Whites and blacks in US 'disagree on racism'

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Go for it man, add up the body count. I would be surprised if China didn't come out as the number 1 killer in history, even ahead of Russia, as they have clocked up around 150,000,000 kills just in internal conflicts. And that doesn't even include the Mongols or Timur or the Sino-Japanese wars. You can think whatever you want, but the actual numbers just don't support the idea that white people are some unique force of violence. Or are you now also considering Asians to be White because it's more convenient?

Coercion based government is the number one killer. You have merely listed a few of the subdivisions.

Until a forcible means as a systemic norm is removed, nothing significant will change.


Well-Known Member
absolutely nothing except, the fact that u start riots over lets say 10 killed by cops a day when blacks kill 1000 a day......gee i don't see it either.....your nothing but a coward who won't stand up to your own race, so u lash out at anyone else.........COWARD!!!


Well-Known Member
absolutely nothing except, the fact that u start riots over lets say 10 killed by cops a day when blacks kill 1000 a day......gee i don't see it either.....your nothing but a coward who won't stand up to your own race, so u lash out at anyone else.........COWARD!!!
So you condone the police killing unarmed black people?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So now we're assuming that all of those unarmed deaths are were that of criminals? Careful, your privilege is starting to show.

That's a good point to make.

There is a difference between a real criminal act and a statutory criminal act.
Present legal structures usually make no distinction between malum prohibitum and mala in se.


Well-Known Member
That's a good point to make.

There is a difference between a real criminal act and a statutory criminal act.
Present legal structures usually make no distinction between malum prohibitum and mala in se.
I actually had to Google what in the hell that meant, lol.


Well-Known Member
So you condone the police killing unarmed black people?
i believe quite a few are justified, yes! i don't waste my time on frivolous bs when the black on black murder is 97% higher. when my car won't start i don't pull the motor, i check the battery then alternator.....u know, where the problem most likely starts. your a hate monger, simple as that. i will say it again, most cops killing unarmed blacks are justified. just because they didn't have a gun doesn't mean they didn't threaten a life.....coward! how many names do you have on this site alone??? COWARD

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
i believe quite a few are justified, yes! i don't waste my time on frivolous bs when the black on black murder is 97% higher. when my car won't start i don't pull the motor, i check the battery then alternator.....u know, where the problem most likely starts. your a hate monger, simple as that. i will say it again, most cops killing unarmed blacks are justified. just because they didn't have a gun doesn't mean they didn't threaten a life.....coward! how many names do you have on this site alone??? COWARD

I'd have to disagree. A cop enforces laws and makes no distinction if the law he / she enforces is wrong to begin with.

So, if a cop is in the act of enforcing a malum prohibitum law against any person white or black and that person is killed during that interaction, the killing might be legally justifiable, but that doesn't mean it wasn't an application of offensive force by the cop, hence murder, on the cops part.


Well-Known Member
why are you trying to attribute to skin color that which has already been explained by socioeconomic status?
Post the data that poor whites are committing murders at the same rate as poor blacks. I'm not opposed to that I just have not seen any data that backs that. I'm not the dept of justice I'm backing my argument with what they gave us to go by.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
@CrocodileStunter if you are not too busy fellating a golden retriever, let's you and me play a game.

you keep asking why black people are so violent. so let me go ahead and lay down some violence by white people. if you can show me the equivalent by blacks, i will leave the site forever.

i'll start: the holocaust.

your turn, scumbag.

So are you are asking for a comparison of government violence when one race holds the gun versus when another race holds the gun ?

Or are you asking for a comparison of non government related violence broken according to the race of the instigator?

What do you have against Golden Retrievers?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Damn, unable to get the whole, you reply with a piece. Did slavery only exist in one form? The US was practicing an unusual in civilized history form of society that was based on large scale race based generational slavery. Almost unheard of in history Very different from taking a few people captive.

There hasn't been a "civilized society" yet. The shades of slavery have been adjusted that's all.

In the present, more slaves exist, but they are allowed to keep a larger portion of the fruit of their labor and they have a few more privileges than slaves in the past.

A "free range" slave still has their eggs collected regularly and can still end up as sunday dinner now.


Well-Known Member
@CrocodileStunter if you are not too busy fellating a golden retriever, let's you and me play a game.

you keep asking why black people are so violent. so let me go ahead and lay down some violence by white people. if you can show me the equivalent by blacks, i will leave the site forever.

i'll start: the holocaust.

your turn, scumbag.
Also the Holocaust should not really be blamed on white people. Germans and Italians did it until Lucky Luciano made a deal to take out Mousseline in exchange for getting out of prison.

But white people are the only people who stopped the Nazi's. Sure some Africans fought them in the beginning of WW2 which is somehow why Rastas believe Sallasie was God in his king form. Lol, But he did make a good point about war Bob Marley sang about it.

But look at Jamaica they kill batty boys (homosexuals)


Well-Known Member
why not answer my questions, ohh thats right you are a fuggin coward!!! the only thing u can even think about is cop on black.....narrow minded COWARD!!!
Because your questions have nothing to do with this conversation, and I'm not attracted to shiny objects.