Whites and blacks in US 'disagree on racism'

You only care because its happening to your " race" and yet you want people outside your " race" to stand up and end it.

Or are you that duped by television that you dont even realize that they are killing unarmed people every day of all shades?
Yes but don't you think you would be more successful if you teamed up with people of every race? I'm down to fight with y'all and you need more than the 15% or so we need Natives, Latinos and whites divided we fail.
Of course I'd be down with that. Unfortunately, it wouldn't matter. I've stated this many times, and I genuinely believe it to be true. None of this matters until white people become outraged. Nothing changes in America until there is white anger, as they are the only ones with any power to affect change.
I didn't create this problem, yet you expect me to be a part of some "solution"? Lol, that's rich.
Your victimhood is your problem and within your ability to solve. Baby steps. Most others, white and otherwise, did not create the issue either, yet YOU expect them to fix YOUR problems. How is it possible that you have developed such a high opinion of yourself in such an environment?
Of course I'd be down with that. Unfortunately, it wouldn't matter. I've stated this many times, and I genuinely believe it to be true. None of this matters until white people become outraged. Nothing changes in America until there is white anger, as they are the only ones with any power to affect change.
It can happen racism on both sides is the biggest problem though. We had them hippy protests and some black people joined even Muhammed Ali we stopped that war together united against the government.

We can do it again but we must work together and what better time than now no matter who we pick for president it won't change we must force change.
It can happen racism on both sides is the biggest problem though. We had them hippy protests and some black people joined even Muhammed Ali we stopped that war together united against the government.

We can do it again but we must work together and what better time than now no matter who we pick for president it won't change we must force change.
Muhammed Ali is my favorite athlete and one of the people who I personally consider a HERO. Let's be honest with ourselves though, the stands that he took required the backing of white outrage. Without that, he'd probably just been sent to prison.