White Widow grow


Well-Known Member
there outside in my shed lol and 1 of my plants started its life in my compost heap which is now the biggest plant ive got its the plant thats by itself and lush green


Well-Known Member
nice, starting to produce some crystals :) it starts to get good. what and when are u feeding them? only reason i ask is coz some of ur stems are purple :s other than that, healthy as a horse.


Well-Known Member
to be honest i am still learning my self
this is only my second grow there is one thing everyone will say yours girls need lots of lighting
i`m growing 9 white widow in one grow room with 3 5foot floras lights and that still aint enough


Well-Known Member
thats one thing i dont worry about as mine are clones and always will be lol very doubtful i will ever have males .. but yeh good luck


Well-Known Member
mine is feminized.......and it's the clone from the momma...... neva mind....i'm jus tryin to be social :D lmao!!!


Active Member
Keep the updates coming bro!! I am new, but have been reading as many grow threads as I possibly can to try and get an idea for how I want to do my setup. I am trying to learn as much as I can. This seems like an entirely new social aspect to bud for me.

I can't believe white widow is that cheap over there!!! You will never find WW for under 400/zip here (american dollars), and right now it is so bad people are paying 4.5, and 5 for them...


Well-Known Member
i could sell it for more money but there is no point i would rather keep my customers plus they are loyal to me

good luck


Well-Known Member
So I just stumbled upon your thread... It caught my interest because WW is one of my favorite strands. I've only had two complete grows. I'm doing mine a bit different, cause they're in hydroponics. One thing that caught my attention about your thread is the similarity of our plants when they are young. My plants have the same 3 sometimes abnormally shappen 4 leaf pattern yours had early on. I read in my grow book that once a plant takes on this trait that it is pretty much fucked and will be a very light yeilder. I came very close to getting rid of the mother and throwing out all the cuttings I had taken. What is your take on the matter and have you seen it at all effect any of your plants? Take care.


Well-Known Member
hi it was only this grow which it happened on and only a few of my plants also its never happened before so i dont know