White Widow and Mystery


Started some seedling of white widow and a mystery seed from my hubby's uncle. They've sprouted, and now we have them in a little dome to make females (Fingers crossed it works!) after they are big enough (and the weather is better) they are going outside to finish the grow. I'm just curious, my friend who grows indoors says we need to have them on a 18&6 hour light cycle....but if i'm going to put them outside that's not going to happen, so i've had them under light from 7am to 7pm. I'm trying to follow the sun hours as much as possible. oh, I have a heating pad underneath it to keep it humid.

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Well-Known Member
What kind of lighting are you using, I ask because they seem to be stretching alot. Get your light closer to them so they wont get so lanky. I also recommend that you have them on a 16/8 schedule, let them grow for about a month indoors. Then transplant them outside and they will get nice and big come harvest time(sept/oct).

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Yes veg them out 18/6 (my rec) and if safe (pests/nosey neighbors) when bigger harden them off in shade then eventualy full sun 2 hrs a day.