munch box

Well-Known Member
I don't know about this guy ghetto grower. the past couple days I've seen him give some really bad advise to people...


Active Member
it couldnt have been overwatered,i watered it while it looked like that,only improved until i turned off fan.and i have had lights on it 24/7 and turned them off for first time to rearrange,could that have been the issue


Active Member
Looks overwatered. You only wanna see like 20% runoff. Let your soil or medium dry in between feedings how much water do you give them in those pots? Let them dry on there own but not too much. If it dries too much it will also droop. Also looks like it may need some food. How much ppms do you feed? How old is the plant?


Active Member
the plant looks great , green and healthy . Maybe he needs more light there or its overwatered problem .


Active Member
plant is 3 weeks old fed 100ppm roots organic grow in fox farm ocean forrest.OK saturday 2pm check plant looks fine,put a fan on it mixd up some food,turned off light for first time,7pm turned lights on plant was droopy,fed her, 10pm plant still droopy,turned fan off. next morning 10am check plant looks awesome.


Well-Known Member
If u think the fan is causing the droop, it might be blasting to much air on the plant...face the fan twards a wall or the ground, so the air isn't hitting the plant directly, But moving the air in the room....fans causing problems is unheard of as far as I'm concernd.. The more the better IMO


Well-Known Member
Did you start'em in ffof? Don't do it and don't believe this fools on here tell you they start seedlings in ffof! I do week 1 like this start'em in 18 0z cups of light warrior or sunshine mix 4 is good too. Give'em plain water. 1 week later I transplant in to 1 gallon trade pot that is really .75 of a gallon whatever it is, But I keep'em in the Light warrior/sunshine mix 4 for another week give'em just enough water to get going you don't have to flush the dirt it's brand new! At the end of the second week or their second watering in the 1 gallon pots give'em a 1/2 tsp of Grow Big this will keep'em going till you put'em in the ffof. Then when they get root bound in the 1 gallon pots I take'em babies and put'em in 5 gallon pot that is really 3.9 or so of ffof and they loving it! I waited till they had 2 or almost 3 sets of real leaves:clap: If they get root bound in the 5 gallon pots I have some 7 galloners ready:lol:
These are some before and after pic's 1 gallons are drooping cause of root bound this is pic 1 pic 2 is less than a day later their perted up! The last two pic's are today:clap: Don't start'em in ffof!!!!!
Picture 211.jpgPicture 214.jpgPicture 209.jpgPicture 239.jpgPicture 240.jpg


Well-Known Member
lol, iv started many seeds in FFOf, and iv fed them full strength growbig/bigbloom at early as 2 weeks...works for me...dont be such a drama queen ghetto