White Widow (feminized seed from NIRVANA)


New pics didn't come out great today. However, Alexandra looks lovely.

The smell is becoming more prevalent. It has not yet become so intense as to leak into our main living area, but as soon as I take the first step downstairs, I smell the strong, citrus odors emanating from the girlie.

I gave her about 1/3 of a gallon of nutes today. I'm guessing my GF watered her yesterday without telling me since the solution went right through the soil to the tray.

Buds are getting denser and they are frosted with crystals. No browning pistils yet. Turned her 180 degrees and shifted her place int he tent to allow the nodes on the other side to get a bit more light.


Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
MY MY these plants have come on leaps and bounds, well done, yeah mine didnt smell for ages i was beginning to wonder if they ever would , but now they stink to high heaven! lolol. Im gonna chop mine come the weekend as its getting way to close to xmas and the plants are top heavy to wait any longer. Plus what i've tried from a snapped bud so far is more than done enough to get mega stoned so reckon i'll be happy even if the plant hasn't realised it's true potential. Wanna take any bets early to see what my cropped weight will be? haha. Good grow hun and i hope you dont run into any setbacks before the end :D

Agent xxx


Week six of bloom is upon me and today I noticed the purple tinges in the fan leaves as well as a very small portion of browning pistils.

The odor remains quite fruity and I am having visions of the herb billowing into a bowl . . . I may have to get a new bowl to celebrate this first crop!

A few of the pictures are out of focus (gotta get a manual focus digital camera!), but you can see the purple tint on several of the fan leaves.



Alexandra is coming right along! The citrus smell is giving way to some skunky undertones, but not at ALL unpleasant!

Picked off some of the necrotic leaves to allow additional light penetration. The nodes are scattered pretty well around all the branches. The main cola is swelling and the fan leaves sprouting from it are tinged with purple giving a lovely aesthetic.

I switched my camera to manual mode and closed the aperture slightly. Some of the pics are still fuzzy or out of focus, but show the nicely frosted nodal areas and bud sites.



Week 7 of bloom . . .

Did some clearing of necrotic leaves to allow more light penetration to the nodes. The remaining fan leaves are mostly yellowing. The smell is still citrus, but more skunky now.

The colours are certainly striking! :weed:

I think I'm going to stop feeding nutes to the gal; I'll probably flush tomorrow for good measure and then do another flush at the end of week 8.

It won't be long now . . .



So I have a spider mite infestation just days away from harvest!

I lightly sprayed the buds with a mixture of non-anti-bacterial dish soap and gave the plant a flush; which I needed to do anyway. I will spray them with clean water in about 20 minutes to rinse the leaves and buds of the solution and may need to re-treat my girl later on.

The plant's environment has been unchanged for some time; how could those little buggers get in there? JEEZ!

The leaves on the main cola are curling up and I THOUGHT it was just because it was time to harvest. NOW I realize that it could have been due to these pests in my grow space.

Either way, the plant is at day 59 (or maybe 58) of flowering and has surpassed its peak odor. Nirvana says to flower for 9 - 11 weeks. The Good Bud Guide says 63-70 days for White Widow (original). I'd rather do it a bit early and conquer these pests with a little less potent bud than lose the entire plant by trying to hold out for more time. The trichs on the lateral nodes are mostly amber and on the main cola the trichs are about 60% amber or so.

I unplugged my lights and will allow the fan to continue to run. Alexandra is currently in the deep sink in my basement and her soil is draining from the flush I just gave her.

Hang in there, Alexandra! Don't give up! We'll make it!!!!!


Well-Known Member
LOVE the journal man!! your plant is lokoing fuckin awesome!! im madd excited!!!.. my white widow seeds from nirvana should be here within the next day or two.. and seeing how yours came out.. im even more excited!! lol.. im sorry to hear bout the spider mite infestation.. just keep doin wat ur doin and kill those little fuckers!! as long as you stay on top of it you should be good!! keep us posted man!! and good luck!!


Well-Known Member
Tough break on the mites. I'm crossing my finger they don't get my girls in the next month.

Harvesting in the next week before they get out of control? Good luck and happy smoking.


Active Member
sorry bout the pest man looked real good prior though hope u get some nugs. how does nirvana seed the seeds i live in a medicaly legalized situation but im still worried about it being found in route and bringing heat to myself sorry to clutter up your thread with a question just figured best to ask someone with experience for specifics


sorry bout the pest man looked real good prior though hope u get some nugs. how does nirvana seed the seeds i live in a medicaly legalized situation but im still worried about it being found in route and bringing heat to myself sorry to clutter up your thread with a question just figured best to ask someone with experience for specifics
Well, I'll tell you that the shipping from Nirvana was quite stealthy. I got my seeds from them in less than 2 weeks. I'm in the States and they didn't get nabbed in transit, so hopefully your will come without any incident.


Well-Known Member
i have not grown any strain of diesel and really wanting to know if anyone has tried the power diesel


I just got done hanging my buds to dry!

Woke up early to get started before the kids woke up. Got some really great pics . . . I might have to wait on posting those. The kids are here for one more day and then I can give this thread some attention.

It appears I was able to thwart the spider mites. There were some remnants of webbing and little spider mite carcasses, but no movement, thankfully.

About 3 hours from start to finish and that was just for one plant! EEEEEK! I have seven seeds left, so maybe I'll just stick to WW until I get more experience. Overall, this particular strain was hearty and bounced back even after a pretty bad scare (see earlier in the thread for details).

VERY STICKY . . . but that's a good thing! :weed:

I didn't bother to weigh it wet; we'll see, but it looks like a pretty good amount for my first time out. Got a new bong to commemorate the first successful crop, but I couldn't wait to break it in! LOL


Here's some pics from harvest day. My GF insisted on staging some pics with the new bong. She's SO creative!




I might have cut them from the stems too soon; the buds are in jars curing right now, but we have sampled the wares and I must give it a thumbs up. I was retarded for about three hours until I fell asleep.
