.... I grew Critical Kush but rats chewed thru me stems!.... and I do luvvvvvvv PowerKush.... but Hindu Kush is sounding Deeeeeeeeeelicious!!!!!!!!!!!
I love hindu, it's like a fruitier bubba. My buddy gets a sack of it every once in a while. Sadly he can't get me clones.

I don't know how easy it would be to find a keeper in a pack, give it a go and let me know :)


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt buy the hindu kush from sensi, ive had bad seeds from them, paid for super skunk and it was super crap, very small buds, smell of fresh cut grass. i expected much more from them, theyve been around a long time,seen it in the big book of buds, had to get it and was very disapointed.still have shiva skunk,havnt popped any yet but i hope it is far better than the money i wasted on the super skunk.


Well-Known Member
I'm running MLI and so far she's definitely holding her own in comparison to other strains. She was slow from the start, but not having hybrid vigor isn't surprising. I plan on revegging her as she was a bean pole plant and didn't have any off shoots to take prior to flower. Have another healthy one going into flower next.

Obviously I haven't smoked her yet, but based on appearance, she is definitely looking fantastic. Great trichome coverage even on fan leaves, and a very sweet aroma flowing from her.

Can't say all of sensi gear is junk or amazing. Only one strain and of a couple plants, but I'm pretty excited to chop her down in a few weeks.