White Picket Fence Garden or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2010!


Well-Known Member
If anybody lives near Leggett, CA (a little south of fortuna, north of ukiah) they should check out my homies band. it's some bad ass stoner-rock with a lot of different influences. really good shit though.

Sat. July 17th



Well-Known Member
Some pics from this morning, and one with my beloved cat simon that I've had since I was 11 and I'm probably going to take to the vet and have put down tonight because he cant control himself and Diarrhea's all over the house and throws up a lot. it's really sad because other than that he is a gangster and still acts the same as ever and loves to be petted and is really social..



Active Member
ODB, your plants are looking good as always. Do you have any recommendations for organic nutes? Right now I'm only using fish emulsion, but my plants are still rather young and vegging. I've heard kelp is good to use in conjunction with fish emulsion, but I was wondering if there was something else I should pick up too. Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks bud.

That really sucks about your cat-- I had a childhood cat that became incontinent and was in constant pain, and taking her to the vet was a rough experience. I'm secure in my masculinity, but I cried like a baby through that whole ordeal-- it's losing a family member. She was 18 and still catching birds and mice before her time! Remember to celebrate the life lived, not lost. Best wishes ODB.


Well-Known Member
I talked my family into letting my cat stay until tonight so I could go to the club and get some real good weed and get stone, hang out and say goodbye to him. but, they took him in after they dropped me off at the shop cause they though it would be easier on me. I feel really bad I didnt get to say goodbye. I'm 24 and have had him since I was 11. It really hurts and I feel like a bad owner for not being there when he was put down. :cry:

R.I.P. Simon 1996-2010



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your loss. She truly was beautiful! Be happy though, 13 years of good times and companionship is something to be glad of, to hold onto, and to know that it never ends on the inside, ;). Now there is a space in your life you may want to fill. I hope you fill it with something just as important and beneficial to you. It may be right around the corner, or it may be in your back yard. It may be new friends, or rekindling old fires. It may be a part of yourself, or a part of the world. But its there, waiting for you to pick it up whatever it is.

Again, nice garden.


Well-Known Member
So sorry to hear about Simon man :-(
I feel your pain having to lose such a great companion. I lost two animals last year around this time and it was so damn hard taking them to the vet and then leaving without them...but just the liek Journey song, the wheel in the sky does keep on turning. and we may not know what tomorrow holds but God never throws us anything that we cant handle. We may not want to handle the hard times but it just builds our character to allow us to grow as individuals in those hard times. but like Loaded said, that opening in your life will in time be filled. who knows what that might be, but thats what keeps life exciting. Im going to smoke a fat backwood for him in just a little. RIP Simon and thanks for sharing him with us man. he seems to have been one of the greats


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot guys. It really helps to hear things like that.

I will come back in a little bit and update my garden pics. After I smoke a big bong load and water.


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics from today. I transplanted another plant into the garden and added mycrorizae to all the plants that arent in rings. I also took a couple more pictures of their daily abuse. ;-):bigjoint:

The 8th pick is the jack herer plant which is looking very lovely. Pic 10 is the lime trainwreck that is finally starting to bush out.

In the last pick there is a ghost or something above my garden.:blsmoke:bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Here's a picture of my little trinity orange plant after I put some myco down, she looks like a little coke-head. lol.

The second one is the purple kush x skunk #1 that I'm keeping an eye on in case it hermies because the seeds came from a hermie plant..



Well-Known Member
here's an update. just got back from humboldt, heading to the bay tonight to see a show in oakland tomarrow and party. here's a group pic from today.



Well-Known Member
saw MGMT. it was super dope. It was after a looooong day of partying though. now im just stuck in frisco, my homie who was gonna take me back north bailed and went to LA. so im just caught in the grip of the cities madness. fuck the tenderloin. lol.


Well-Known Member
MGMT was down in red rocks a few weeks ago I believe.......Always some good drugs in the loin though, I only end up out there once a year, but I am very far away.....