WhiteWidow&sum AK-47 grow journel


The Gardener
Looing good man .... I luv the smell of the widow plants has a sweet tangy smell like no other plant ive smelt your going to have loads of buds from them ww plants i dont know how the AK yeilds but also looking great

Id like to grow some ak47 myself but im not becouse its ment to be so smelly hows the smell from them ...


The Gardener
Heres a pic..... They were in early flowering about the same stage as yours

That was from my 1st ever grow with some know thanks to roll it up ....Im now on my 2nd growing into my 3rd



Well-Known Member
Hello to anyone that is following this journal, and here is alittle update on my beauty's. They are doing very well the temp in room on 12off is between 70-80 degree and rh today was at 39% now with the 12on the temp increases abit as well as the rh. the Ak's are on crack at 14 days they are covered with crystals and the smell not yet overpowering. i'll take some pic soon.. any comments are welcome would actually be very helpful for me in my grow.. thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
thanks olds,trying to get this thing down,lol.i think im getting close.i tried a couple plants here and there outdoors in the past.did ALOT of research read ALOT of threads,built,re-built,re-re-built,lol.....ive got a couple more things to work on(co2 system)on a little vent work upgrades todo but im pleased with the early results so far......thanks again,peace


Well-Known Member
was up all,the widow and ak are really jumping off right now.today is #18 in flower.i'll load some new pic's in a few.....peace all


Well-Known Member
hey lilvicious found your grow lol. looks great very impressive especially for your first time!!! keep up the good work. im gonna keep an eye on this one.


Well-Known Member
Hey lilvicious,
Doin great for your first grow, first time grower myself.
How do you like the AK? Gonna pop some myself.How would you rate them in all aspects of growing.
Will be watching this grow!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey dmg,the ak47 is very very nice.....no problems from clone to current flower stage.heavy with trich's @ 16 days.now @ 22 days its loaded w/them.the widow is a longer flowering plant,but is catching up quickly w/ the ak......im looking forward to having a nice sunday of football and an ounce of the choicest buds from the grow.....gonna be a great fall/winter.....:)