White Widow Grow


Well-Known Member
I don't have the room to let it go untopped, I would like to top it more than once, I have plenty of room to LST, just not height...I have tried my hand at LSTing and I must say it's not that hard lol...I broke my water pH meter, so now the edges are curling up from too high of pH...I can't find anywhere what a household chemical is to put into the water mix to bring the pH down, because my water is naturally atleast 7.6.


Well-Known Member
I don't have the room to let it go untopped, I would like to top it more than once, I have plenty of room to LST, just not height...I have tried my hand at LSTing and I must say it's not that hard lol...I broke my water pH meter, so now the edges are curling up from too high of pH...I can't find anywhere what a household chemical is to put into the water mix to bring the pH down, because my water is naturally atleast 7.6.
vinager or lemon juice, either diluted with water, don;t know how much


Well-Known Member
I can judge by what the leaves do if it's too high or too low...or just right...I have studied chemistry and how the plants respond to it...always loved chemistry anyway, and put that and growing together and I am amazed...it's just really interesting to me. I think I should try my hand at dro now because I've had almost all types of problems from overwater, overfert, under pH, over pH, and deficiencies and have corrected them successfully so I have a pretty good grasp on it.


Well-Known Member
vinager or lemon juice, either diluted with water, don;t know how much
I would rep you but I gotta spread it around first :), but thanks, that's what I thought and I used that last night and they responded great, just poured about a Tbs in a gallon and saturated...the new leaves look way better, I brought my other one back from too low of pH and the new leaves were turning light green.


Well-Known Member
:wall: Finally got a pH tester...man was I off on the vinegar adding lol!! It was probably about 4.....a little advice, like 1/4 tsp is all you need when adding vinegar to 7 ph tap water....anyway, it's back in order now, the WW are coming on up, starting the 2nd pair of true leaves....i was right, the ones I put in too deep are trashed...they didn't reach the surface in time...and sadly died, I'll be making a final count of sprouted and sprouted but didn't reach it to the surface, I think it's because the seeds were so small...half my fault too. But will definately know next time!